Monday, September 30, 2019
Biology Microarray Lab report Essay
The analysis of DNA using the microarray technique has become one of the most significant methods in the area of research genetics. This technique falls under the area of gene expression profiling. Most of the time, this procedure is applied by scientists in the effort to investigate a wide range of conditions. This is because experimental procedures cam be performed on numerous genes at the same time. They include researches on cancer to finding numerous solutions to the problems that are presented by pests. With this advancement an opportunity has been offered for the performance of personal DNA microarray experiments. Among the basis of such experiments is the determination between healthy cells and the cancer cells. Based on the complexity of the microarray experiments, it is vital that all scientists obtain a solid understanding on the DNA basics as well as the way through which genes express themselves. DNA microarrays have been used in the extensive survey of the relative transcription in any gene within a genome. Most of the cancer cells in human beings are found within the developing nerves. Howevber, they do not allow the complete quantification level of gene expression. Moreover, the DNA chips do not make it possible to determine the amount of mRNA produced from a relative sample with that produced from the control population. As such, it can be used to compare the rate of gene expression in a lung cell with cancer and a helthy lung cell. Therefore, the main goal of this practival test is to ptovide a way to understand how microarrays are used tostudy the gene expressions. It allows the investigators to determine the level of gene activity for a complete gene. As such, they make it easier to diagnose various diseases that injmclude cancer. Two main steps will be involved in the performance of the microarray lab experiments. These include the prehybridization and the hybridization steps. These are conducted through a number of 7 mini steps. They will involve the collection of the tissue or sample, the isolation of the RNA, isolation of the mRNA, creation of a labelled DNA copy, application off DNA, scanning of a microarray and the analysis of data (Campbell et al., 333). Different pH indicators that are colorless at neutral and colored at high pH of above 10 will be applied. They will be mixed with molten Agarose; this includes Madison, Promega, WI and V312A. It will later be allowed to cool. They could also be placed in a hot bath of 650 and kept molten. They will be melted if to be used days later. Pipettes will be used to apply the DNA onto the slides. Collection of mRNA The plate will be incubated for 5 minutes to allow for the release of mRNA. It will then pipetted in a Tri reagent for extraction. 80 uL of chloroform will subsequently be added and shaken vigorously then centrifuged to separate the cells into layers. 2 ml isopropanol will be added, the mixture centrifuged and the supernatant poured off. After this, the preparation of the RNA for spec by will be done by adding Agarose gel. The pre-hybridization steps will involve the preparation of stocks and obtaining of the microarray slide and steaming it on a hot plate for between 30 seconds and 1 minute. It will then be cooled at room temperature. It is important to warm the solution in case there are any crystals. The two slides can then be treated back to back and dipped in distilled water severally; it will be dried and spun for 2-3 minutes in a centrifuge. The slide is then hybridized by placing in a clean 50ml tube in a heated incubator. A coverslip is prepared by dipping into 0.2%SDS, then water. Blot, dry and continue to the hybridization step (Campbell et al., 338). Hybridization It includes the hybridization of the DNA chip using 3DNA array 350 protocol. Chips containing 70mer oligos and 2 copies of the known cDNAs in the human genome are used. This should be done at least 24 hours before the experiment. Make the solution only when it is ready for use. It is mainly 0.1M NaOH. The first step includes thawing vial at 7.2X. Make the hybridization solution with 50 ul total to fit across the cover slip. Incubate it at 800 for ten minutes. The entire 58 ul is then transferred on the microarray and the short edge of the cover slip placed on the short edge of the slide, which is then transferred to a 50 ml tube. The arrays after washing 2 must be read immediately since the color of the chips goes bad quickly (Kushner 1-5). References Campbell, A., Malcolm, Zanta, A., Carolyn, Heyer, J. Laurie, Kittinger,Ben, Gabric, M.Kathleen and Adler, Leslie. DNA Microarray Wet Lab Simulation Brings Genomics intothe High School Curriculum. CBE Life Science Education. 2006 Winter; 5(4): 332–339. Kushner, B. David. DNA Microarrays in the Undergraduate Microbiology Lab: Experimentationand Handling Large Datasets in as Few as Six Weeks. Journal of microbiology andbiology education, 2007. Vol. 8 Source document
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Event Planning Essay
The chapter 3 of Allen`s Chapter talk about the communication objectives and targeting issues. As the starting point of event planning, the second step is setting communication objectives based on situation analysis and fit with corporate and market objectives. While setting a communication objective, planner could use some tools such as gap analysis and Ansoff matrix within the SMART rules; meanwhile, the objective should follow the communication theory. After that, planner should try to determine and describe target audiences in order to segment these targets. At last, the author segments the target in different lights: individual and decision-making unit, reference groups and opinion leaders etc. Therefore the event planner should take the most appropriate method, media and message to communicate with each group. In the event planning, the author provides some method to manage the information and timing. The author emphasize the important of task controllingâ€â€critical path, and provide two tools for event managingâ€â€function sheets and contact sheets. As the event planning is a time & detail sensitive matter, it is better to summarize and map the whole path through charting. Experience application When I worked in BBDO china, I have participated in the launch event of MINI JOHN COOPER WORKS (JCW). As the most performance in MINI vehicle family, MINI wishes to promote the JOHN COOPER WORKS as the highest class which is similar as BMW M1, which could fill in the gap of marketplace for MINI; meanwhile, because the stereotype to MINI`s driver (MINI always be regard as a female car in china), MINI hope to extend the target market to male group. Therefore, the corporate objective of MINI JCW is to fill in the gap of high class level; the market objective is â€Å"high class, high price, high performance†with extending the potential target consumer. For the communication objective, BBDO use research tools to check with the existing product, which shows that other series of MINI are always describe as smart, innovation, graceful and fancy, which have less relevant with the â€Å"masculine image†; At the market place aspect, over 60% of drivers are female, that is to say, there are a large group of potential consumerâ€â€male group. Belonging to the higher class objective, the agency of MINI china, BBDO, decided to set the communication objective: combine the high performance feature with masculine image; make the MINI JCW as a strong and muscle car. As the highest performance car of the vehicle world is racing car, BBDO develop the theme of the communication: â€Å"Racing is in our blood.†Unlike the traditional promotion, BBDO took the inviting test driving as the main program of the launch event, and held it in the Shanghai Racing field; besides, MINI promote in multimedia: guerilla, OOH, advertorial, and on line teaser, which also emphasis this theme.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A definition for poverty
How poverty is defined Is essential as a starting point to this argument. The definition can fluctuate drastically depending on who you ask. The answers are almost as varied as the proposed solutions. As nice as It Is to Imagine ways to fix the problem we need to first define what the problem Is. If we are looking at poverty as a problem that has existed before us and will almost definitely continue to exist after us we need a definition that can function as a universal. That is a much more difficult ask than saying under X- thousand dollars a year.A brief note: for this definition we will be working with the understanding of economics as a zero sum game, meaning that there is a finite number of resources a society can produce. To accomplish this we will need to start at the very beginning and work our way forward to the present day. As far back as we can go in terms of economics is to look at modern day tribal societies that still use hunter gatherer systems, with little of what we would call modern economics. Although many of these societies are far from deal most people would agree that even by the most broad definition poverty does not exist In them.This Is because of two major reasons, the first Is that In a hunting and gathering society people are the most valuable resource and keeping everyone in the tribe satisfied and healthy is of utmost importance. The second is that without agriculture and industry there can be no surplus and therefore no one can own more goods than anyone else for a significant amount of time. With the advent of agriculture on a large scale people were able to develop surpluses either by skill or y luck and to use those surpluses to their advantage.This is when we start to see classes of people emerge, both those with more wealth than others and those with less. Although early agriculture varied from place to place and time to time generally we can say that this Is when the differences In peoples access to goods reached levels that could be considered poverty. Fundamentally then poverty exists when a fraction of a society Is lacking a surplus of the goods needed for subsistence and another fraction of the society has a wealth of such goods. Poverty cannot exist without wealth, and vice versa.More specifically poverty is living at or below subsistence in a society that produces enough raw goods for each member to live at, but contains many who live above that, and a few who live far above that. Poverty has no quantifiable level and words like subsistence are relative to th e the society in which it exists. Though no definition can be perfect this understanding of poverty does justice to how complicated a phenomenon it is, and importantly emphasizes the irony that poverty can only exist is societies that can produce more than they need to consume.