
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Essay questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16

Questions - Essay Example In other words, natural resources (trees and soil) were progressively exchanged, by the islanders, for a range of economic, social, and cultural benefits. They inhabitants of the island then did not balance their needs and those of environmental protection. The archeological makers placed immense pressure on the natural environment such that these demands could not be sustained as discussed above. 3. The problems with Akosombo Dam were related to human migration since people were displaced from their homes. Fertile soils were submerged. The other impacts of the Akosombo Dam and the creation of Lake Volta include the increased occurrence of earthquakes due to readjustments of the Earths crust in response to the enormous weight of additional water in the lake. Thought it was a success story from the other angle, the construction of the dam also had severe impacts on the health of people since cases of diseases such as bilharzias increased. The people who constructed the dam should have started by conducting research so as to establish the impacts of the dam on the people. It was also a good idea to first relocate the people to other areas before commencing the construction of the dam in order to mitigate the severe impacts of poverty that were witnessed later. 4. People we displaced from their homes and their cultural backgrounds were destroyed. This meant that they had to start a new life in other places. The new resettlement areas were characterised by poverty. In short, the moral fabric of the people displaced as a result of the construction of the dam was destroyed. Political poverty is a result of the fact that hydroelectric power is exported to other neighbouring countries while the local communities surrounding the place continue to wallow in poverty. 5. How can we implement environmental ethics in the UAE? Environmental ethics are primarily concerned with our responsibilities as we interact with the

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