
Friday, September 13, 2019

UAE Shoe online Business Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

UAE Shoe online Business Plan - Assignment Example Nevertheless, the supplemental funding is needed to start work on web design, purchase of server, computers and software, brand marketing and modifications, and to clear expenses incurred during the initial year of management. Additional funding has already been obtained from; firstly $50,000 from the Local Entrepreneurs Funds; Secondly $700,000 are personal savings, thirdly; $1,200,000 from two investors, and lastly $10,500 as a short-term loan. UAE shoe online will be included as a Limited Liability Company category. This will cushion the proprietor and the two outside investors from matters of personal liability as well as double taxation. Nonetheless, the investors will get the treatment accorded to shareholders and hence will not be given anything more than their personal investment worth $600,000 each. The funding, an extra amount of the capital contributions invested by the proprietor, shareholders as well as the LEF, will enable UAE shoe online to successfully start and susta in operations throughout the first year. Nevertheless, the large initial capital investment will enable UAE shoe online to avail to its customer’s absolute an online shop for shoes of its kind in UAE. A unique, fashionable, and innovative atmosphere is needed to present the customers with a setting that will enhance easy shoe buying. Successful business at the end of the first year will provide UAE shoe online Company with a consumer base that will enable it to be self-reliant in the following year (Evans & Brown, 2009). Objectives- UAE shoe online company’s objectives for the initial three years of business encompass the establishment of an upscale, unique, innovative setting that will distinguish the company from local shoe sellers. Keys to Success- The setting up of a matchless, innovative, fashionable atmosphere that will separate the firm from other domestic establishments and future shoe sellers; the creation of UAE shoe online Company as a fashionable shoe compa ny; and the establishment of an opportunity that is user-friendly in the execution of duties. Mission- As the fame of the Internet grows exponentially, affordability and proximity of resources of the online medium are significant. UAE shoe online company provides individuals, first online shop for shoes, regardless of where they are, purposely to advertise and ensure the continuation of education. Introduction We are now looking to provide our services online. UAE shoe online will provide shoe products and supplies to be consumed by the general population. UAE shoe online also promises to provide quality products at affordable prices with efficient processes. Our mission is to exceed customer expectations with the vision of being the best online shoe supply company. UAE online shoe’s operations are to include online services and marketing will allow the company to keep pace and exceed the performance of its competition. UAE shoe online will provide a wide variety of shoe prod ucts with our focus being on the general population. We offer everything one may need for a shoe in the home from incontinence men, women to children. In today’s society with many people choosing to make their purchases online we are also going to market ourselves to the online world.

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