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Case study 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case study 3 - Essay Example An organization that would have seen issues, past and present and because of such, Shapp would feel the need to seek the services of Peter Sneed. After analyzing what he felt to be the issues within his own company and considering the potential benefit of utilizing the services of Peter Sneed, he would seek to consult with another member of his company and initiate the discussion as the prospect of integrating the services of Mr. Sneed, with the inner structure of the company. As Julie Phillips, the co-worker in question of Shapp’s, would seek to become involved with the overall discussion, she would be seeking to do so, so that any difference in opinion could be addressed and that if integration were to in fact occur, the best possible outcome would be achieved. With the issues that would have come about in the past, her concerns would not be without merit. Out of all of the styles that are possible in terms of the OD system, the most likely candidate that Sneed should take on, would be the style involving interviewing those he would come in contact that would have to do with this new proposed task. It would enable him to have the opportunity to gather as much information as possible from the available stakeholders and in doing so, would be able to come with the best possible picture, as to where to begin in terms of aiding those involved with the company and the organization itself. With everything that is known about Peter Sneed, this situation alluded to that would involve Henry Shapp and his organization, would be something that Sneed should take on. He would have the necessary background from his previous experiences, to work with Julie Phillips and Mr. Shapp, as well as their other co-workers, with the shared goal of seeking the best possible outcome for the company and its workers. One of the first actions taken, in terms of strategy, should be the approach and engagement of all
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Impacts of Human Resources on the Performance and Motivation of Literature review
The Impacts of Human Resources on the Performance and Motivation of the Employees - Literature review Example Employee turnover or dropout is one of the major problems facing by the current organizations. Many organizations measure the success and failures of their HRM based on the rate of employee dropouts. In other words, better HRM policies motivate the employees to continue in the organization whereas poor HRM policies force them to leave out. In the past, employees were more interested in getting decent salaries whereas at present they are not only interested in good salaries but also in getting a proper work environment. HRM is responsible for providing better work environments for the employees. In short, better HRM policies always motivate employees to improve their performances and to stick with the organization for longer periods. â€Å"It is a widely accepted premise that retention and productivity of workers is a function of how well the individual is motivated†(Lord, 2002, p.3). This literature review analyses various theories related to the importance of HRM in improvin g employee efficiencies and reducing employee turnover rates. Recent research has highlighted a so-called "prime building block" of HRM – the principle of "AMO". There must be sufficient employees with the necessary ABILITY to do the job; there must be adequate MOTIVATION for them to apply their abilities; and there must be the OPPORTUNITY for them to engage in "discretionary behaviour" – to make choices about how their job is done (Buchan, 2004, p.3). All human actions, irrespective of good or bad, are based on some kind of motivations. For example, a killer may have some motives or reasons for killing. The same way a student may study well to get a job or recognition in the society. In short, motivation is necessary for all human actions. The cases of the employees are also not an exception. Employees need some kind of motivation to perform better. In other words, in the absence of motivation employees may work as passive elements whereas motivation forces them to wo rk in an active manner. HRM is responsible for injecting motivation in the minds of the employees. In certain cases, rewards can motivate employees whereas in other cases, punishments could be a better option.
Public Relations Campaigns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Public Relations Campaigns - Essay Example Public relations are considered as a management function now. It focuses on public behavior or attitudes, and based on that it defines the policies and procedures of an organization. PR should act as a two way path for communication; from public to organization and from organization to public. Such mutual transfer of information will build up confidence between the organization and the public. Though the aim of PR activities doesn’t mean for publicity, most of the PR campaigns include provision for publicity as well. From the above discussion I think it is clear that a mere media release is not enough for recruiting talented graduates in our organization. Since media release is only a one way communication, we will never be able to analyze the public response towards it correctly. The public opinion towards a charity organization like us has to be studied carefully before going for the recruitment. The illusions about charity organizations among the public has to be corrected first. I accept that most of the potential graduates coming out from the colleges will look for other organizations to establish themselves. It is a fact that the youths always like big cities to start their careers. They will always like to have some challenging assignments to start their careers to cement their places in the corporate industry. It is correct that though we are offering competitive remuneration packages and job facilities, it is difficult for us to recruit potential talents to our organization. Considering all the above possible challenges in recruiting potential graduates, I believe that we have to change our conventional strategies of PR campaign. Our campaign should focus on the following things; avoid prejudices about the public opinion especially that of the graduating youths, about charity organizations like us. The results obtained through such researches will definitely help us in making successful
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Moral Implications of Media Violence and Its Affects On Society Research Paper
Moral Implications of Media Violence and Its Affects On Society - Research Paper Example The ability to produce and distribute independent content is among the most important rights in a democratic society†(Rand-Hendriksen: Long Version, 2011, par. 1). Despite support to freedom of expression, there is still a need to enforce gun control laws, for instance, where failure to restrict purchase and use have been proven to endanger the lives of children and those around them. As emphasized by President Clinton in response to the Littletons Columbine High School shootings, â€Å"access to weapons was greater in the United States than anywhere else in the world, and pledged to continue to work for legislation that would help keep guns out of the wrong hands†(CNN Politics, 1999). Media should also have the ethical responsibility to remind children of the danger of using guns and enforce strict restrictions to access and use through legislative policies that propose strict sanctions for violations. One therefore agrees that it is acceptable opinion based on moral reasoning to justify banning of violent content for programs that could be viewed and accessed by children and teen-agers on identified time slots, in addition to provision of classifying television programs to include strict parental guidance and restricted, as needed. According to a report published by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), â€Å"the problem is not that the broadcast TV networks can no longer discern contemporary community standards. The problem is that they long ago stopped caring much about these standards†(p. 16). It finally confirmed that â€Å"among those very important tasks are maintaining a decent society, protecting the privacy of the home, and protecting children†(Federal Communications Commission, n.d., p. 35). CNN Politics. (1999, April 22). Clinton discusses school violence with high schoolers. Retrieved August 21, 2012, from
