
Monday, March 11, 2019

Nanomedicine Essay

Nanomedicine Obtaining the Benefits, Managing the Risks The phrase small is beautiful has taken on sassy meaning to Some nanomedicine drug-delivery systems and anti- cancer drugs those involved in the scientific empyrean known as na nonechnology, argon already in use. Many another(prenominal) applications are in various phases which involves engineering and utilizing significants at the nano- of clinical or pre-clinical testing, and, if found safe and effective, meter scale that is, as small as iodine-billionth of a meter. Reduced may reach the market in five to 12 years. More advance nano- o these minute dimensions, substances a good deal undergo significant medicine products such as biocontainers for medical diagnostics changes for example, carbon becomes stronger than steel and and cell preaching are in primitively stages of development. copper is transparent. The increasing mightiness of science to compress materials to the submicroscopic take aim is touch on man y fields of human endeavor. Current and emergent nanotechnology applications include advanced energy generation and storage systems, as well as rude(a) chemical additives and industrial materials.More than 300 products with nano-scale ingredients are already on the market, ranging from sunscreens to bowl ball coatings. Regulatory and Risk Issues Despite the accelerating pace of nanotechnology progress, many organic regulative issues are only now being addressed by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These include defining what constitutes a nanotechnology product, establishing regulatory authority over various types of products, adopting labeling requirements, and calculating the health and environmental shock of emerging applications.One rapidly developing area of nanotechnology research is nanomedicine, the process of using molecular tools and molecular knowledge of the human trunk for the purpose of diagnosing and treating illness. (Freitas, R. , Nanomedicine, Vol . 1 Basic Capabilities, Georgetown, Texas Landes Bioscience, 1999. ) The swift progress of nanomedicine research makes it necessary to determine the gambles and begin the process of limiting electromotive force exposure. Risk assessment is one of the major challenges facing the FDA, as techniques knowing for macroscopic materials may be unreli suitable for nanotechnology products.A National Research Council report (available at http//www. nap. edu/catalog. php? record_id=11752) noted that until the risks associated with nanotechnology are more clearly understood, it is prudent to employ nigh precautionary measures to entertain the health and arctic of workers, the public Nanomedicine Applications and the environment. Nanomedicine may potentially revolutionize our ability to screen, This precautionary philosophy applies equally to health care organ- diagnose and treat conditions ranging from cancer to cardio- izations. While the promise of nanomedicine is bright, the risks as cular disease to diabetes. Scientists are at work on the fol belittleding and ethical questions posed by these advances must be consid- projects, among many others ered carefully. Major potential risks include infection and ancestral testing tools that are faster, more accurate and less invasive than conventional methods nanoneedle and pulsed laser cognitive process that alters cell structures without damaging surrounding areas targeted drug-delivery systems that transport the drug exactly where necessary and monitor its effect nanotube-based biosensing devices that provide in vivo iagnostic testing capabilities, such as tracking electrolyte and blood glucose levels gold-coated nanoparticles that destroy individual tumor cells while deviation nearby healthy cells unharmed intelligent synthetic biomaterials that mimic body perchance heightened toxicity of free nanoparticles, which may be able to bypass the bodys defenses and interfere with basic biological processes gene tic alteration, as some therapies operate at the chromosomal level and hence raise interwoven ethical questions, ranging from informed consent of the unborn o the prospect of genetic enhancement for the few to the issues surrounding stem cell research environmental and workplace impact, as the particles are often too small to be trapped by available filtration systems and may accumulate in water, argument or plants, with unpredictable consequences tissues and may eventually enable organ renewing AlertBulletin A R i s k M a n a g e m e n t U p d a t e f ro m C N A H e a l t h P ro 08 issue 6 healthcare paradigm shift, as new technologies possibly result in obsolescence for some established therapeutic modalities, creating new financial and administrative emands in terms of equipment, care settings, and staff training and competencies. Strategies As the nanomedicine revolution unfolds, healthcare organizations must find effective ways to ensure patient safety and