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Decision making Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Decision making - Research Paper Example The paper uses the two concepts to analyze three mediation efforts in the Arab - Israeli conflict: the Camp David Accords I, Oslo Accords and the Camp David Accords II. In the findings of the research indicate that in all the agreements reviewed, both sides held on to their strengths and privileges to make demands. In areas that either party had weaknesses, they were ready to make risky demands, sometimes at the expense of breaking down the negotiation process. It was therefore conclusive that in mediation in international conflicts, parties use the prospect theory to take decisions on the demands to make. On the other hand, the rational theory is still important. Hence, mediators can only succeed if they guide the parties to the rational choices. Introduction Dealing with interstate conflicts has become a high priority, not only between disputants themselves, but on the global arena as well. The approach and the way by which conflicts are decided to be managed is a crucial issue. â €Å"Mediation is one of the oldest forms of conflict resolution and has been used extensively worldwide by individuals, states and organizations to bring about peaceful resolution to interstate and intrastate conflicts†(Siniver and Thomas, 2011 p2). Typically, mediation involves a third party helping two parties in a conflict to come up with solutions to their disagreements. Mediation aims at promoting a less adversarial method of dealing with conflicts in international relations. Terris and Maoz identify that third party negotiations have been used in 35% of post-World War II militarized disputes (Terris& Maoz 2005 p563). This underscores the importance of mediation as a tool for diplomats to solve conflicts and tensions between nations and states. I see high importance in understanding the perspective role of international mediation as a future conflict resolution tool. Since the demands of each side of the conflict must be heard in mediation, the method with which parties come up with decisions on the demands they put forward is important in determining the success of the process. Thus, each party might need to come up with decisions on the condition to present in the mediation. A simple decision making model involves diagnosis of the problem, search for options and choice, revision through a critical assessment, evaluation of options, choice of a given option and the implementation of choice or demands (Maoz, 2012 p5). The simple decision making model form the basis of the traditional or orthodox negotiation framework known as the Theory of Rationality. The Theory of Rationality is based on an attempt to attain a win-win outcome or the best solution for both parties with the long term interest of the parties. This is steeped in the Expected Utility (EU) Theory, which seeks the best good for the largest numbers of people (Milburn& Isaacs, 1995 p335). However, other theories like the Game Theory which is steeped in probabilities and choices come be u sed to arrive at the rational theory (Coombs& Avrunin, 1998). The Prospect Theory on the other hand, involves an individual negotiating to get the maximum net gains for himself (Bazerman et al, 1985). In other words, each group in the negotiation table will present demands that serves his or her needs best. And as such, we seek the best interests for ourselves. Thus, one must be expected to negotiate for his or her best interest. This makes the Prospect Theory the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Culturally Responsive Classroom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Culturally Responsive Classroom - Essay Example Likewise, this paper seeks to break down and simplify in explaining the key components and concepts of this paradigm to have a better understanding of what cultural responsive pedagogy requires. Initially, it will explain the realities of the situation and identify the players, their key roles to achieve successful cultural responsive pedagogy as well as simple frameworks that will guide any modifications intended for better performance of school and its pupils in the future. Keywords: cultural responsive teaching, cultural responsive pedagogy, achievement potential, multicultural diversity, multidisciplinary education, I. Rationale Behind Cultural Responsive Pedagogy Traditional Education and Its Impact A regular scenario inside a conventional classroom environment would be having a single teacher-facilitator mentoring about 15 or more pupils with the same age range. Traditional education generally adopts the ‘carrot-stick’ method and the ‘one-teaching technique-f its all’. â€Å"The structures, assumptions, substance and operations of conventional educational enterprises are patterned on European American icons†(Gay, 2010, p. 23). Generally, conventional educators ignore things of what students are receptive of like their culture, individuality, basic norms of behavior, body language as well as communication signals. Children are forced to swallow everything taught all in the same manner which eventually ends up provoking student resistance to the learning process. However, not all children fall under the same receptive category so some turns out to be more counter-productive instead. Actually, â€Å"there are many underlying factors of traditional education that contribute to the failure of students in different kinds of achievements in academic, school attendance, personal well being, dropout preventions and avoidance of discipline problems†(Gay, 2010.p.26). The Growing Influx of Multi-Diversified Students "The increa sing diversity in schools, the ongoing demographic changes across the nation and the movement towards globalization dictate that educators should develop a more in-depth understanding of culture if it is intended to bring about true understanding among diverse populations†(Portuondo, et. al, n.d). It was reported that â€Å"in the 34-year period from 1973 to 2007, the percentage of students of color in the U.S. public schools increased from 22% to 55% by the National Center for Education Statistics, 2008.†(Gay 2010, p. xi). That being said, an â€Å"alarming rate of increased low-academic achievers among student of colors, the minority and the mainstream of students†was also detected†(Gay 2010, p. ix) which according to the second generation of social theorists may be attributed to â€Å"cultural deprivation†, a major influencing factor of this outcome†(Gay, 2010, p. ix). II. Understanding the Significance of Cultural Responsive Teaching ( CRT) Cultural Responsi
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Steady Oil Price Hike Essay Example for Free
Steady Oil Price Hike Essay The article about the rising oil price indicates two main economic concepts: first, â€Å"the rule of supply and demand†, and second, that†human wants is insatiable. †Oil is a natural resource and it is created by nature through thousands of years. Time is a very important element in the production of oil. Despite the fact that oil wells and rigs are discovered and/or pumped, still, the natural element of this product is very important. Going back to the relevant economic factors about rising oil prices, there is an unlimited demand for oil while its supply is getting scarcer. Aside from this fact, millions, if not billions, of dollars of investments are needed to have the black gold extracted, refined, and distributed. Everywhere oil is used. It is not only with the vehicles but also with all the machineries producing the goods and even food products that we consume on a daily basis. The second economic factor is the insatiability of humans in terms of their wants. Everyone wants this and everybody wants that. We all consume. We all want to acquire resources. This relates to the article in a sense that: (1) more consumption means more oil consumption; (2) in acquisition of wealth, natural and man-made factors happen in having oil prices rise; and (3) investors in oil trade would always go for a good profit margin while consumers would like to spare resources (money). The first factor is related to the explanation of supply and demand above. The second factor is important because natural calamities such as storm affects oil production but this all goes back to the fact that once the supply of oil is limited, and the demand is big, the market has to balance out and the only way is to raise prices. This benefit the â€Å"wants†of the investors who, in every situation, have their means in having their investments get a very good return. Consumers on the other hand, take their chance in acquiring cheaper oil as they want o save their resources in order to have extra left behind to acquire the rest of their needs and wants and this is explained by having their tanks full before the prices increase. Lastly, oil is not in market where fair competition rules. It is monopolistic. The major factor that makes it so important is its scarceness; its having limited supply with steady demand. Peer review on responses 1, 2 and 3 In the first response, the idea that oil is very vital in society is agreeable. The rest of the discourse of the article, however, is strongly disagreeable. First, in the point indicated that â€Å"the oil industry is an example of a perfectly competitive industry†and at the same time noting that â€Å"neither the firm nor its consumers decide on the price, rather the entire industry†. First oil is a product that triggers monopoly whether consumers like it or not. Second, the article contradicts itself: if the industry decides on the pricing itself, not the interaction of the oil firms and their consumers, this means that the market is â€Å"not free†. Not free means NO competition at all. Lastly, the article noted that â€Å"consumers never worried about spending massive amounts of money on oil during an economic struggle†and it is not true. Oil makes everything else expensive and it may be possible that no demonstrations are done against oil but against economic crisis, but it is important to realize that at least 70% of that crisis can be attributed to oil price movement: your cereal will be expensive once oil used in machineries producing it becomes expensive! Argument number two is also very good emphasizing the monopolistic characteristic of oil as a consumer product. The article even dwelled on deeply going into criteria of monopoly to establish the hypothesis, that indeed, this product is never a competitive product, in a sense that whether consumers like it or not, they are just forced to acquire oil out of necessity. The article is very â€Å"narrow†though. Maybe a little bit of expansion as to the idea of having it monopolistic and other related factors would even make the idea of the response more interesting. Lastly, response number 3 is a very good work. Admittedly, my response runs on parallel path as this one. It emphasizes the scarcity of the product, the inelasticity of demand, which is always there, despite the presence of supply or not. It focuses in the effect of transportation though, just like what was written in the article, not like what I have though to widen my perspective in reacting to oil-related write up.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Evolution Of Media And Entertainment Consumption Habits Media Essay
Evolution Of Media And Entertainment Consumption Habits Media Essay The Media Entertainment (ME) sector comprises the creation, aggregation and distribution of content, more specifically news, information, advertising and entertainment through a number of channels and platforms. The combination of new digital distribution modalities and evolving audience consumption habits and demands has continued to challenge traditional ME business models during 2009. It also could mark the initiation of a drastic transformation that reshapes the entire ME ecosystem. There seems to be a stiff competition as far as the media industry is concerned, with industry players battling for the eye-balls of the viewers and readers. In this rat race, only those ME companies will survive that are able to rapidly identify and react to the evolving demands and consumption patterns of end users. As the time has evolved, ME consumption has undergone a paradigm shift. During old days the entertainment through media typically meant a few grainy channels on the television or tuning into limited stations on the radio or else gorging on stale news from newspaper or reading a hard copy of a book. In those days, outdoors were more welcoming. Today, one is connected to the world through plenty of hi-tech networked means. As the consumers have changed, so has the media (Kenneth A., 2009: 3). Advancing technology has been the single biggest factor behind this resurgence. The same technology has also created cultural shifts. Now consumers have understood their power and have become more demanding. Earlier they would adjust their daily routine according to the availability of the content. Today, the providers have to wrap up their broadcasting and publishing as per the consumer choices and conveniences. With the growing popularity of tools like cell phones that enable pulling of media software, media has become location agnostic. The use of social sites has to be seen as a game changer. At any given point people are exchanging notes with each other about media content and the death or survival of published or broadcast content are decided in fraction of seconds. Consumers have liberalized themselves from limitations and are enjoying greater choices and enlarged personal freedoms as far as media and entertainment are concerned. Along with independence, consumption has also significantly gone up. This has led to a double edged challenge for the suppliers-great returns and significant risks. In the era of technology shifts it is imperative that only those media and entertainment entities that enable themselves to rapidly identify and act to the growing demands and consumption patterns of end users will survive (Bill, 2005: 26) . There is a single measure that can enable these companies decipher complex customer requirements-information. The key is to filter through this information using analytical tools and gather intelligence that can be effectively used. In nutshell, ability to apply intelligence and creation and sustenance of loyalty among its consumer will be the major deciding criteria that will enable media companies to achieve success in an increasingly competitive marketplace. There appears to be plenty of ways in which the users can access and enjoy diverse media and entertainment content due to its mass availability. The cost of switching is also low for end users who want to switch to new content providers or media and entertainment companies. The greatest challenge in the media industry seems to be the changing loyalties of consumers forcing them to identify ways of tailoring content in compelling, highly targeted ways (Kenneth A., 2009: 6). 2. Factors Shaping Consumer Behavior 2.1 Quality of Content Todays well informed consumers expect a spectrum of content granularities. Their demands may change depending on the time, their device/network characteristics, and even their moods. This forces the providers to customize content so that fits within the media consumption patterns of the consumer. 2.2 Structure of Tariff Model Even though certain content will always be paid for, tariff remains a debatable issue. The users want low fee for themselves and expect the companies to generate most of the content through advertisements. In reality lot of content particularly on the online media are co-created between the company and the consumer. This challenges the companies to design superior quality, customized content and charge the consumer less for the same. 2.3 Timing of Attention In spite of variety new digital content that has replaced earlier scarcities along with easy access the only issue that has emerged seems to have been that of user attention. For the content providers, getting user attention has been nothing short of a battle. 2.4 Real Time Experiences The evolution of real-time business intelligence is enabling mass-customization of content and entertainment that delivers highly personalized and engaging experiences, consumers are demanding more. 2.5 Competition ME companies have been forced into transitioning into non-traditional roles. Networks are providing content online to consumers, bypassing traditional cable or satellite distribution; telecom companies are competing with cable via Internet Protocol television platforms; and cable companies are competing with telecom companies with voice over IP. As competition and churn rate increases, customer data analysis can provide competitive advantage for customer retention. (Barlow, 2009) 3. Impact of Changing Media Consumption Habits on Media Industry Rapidly changing consumer tastes and increasing digitization has created a number of industry-wide challenges. Some of these are protecting intellectual property, continuing historical revenue streams and finding ways to utilize and monetize emerging new platforms for traditional content including print, filmed entertainment, and recorded music as well as user-generated content and other new services, applications and formats that compete for consumer mindshare and time. 3.1 Gaming The interactive gaming sub-sector has enjoyed tremendous growth because of changing demographics. Increasingly gamers are older and there is significant growth in number of female population engaging in idle time. Introduction of new growth segments like mobile and online gaming, successful titles and the phenomenon of in-game advertising, resulted in gaining mass popularity for this new medium (Kenneth, 2009: 3). 3.2 Entrainment Companies Growth of multiplex culture in upcoming metros and option of entertaining oneself at home through DVDs, home theatre systems, has forced filmed entertainment companies to embrace the digital distribution business. The traditional ME players are struggling to understand and exploit new distribution windows, metrics and economics. However, as long as the demand for professionally-produced content remains high, the filmed entertainment industry will continue to evolve and find new ways to monetize their content. 3.3 Broadcasters Since traditional networks and broad-based cable networks own very little of their content and their advertising-based business being centred on attracting eyeballs and reselling attention, they are greatly impacted by shift in audience preferences. On the other hand, most themed cable networks have targeted subject matter and audiences and, hence, have an opportunity to extend their brands into products, events, etc. 3.4 Print Media Reduced cash flows caused by the migration of readers and advertising dollars to the Internet, compounded by 2008s economic downturn, are threatening newspapers very existence. Major consolidations may be their only avenue to existence. (Kenneth, 2009: 5) 3.5 Music With introduction of high tech electronics gadgets like mobiles, ipods, MP3 players containing dedicated software for superior quality of music and growing number of radio stations the music sub-sector is being forced to transform. There has been a wave of publicity surrounding new audio sources such as satellite and iPods, which may lead some to believe that traditional over-the-air radio services are losing a significant portion of its audience to these new choices. Currently, 20% of Americans subscribe to satellite radio, own an iPod/MP3 device or listened to Internet radio in the past week, compared with the 95% of Americans who listened to radio during the week. The sub-sector will continue to see decreased revenues for years to come and there is substantial likelihood of tomorrows music industry to be very different from what it is today. (Bill, 2005: 20) 4. The imperatives for the Media Entertainment industry: Media market is a heterogeneous mixture of human beings with multi-variant economic, cultural, social and political characteristics. This is the market whose consumption pattern should be responded to by appropriate production levels if the media industry is to remain in business; since capitalist production can only make sense when converted to monetary terms at the end of the process. Even public service media companies like state television and radio broadcasting need to produce according to viewers and listeners tastes if the policy objectives of their formation are to be realized (Bill, 2005: 24). 5. Recommendations for ME companies 5.1 Content Digitization Today digital is in while analog is out. ME companies should transform all content in digital format so that it can be quickly edited, stored, combined with other digitized content and rapidly repurposed as needed. Content needs to be tagged through a metadata framework which enables its easy location, identification and helps in determining digital rights permissions. It is vital to have smooth collaboration from pre-production through post-production all along the value chain. 