reduce the liabi lity risks inherent in adopting cutting-edge diagnostic and word techniques. The following proactive measures can assist your healthcare organization in maximizing the potential benefits of nanomedicine while minimizing associated risks Create a nanomedicine task draw out composed of clinical and administrative leaders with a high level of scientific ophistication to research nanomedicine prospects, benefits, costs and risks, and incorporate the groups findings into the strategic planning process. Undertake prospective risk analysis to address areas of potential enterprise liability, including adverse outcomes, environmental hazards, and implicit warranties or guarantees contained within marketing materials. Initiate a discussion with the ethics committee regard- ing emerging nanomedicine issues, including use of stem cells and the question of genetic enhancement. Develop a risk posture vis-a-vis nanomedicine, in collabo- ation with intelligent counsel, and ensure that risk and damages coverage issues are factored into decisions involving nanomedicine. Recognize that insurers may not be able to make a blanket generalization concerning coverage for nanomedicine risks, which at this layer are difficult to predict and/or quantify. As with all legal causes of action, nanomedicinerelated claims would be assessed on an individual basis. Adapt your organizations informed consent policies to the new realities, taking into account the generally low state of consumer awareness regarding nanomedicine and he unknowns that accompany a radi abusey new technology. Specifically, your informed consent process for nanomedicine therapies should encompass an extensive educational fragment for patients and acknowledge the limitations of current knowledge and experience in this area. Strengthen policies and systems designed to track patients within the institution, report adverse events, and monitor equipment and suppliers. Designate those answerable for reporting inc idents to the FDA and/or the manufacturer and ensure that personnel understand inhering reporting rules and procedures. Revise competency and credentialing models for pro- viders and staff to include emerging technologies and approaches. vouch that staff members are familiar with policies regarding nanotechnology applications and acceptable off-label uses. Manage the product proviso chain and establish policies regarding the presence of vendor representatives in clinical settings where treatment is rendered. Advocate for more basic scientific and safety research on nanomedicine and nanotoxicology, as sound regulation and more manageable risk forget require a deeper level of theoretical and empirical knowledge.Resources Ebbesen, M. , Jensen, T. Nanomedicine Techniques, Potentials and Ethical Implications. diary of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2006, Article ID 51516, pp. 1-11. easy at http//www. hindawi. com/getarticle. aspx? doi=10. 1155/jbb/2006/51516. Freitas, R. Current Status of Nanomedicine and health check Nanorobotics. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2005, Volume 21, pp. 1-25. Available at http// www. nanomedicine. com/Papers/NMRevMar05. pdf. Nanotechnology A Report of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration Nanotechnology proletariat Force, July 25, 2007.Department of Health & Human Services. Available at http//www. fda. gov/ nanotechnology/taskforce/report2007. pdf. Nanotechnology Untold Promise, Unknown Risk. ConsumerReports. org, July 2007. Available at http//www. consumerreports. org/cro/health-fitness/nanotechnology7-07/overview/0707_nano_ov_1. htm. Walker, B. , Mouton, C. Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine A Primer. Journal of the National Medical Association, celestial latitude 2006, Volume 9812, pp. 1985-1988. 1. 888. 600. 4776 www. cna. com/healthpro/ CNA HealthPro, 333 S.Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60604 Published by CNA. For additional information, please call CNA HealthPro at 1-888-600-4776. The informa tion, examples and suggestions presented in this material have been developed from sources believed to be reliable, scarce they should not be construed as legal or other original advice. CNA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this material and recommends the consultation with equal legal counsel and/or other professional advisors before applying this material in any particular factual situations.This material is for illustrative purposes and is not intended to constitute a contract. Please remember that only the pertinent insurance policy can provide the actual terms, coverages, amounts, conditions and exclusions for an insured. all in all products and operate may not be available in all states. CNA is a service mark registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Copyright 2008 CNA. All rights reserved. Printed 11/08.

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