5.2 Flexible Business Models With media and entertainment consumption pattern undergoing rapid shifts, traditional business models are becoming obsolete and thus unable to fully capitalize on the available opportunities or counter threats in contemporary market. In such case, adoption of flexible and evolving business models will help ME companies to sustain competition (Newman, 1991: 215). 5.3 Targeted Audience Revenue, especially through advertising can be maximized if consumption patterns could be effectively analyzed and identified. This will aid the ME players to break down larger segments into interest-specific fragments and deliver truly targeted and less intrusive advertising. 5.4 Active Participation through User-Generated Content The knack to actively engage its consumers and create a connect would give any media entities the ultimate competitive advantage. It has also been observed that engaged customers have the probability to be loyal. They consume more content, evangelize for content and services they use, and can act as a barometer for cultural and technological change (Bill, 2005: 23) 5.5 Content Protection and Consumer Privacy Development of grey market, piracy and unauthorized copying must be carefully controlled and digital rights must be enforced in order to protect the interest of ME players. Also, to actively engage customers and encourage incoming content in various forms (including comments, rating etc), it is crucial to ensure that unauthorized dissemination of information or access to such information will be restricted only to authorized audience. Thus implementing privacy controls have become very important. (Barlow, 2009) 5.6 Mergers and Acquisitions The business will react structurally to the changes in consumption if such a structural adjustment will give the company more leverage to compete effectively in order to maximise returns or survive the attrition of market forces. If consumption decreases and threatens viability, one method that is adopted by a company is to merge with others in the same media business and eliminate redundant structures from the resultant new company. This reduces overheads. Other structural changes that can be implemented as a reaction to threatening reduction in consumption are hostile or friendly take-overs. For example, Viacom and CBS merged to form the third largest media company Viacom-CBS after Time Warner and Disney. (Newman, 1991: 213) 5.7 Improvement in Distribution Network A company might also decide to improve its distribution networks. It may acquire distribution companies of the media in question, in order to achieve better coordination between production and sales, and to benefit from the resultant synergies and from the economies of scale in distribution. A company may even control al phases involved from the production of content to its sale. If it is music, these phases could be composition, recording, and packaging into CDs, DVDs or VHS video cassettes and transportation to retail outlets. This vertical integration achieves better utilisation of resources and higher production efficiencies, thereby cutting costs and increasing sales revenue, and makes the company compete better in the oligopoly. (Curran and Gurevitch, 2002: 137) 5.8 Incorporate the on-demand media lifestyle into programming decisions Young adults are most engaged by on-demand media devices and behaviours. As teens and young adults mature and on-demand media devices become more prevalent, consumers desire to control their media use is likely to spread. Marketers need to work now on strategies that will cut through in an increasingly on-demand media world. Consumers want media to fit their schedule, and they are adopting new devices and media to meet that need. Traditional media should consider playing first-run programs more than once, provide consumers with content online in addition to over-the-air, and partner with on-demand media services. (Bill, 2005: 23) 5.9 Make listening and viewing experiences more compelling through Internet Internet media incorporate several elements that appeal to young consumer, including programming not easily found on traditional media, fewer commercials and a wide variety of content. Therefore, Internet broadcasters need to continue to focus on providing unique programming that generates greater consumer passion for their medium. Internet advertising needs to expand beyond banners, search and pop-ups. Internet users are becoming more sophisticated and are learning to block much of the current advertisements and spyware. Internet broadcast advertising with Internet radio and visual ads attached to video content cannot be skipped or avoided, and may prove to be a vital part of the Internet experience. (Bill, 2005: 29) 6. Summary Production is a function of labour, capital and space and from economic theories, supply is related to demand. For any commercial media business, making profit is the primary concern, and therefore consumption determines cultural production. There are many factors that come into play when examining consumption of media. The macro economic situation of the target market, the real salaries, the educational levels, the attributes like age, gender, children, population densities, social classes, political beliefs and cultural aspects like language and religious beliefs, influence consumption which in turn determines production of media content and their products. The consumption levels caused by all these attributes and factors are different, since the informational, educational, entertainment and leisure requirements are different across diverse economic, political, social and cultural strata. Production strategies and content are modelled by management of media companies from the consumption patterns caused by these characteristics (Curran and Gurevitch, 2002: 154). However, there are limitations to which consumption determines production. Because of the imperfection of the market, the producers may have no knowledge or inadequate knowledge or may have sketchy knowledge about al the aspects that affect consumption in that market place, causing the producers to make decisions out of imperfect information. (Murdock, 2000) Fashion journalism and regulation in favour of minorities and other social biases also limit the extent to which consumption determines output. Collusion between media owners, governments and powerful organisations, lead to market corruption, which in turn causes distorted responses to consumption patterns. Some of the special economic characteristics of media like non-diminishing content with consumption also limit the way output is determined by consumption. (Vogel, 2004) Time and monetary constraints also limit the extent to which production is determined by consumption. This structural change as a reaction to changes in consumption is limited by government intervention and regulation to curb anti- competitive vices, and to maintain pluralism in the market, and to discourage possible abuse of market power by media moguls. Therefore, market consumption determines media output though such effect is limited in some cases due to imperfections of the market and human intervention. (Newman, 1991: 209)
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Constitutional Framers Essay -- American History, The Federalists
The Confederation congress was plagued with problems as the former colonies struggled to form a national identity. The lack of permanent physical location and united national government led to problems of inaction, following the Revolutionary war. â€Å"Congress’s lack of power and frequent inability to act (often due to a lack of quorum or the need for a supermajority for certain decisions) demanded reform†(Wirls 58). The founding fathers agreed on the need for a stronger national government however two opposing groups argued about the nature of its composition. Federalists argued for a strong national government, with a few representatives, removed the day to day local political affairs. They desired a group of political elite leaders, free to make decisions based on national interests. In order to promote an independent nature within the senate, Federalists promoted long terms, some advocating lifetime appointments. The anti-Federalists rejected the ide a of permanent elite and instead promoted a large number of representatives with small groups of political constituents. Rather than the crà ¨me de la crà ¨me of society, anti-Federalists promoted a kaleidoscope vision; representatives would personally reflect the interests of their constituents. During the final constitutional plan for the U.S. Senate a compromise was reached between the two groups; the anti-Federalist views were incorporated in the equal apportionment and appointment by the states, Federalists promoted independence in the senate by instituting staggered six year terms. The compromise between the Federalist and anti-Federalist was reached through a series of decisions, in part helped by the fact that those against strengthening the Federal governme... ...the senate, the convention was able to move forward in forming a national government with responsibilities and rights separate from those of the states. The Federalists were able to preserve the independence of the senate through six year terms and more stringent eligibility requirements than those for the House of Representatives. The eventual formation of a separate national capital ensured the both physically as well as psychologically desired independence of the senate and congress desired by the Federalists. The members of both sides present shared a mutual understanding of the need for a senate in a stronger national system. The decisions which lead to the compromise resulted in the creation of a senate through the Constitution which included both Federalist and anti-Federalist views as well as creating unintended consequences neither side anticipated.
The Mirrors of Classic Physics :: Physics Science Self Identification Essays
The Mirrors of Classic Physics Plenty of conceptions of mirrors are not so different from models in middle school physics. The mirror is a line dividing the ‘real’ from the ‘virtual’, and the image is the same on both sides. It is a plane in three-dimensional space, a slash in textual space, and a boundary to fluid spaces. In physics class, rays of light go from each point of the image and bounce off the mirror in such a way that they seem to have come from the virtual object. These are not the only mirrors. These are instead the only things that count as mirrors. Isn’t there a reflection that follows (or doesn’t) the same physical principles in every non-black object? And, of course, objects are just about never perfectly black, and thus totally non-reflective. Even the ink of a Rorschach blot shines. The mirrors of classic physics demonstrations and occasional philosophical or metaphysical points are perfect flat perfectly reflective surfaces, it is an aberrant mirror that is not so. Yet it takes nothing but glass, silver, and backing to make what often counts a mirror. Glass runs, paint scratches, and backings thrive in the daily devastations of their environs. Further, silver is a rather lustrous and highly reflective metal, but is not perfect at either (thus gold surfaced CD-R’s.) As partially transparent mirrors make abundantly clear, mirrors have color and a backing, even though that color is usually ‘ clear’ glass with silver and then white behind it. The computer monitor and TV screens are reflective, but then so are the reactions of the world in general. Indeed, one might say the bathroom in which a mirror might be installed reflects much more about the face in the visage than a picture (with minimized motion) in the mirror itself. What do the tiles, the toilets, the colors, the lights, the windows and walls say about you before you even get to the mirror. The idea of mirrors and identification requires a throwing back of our world from outside, but it is in just such a move that ‘our world’ is situated as a becoming. All this is not to say that the process of mirror embodied in the particular glass and silver is all a mirror is or can be.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Roswell Incident :: essays research papers
The Roswell Incident Forty-seven years ago an incident occurred in the southwestern desert of the United States that could have significant implications for all mankind. It involved the recovery by the U.S. Military of material alleged to be of extraterrestrial origin. The event was announced by the Army Air Force on July 8, 1947 through a press release carried by newspapers throughout the country. It was subsequently denied by what is now believed to be a cover story claiming the material was nothing more than a weather balloon. It has remained veiled in government secrecy ever since. The press release announcing the unusual event was issued by the Commander of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Air Field, Colonel William Blanchard, who later went on to become a four-star general and Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force. That the weather balloon story was a cover-up has been confirmed by individuals directly involved, including the late General Thomas DuBose, who took the telephone call from Washington, D.C. ordering the cover-up. Numerous other credible military and civilian witnesses have testified that the original press release was correct and that the Roswell wreckage was of extraterrestrial origin. One such individual was Major Jesse Marcel, the Intelligence Officer of the 509th Bomb Group and one of the first military officers at the scene. On January 12, 1994, United States Congressman Steven Schiff of Albuquerque, New Mexico, announced to the press that he had been stonewalled by the Defense Department when requesting information on the 1947 Roswell event on behalf of constituents and witnesses. Indicating that he was seeking further investigation into the matter, Congressman Schiff called the Defense Department's lack of response "astounding" and concluded it was apparently "another government cover- up." History has shown that unsubstantiated official assurances or denials by government are often meaningless. Nevertheless, there is a logical and straightforward way to ensure that the truth about Roswell will emerge: an Executive Order declassifying any information regarding the existence of UFOs or extraterrestrial intelligence. Because this is a unique issue of universal concern, such an action would be appropriate and warranted. To provide positive assurance for all potential witnesses, it would need to be clearly stated and written into law. Such a measure is essentially what presidential candidate Jimmy Carter promised and then failed to deliver to the American people eighteen years ago in 1976. If, as is officially claimed, no information on Roswell, UFOs, or extraterrestrial intelligence is being withheld, an Executive Order declassifying it would be a mere formality, as there would be nothing to disclose. The Order would, however, have the positive effect of setting the
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Social control, discipline and regulation
Many more serious crimes such as large scale tax evasion which costs the government a lot of money, are often overlooked and are seldom prosecuted. Over time some laws which are no longer relevant are disseminated and other acts become criminals. These change with new governments and societal and culture changes. In 1967 the Sexual Offences Act was introduced which made it illegal in Britain for men of any age to have consensual sex together. Over time society has come to accept gay relationships and so in turn the law surrounding gay couples has also relaxed.In 2005 civil partnerships were introduced to give gay couples similar rights to married couples and the current government Is looking at making gay marriages legal. If deviant behavior seems to becoming more common, such as people carrying weapons then new legislations are put in place or existing legislations are updated and more harsh penalties are put in place to deter criminals and reduce crimes and visitation. Travis Hirsh (1969) through his social bond theory tries to explain why some people don't commit crime. He argues the question Why do they do it? Is not a question the control theory is signed to answer.The important question he says is Why don't we do it? [1]. Hirsh identified four main characteristics or social bonds which explain conformity. The more a person features these characteristics the less likely they are to become deviant or criminal. Attachment to family and friends he seen as the most Important factor In his social bond theory, this influence supports our norms, values and conscience. If we did not care about how we were perceived by our family and friends then we would be free to act deviant. Commitment to achievement Is another actor, this refers to how much effort, time and money a person puts into a particular activity.A person such as a doctor who has spent a lot of time, effort and money on educating themselves is less likely to become deviant because a criminal record coul d result in them losing their job. Involvement in conventional activities leaves a person with less time to think about or get involved in deviant activities. Belief refers to the strength of our commitment to a particular belief. There are variations in our beliefs; the less a person believes he should follow the rules the more likely he is to elate them. A criticism of Hirer's work would be to ask why people commit crime.This assumes that law abiding behavior is normal and that the majority of people do not commit crimes. In some sub cultures deviant behavior is the norm, children born Into this kind of culture and grow up breaking the law because It Is normal to them. Walsh does not explain this kind of behavior. When crimes are committed the judicial system uses different forms of punishment or social control. This is used to law. Harsh forms of social control are imprisonment or even death in some countries. A softer form of social control is things like fines and community ser vice.In Michel Faculty's book, Discipline and Punishment, he looks at the birth of the prison and how the penal system has changed from. In the 17th century the forms of punishment were brutal public tortures, humiliations, hangings and executions which focused on hurting the physical body. This triggered many riots in sympathy and support for the convict; the public were against these cruel methods of punishment which were also inconsistent. Faculty's believes this form of punishment was to show the power of the state rather than to act as deterrence.Prisons were first introduced in the 18th century as a result of the public protests for punishment without torture. Prisons focused punishment on the souls and minds of prisoners as the mind was now seen as more valuable and the body was seen as Just a machine controlled by the mind. This new form of discipline and punishment was able to control and manage the prisoner at all times rather than short bursts of bodily torture which was previously used. The prison became more than a place where offenders were deprived and became a place where discipline could be instilled.Faculty saw this as abuse of power, its main purpose would have been, an attempt to reform the criminal in the hope that upon his release he would be less likely to refined and become a contributing member of society. Faculty believes that detention causes recidivism; and states, â€Å"those leaving prison have more chance of going back to it; a very high proportion, up to 38 per cent of inmates were convicted again†[2]. If prisons worked then they would be empty. Jeremy Beneath a utilitarian philosopher was interested in the design of prisons. He designed a circular prison which he called the Pontific.It had a central tower so prison officers had a 360 view and could see into all of the cells at all times. The inmates could not see into the central tower and so never knew if they were being watched. The exact blueprint was never built but it did have some impact on how future prisons were designed. Faculty said that constant supervision and forced discipline broke the will of the criminal and made him into a ‘docile body which is easily controlled by people in authority. This was then ideal for the new economics, politics and warfare of modern industrial society.It enslaves us to a life of government controlled discipline. Critiques of Faculty have focused mainly on his ideas of struggle for self-freedom from the disciplines of society, believing that people should be unique individuals and be their true self. He does not explain this in depth nor does he explain how it fits in with society. Edward W Said states: other critics of Faculty argue he did not go in depth when explaining the struggle between individuality and society. Faculty did not give a purpose for the struggle or a goal to be obtained. Why should complete individuality be the ultimate purpose in life? For Faculty there seems to be no focal mint , but rather an endless network of relations†(Ho, 1986: 55). If a person were to believe Faculty's idea then following any rule of society would be submitting to the discipline of society. The anti-institutional consensus of the sass's refers to a cultural movement that developed in the United States and England. The baby boom children from the sass's were growing up in the sass's. The growing consciousness of a younger generation may have led to a shift in perspectives on societal wrongdoings. Race relations, women's rights and differing interpretations of the American Dream.People questioned the legitimacy of the state and started to challenge authority, this resulted in boycotts, marches, protests, sit-ins and riots. Along with drug use and sexual liberation, criminality rocketed. The role of women as full time homemakers in industrial society was challenged in 1963, giving way to the women's movement and influencing a second wave in feminism. The availability of birth con trol was the foundation of the sexual liberation. The idea of ‘recreational sex' without the threat of unwanted pregnancies changed society as it allowed men a women greater freedom outside traditional marriage.With this change in attitude, the amount of children born outside wedlock in the I-J rose from 8% in 1971 to nearly 45 % in 2007 [3]. This counterculture of the sass's influenced Governments to rethink criminal acts. There were changes in human rights and laws were put in place to tackle discrimination between men and women. From 1967 abortion became legal, and women became able to divorce their husbands when the Divorce Reform Act came into force in 1969. John Breathiest, an Australian criminologist recognizes that the current criminal justice system labels and astigmatisms offenders, making crime problems worse.He looks at the relationship between crime and social reactions in his book Crime, Shame and Reintegration. He believes a restorative Justice system to be more effective than a punitive Justice system which enables offenders and victims to come together. He suggests the key to crime control is cultural shaming and making the offender feel remorse for what he has done. Breathiest identifies two types of shaming. Disintegrative shaming is where the offender is stigmatize and excluded from society, becoming labeled along with his behavior.Reintegrating shaming is where criminal behavior is condemned rather than the offender. He is kept within society and is shown forgiveness through words or gestures. Breathiest argues that crime rates are higher in places where disintegrative shaming is used. His hypothesis is that in societies where there is a strong commitment to place collective interests over individual interest there are stronger incentives for people to conform and lower crime rates. He uses the example of Japan which is highly urbanites and densely populated; we would assume that crime rates would be high.Arrest rates are high UT pro secution rates are low. Cultural factors play an important role, honor and pride within Japanese families is very important so bringing shame upon the family is a deterrent to committing crimes. These traditions date back to the Samurai Warriors who would fall upon their own swords (Hair Kari) to prevent bringing shame upon their families. Japanese parents often commit suicide when their children commit serious crimes as they cannot cope with the shame and feel partly responsible. It is hard to compare the I-J with societies such as Japan which is a more equal society and less diverse.In the I-J the Home Office gave legislative endorsement to these ideas in 1998 Crime and Disorder Act and the 1999 Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act reflecting the definition of restorative Justice as restoration, reintegration and responsibility [4]. All kinds of initiatives that attempt to bring the victim and the offender together now carries the label ‘restorative'. Rock (1990) describe d the restorative system as a ‘dead duck so it is interesting to reflect upon the process whereby it gained its current status. Daly (2002) discusses in detail the that the current punitive Justice system to be ineffective.Prisons in England are currently close to full capacity, if they were effective they would be empty. Inmates are reportedly more likely to become recidivists and commit new crimes that they have learnt from other inmates. This causes greater problems for the Government when it comes to tackling crime. I believe that Michel Faculty is right in the sense that imprisonment, along with constant supervision and discipline is an abuse of power. John Barbiturate's work on a restorative Justice system could be beneficial to some offenders, victims and more importantly society as a whole.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Data transmission in computer networks
Why can beckon with a really low frequence follow the Earth ‘s surface? Why are they non used for informations transmittal in computing machine webs?Answers: Radio moving ridges which are below 2 MHz follow the land. Following are the ground why its happened,DiffractionCurrent induced in the Earth ‘s surface, which slows moving ridges near the Earth, and because of this moving ridge forepart tilt downward.These can be some ground that why Low frequence are non used for informations transmittal in computing machine webs.Low frequences – & A ; agrave ; lower information rates ( Nyquist/Shannon )As more power is needed to convey and have low frequences, for this big aerial are needed. Penetration of Lower frequences to stuff is high.Why does the ITU-R lone regulate ‘lower ‘ frequences ( up to some hundred GHz ) and non higher frequences ( in the THz scope ) ?Answers: THz scope frequences, such as infrared, seeable visible radiation, do n't interfere with other transmittal because ther are are blocked easy when obstructions are nowadayss. So merely the standard safety ordinances applied to the systems. Its non easy to bring forth the higer freuencies when the wireless systems stay beyond the 100 GHz.What are the different attacks in reulation sing nomadic phone systems in Europe and the US? What are the effects?Answers:European attackClassical attack which was that, standardisation and regulate before any merchandises were available.ETSI which is founded by EU authoritiess to harmonise national ordinances.All states had to obey or follow the criterions set by ETSI.American ApproachCompanies develop the systems, so market success attempt to coerce the criterion, or companies itself try to standardise.FCC is the illustration.Affects of different ApproachsSome criterions failed and some succeeded merely in Europe, HIPERLAN 1 ( wholly failed ) , and ISDN ( Succeeded ) . Some become the worldwide ( GSM ) .US attack is better for the most of the systems, i.e. initial merchandises, and after it, standardized. WLAN 802.11 is a good illustration for the USA attack. But criterions about noma dic market which are good established in Europe but its non even known in US. i.e. free roaming, MMS, GPRS roaming.Why is the international handiness of the same ISM bands of import?Answers: International handiness of same ISM set is of import because ofInteroperability.big plenty market to do the consumer devices cheap.What are the chief jobs of signal extension? Why do wireless moving ridges non ever follow a consecutive line? Why is contemplation both utile and harmful?Answers: Following are the ground which cause the signal extension,AttenuationDispersingDiffractionContemplationRefractionIn the presence of big edifices, without multipath extension or contemplation of signal we ca n't have radio signal. Inter symbol intervention ( ISI ) is due to multipath extension.Why, typically, is digital transition non plenty for wireless transmittal? What are general ends for digital transition? What are typical strategies?Answers: FDM is used worldwide for dividing different systems. So all the wireless system must utilize linear transition for modulating the digital signal onto a bearer frequence. Most of the wireless Stationss want to convey at the same clip, because of this ground all the signal should be transition onto different bearer frequences. Other ground behind digital transition,Antenna and medium features.Features for digital transition areSpectral efficiencyPower efficiencyRobustness.Typical strategies areAskPSKFSKWhat are the chief benefits of a spread spectrum system? How can distributing be achieved? How can DSSS systems profit from multi-path extension?Answers:Benefits of a Spread Spectrum System:Robust against interventionBuilt-in securityFooting for CDMA engineeringsIf the signal degree is low plenty so it can be used as background of bing systems.By Chiping sequence or frequence hopping ( XORing ) a spot, we can accomplish Spreading. Guard infinites are now the perpendicularity of the splintering sequences or skiping forms. Higher Orthogonality- & A ; agrave ; Lower the correlativity of spread signals, or lower the hit chance of frequence skiping systems. To recombining signals going along different waies, DSSS system typically use rake receiving systems.What limits the figure of coincident users in a TDM/FDM system compared to a CDM system? What happens to the transmittal quality of connexions if the burden gets higher in a cell, i.e. , how does an extra user influence the other users in the cell?Answers:Mentions:Jochen Schiller, â€Å" Mobile Communication †, 2nd ed. , Addison-Wesley
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Motivational Interviewing: How It Works With Native Americans Essay
The Motivational Interviewing and Stages of Change approach is complementary to the cultural values of Native American people and emphasizes listening, learning, and respect. Addictions in this day and time can be contributed to many factors and effect every ethnicity of people. Substance addiction has even affected the smallest ethnicity of people, Native Americans since their encounter with white people. Motivational Interviewing (MI) has even helped Native Americans through counselors learning and implementing the techniques. Even though clients are naturally resistant to change, utilizing the three pillars are very effective in helping even Native American people because expressing empathy shows that you care and developing discrepancy between client’s present behaviors and values & beliefs. Counselors today need to be trained in MI and cross culturally trained also to better serve individuals. I would through MI be empathic and express it through reflective listening, paraphrase what I hear from the client, ask them let me see if I am hearing you correctly, You are saying†¦.., I would communicate respectfully with the client, be supportive and establish a non-judgmental therapeutic relationship with the client. There are some great CBT techniques alone with homework assignments to help deal with the shame and embarrassment that a client is feeling about their substance use or other problems that are going on. CBT can be self talk with positive statements to themselves, daily mood and thought record and etc. There are so many techniques that can be utilized with MI to help a client even through shame. As a counselor, I will utilize the following principles known also as pillars with MI to help motivate my clients: expressing empathy through reflective listening, developing discrepancy between client’s present behavior and values & beliefs, rolling with resistance by avoiding arguments & confrontation also adjust to the resistance, and last support self-efficacy by affirming clients strengths and allowing freedom and choice. First pillar that would be utilized is expressing empathy. Expressing empathy means to understand my client, know and respect where they are in the stage of change, and using reflective listening by using reflection, paraphrasing, or summarizing what has been stated by the client. For example, so let me get this right you said †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. , Did I get that right? Okay, let me see if I understand what you are feeling right now. In other words walk a mile in their moccasins and know where they are coming from. Second, pillar that would be used is developing discrepancy by getting the client to see that their behaviors that they are exhibiting does not reflect what they have stated that is their values, beliefs, and morals. I would listen to my clients, reflecting, and ask open ended-question. According to Capuzzi & Stauffer (2012), â€Å"When a client is able to experience an internal discrepancy between his or her current behaviors and his or her values, beliefs, and goals, the change process can begin. This is due in large part to the underlying principle of cognitive dissonance (p.131). Third pillar is rolling with resistance which is where a client is resistant to change than as a counselor I would not argue with the client, I will ask the client to tell me more about their view point so that I can understand where they are coming from more. Most important avoid labeling a client. I would ask open-ended questions to invite them in to talk more about what they believe is their reason for not wanting to change, engage in problem solving, or maybe reflecting back their values, beliefs, and goals (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2012). Last pillar is support self-efficacy which is fostering the client’s belief that they can make the necessary changes successfully, making sure the client knows that they are responsible for deciding to change and carrying out the change, let the client know my belief that they can change, and guide client to explore alternative problem solving solutions or approaches to change (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2012). In conclusion, I learned that if a counselor is trained in MI and understands how to deliver the techniques with clients that it would be an effective technique with clients to motivate the stage of changes. For instance, â€Å"data from the current survey collected in a Native American community suggest that MI may be well suited as an intervention to prevent underage drinking and that a MI research program to reduce underage drinking would be generally well tolerated in this reservation community (Tonigan, Miller, & Villanueva, 2007). References Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. (Eds.). (2012). Foundations of addiction counseling (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson. Tonigan, J. S., Miller, W. R., & Villanueva, M. (2007). Response of native american clients to three treatment methods for alcohol dependence Retrieved from,url,cookie,uid&an=28650827&db=ehh&scope=site&site=ehost;
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Level of Awareness on Philippine Independent Films Essay
Rationale Movies have been an important part of everyday experience for more than a century. Most people already know a great deal about it. But majority of viewers appreciate those on the mainstreams without giving prior notice to the existence of independent films. The chances for an indie film to elicit at least a semblance of ‘mainstream response’ remains very low. Independent films are largely ignored by ordinary movie-goers in the Philippines, but the genre has become the â€Å"in thing†in the country as it gains international acclaim and generates the worldwide interest. (Onscreen Asia, 2009) According to Maslog (2007), independent films which is also known as â€Å"indie films†can be in a form of short or full-length cinema which expresses self-expression and creativity different from mainstream cinema. The very nature of an independent film appears to be easier and cheaper since the allotted budget for its production is minimal. But, although the budgets are low, some of these films have been screened and awarded by local and international film festivals. Though independent films are becoming successful locally and internationally, there are also negative connotations when independent movies are mentioned. There are doubts coming from Filipino themselves because of the usual topics of indie films: poverty, homosexuality, prostitution, the underworld, and life in the margins, which exploits the image of the society (The Daily Guardian, 2012). As communication students and future media practitioners, the study will provide a profound understanding about independent films to appreciate better the ways of such films through its messages and to raise everyone’s awareness on the said genre of film. Since, the researchers and respondents are both in line with the practice of media; this study will prepare them into the world of film industry, specifically, Philippine Independent films. Statement of the Problem The study was conducted to investigate the level of awareness on selected Philippine Independents Films of AB Communication students Specifically, the study attempted to answer the following questions: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1, Age 1.2 Gender? 2. What is the level of awareness of the respondents on the following selected Philippine Independent Films in terms of: 2.1, (2009) Last Supper No. 3 2.2, (2010) Wag Kang Titingin 2.3, (2011) Ang Babae sa Septic Tank 2.4 (2012) Victor? 3. What is the level of awareness of the respondents in the selected Philippine Independent films in the traits and messages as observed in terms of : 3.1, Nationalism 3.2, Social Reality 3.3, Freedom of Expression 3.4, Exploitation of Poverty 3.5 Homosexuality? Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework for the study on the level of awareness on selected Philippine Independents Films of AB Communication students Level of Awareness to Selected Philippine Independent Films -Construction of questionnaire regarding Philippine Independent films. -Distribution of questionnaires -Collection data -Interpretation of the gathered data Selected Philippine Independent Films – Last Supper No. 3 [2009] – Wag Kang Titingin [2010] – Ang Babae sa Septic Tank [2011] -Victor [2012] Significance of the Study The result of this study will be beneficial to the following: AB Communication students. The study would greatly affect them since this is much related to the topics that will be discussed in their course. The study would help them to be critical in thinking and be a good observant on what is happening around them most especially to the industry that they will be engaged to in the future. This would furthermore explain things that should be taken consideration of. Film Industry. This study will help in creating good impressions on how film should showcase the society through creative, sensible, fair and intelligent representation. Film Producers. This would help them on how they should be keenly aware and ethical in producing films. The study would remind them on the impact, influence and effect of their films to the viewers as perceived by Communication students. Future Film Producers. This study would give them knowledge and understanding on how to be creative and critical in producing independent films. This will provide them insights on ethical standards, limitations and violations when it comes to the following issues being discussed in relation to the themes of movies produced. Future researchers. This study will be useful to the future researchers who would conduct a similar study in a larger scope, because this could be a means of an additional source and baseline data to explain further ethical issues regarding Philippine Independent Films as perceived by AB Communication Students. This research, likewise, may serve as a reference for future studies. If needed, the results of the study can be verified and tested. Researchers. The would be an opportunity for them to utilize the knowledge they have learned from their study since they would be a part of the mass media world in the future. This would serve as their basis of practice if they will be inclined on the field of media, particularly, the film industry. Definition of Terms The following terms were defined operationally and conceptually: AB Communication Students- It pertained to the bonafide students enrolled in the course, Bachelor of Arts in Communication major in broadcasting which presents opportunities for writers, performers and producers. Ang Babae sa Septic Tank- 2011 Cinemalaya’s Best Film in the Full Length category. Directed by Marlon Rivera. A comedy about misguided ambitions, the art of making art and the romanticization of poverty. Awareness- It is defined in the study as the level of knowledge or being mindful on certain subject, issues, situation and others. Cinemalaya- A film competition and festival that aims to encourage the creation of new cinematic works by Filipino filmmakers – works that boldly articulate and freely interpret the Filipino experience with fresh insight and artistic integrity. Film- Also called a â€Å"movie†or â€Å"motion picture†, is a story conveyed with moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. Full Length Film- According to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, American Film Institute, and British Film Institute, a feature film runs for 40 minutes or longer. Last Supper No. 3- 2009 Cinemalaya’s Best Film in the Full Length category. Directed by Sherwin Dayoc. Based on a true story, Last Supper No. 3 is a humorous look at the circuitous path our legal system takes to justice. Mainstream Cinema- Defined as commercial films that are made by major entertainment studios or companies that are owned by international media conglomerates. Philippine Independent Films- Also known as â€Å"indie films†can be in a form of short or full-length cinema which expresses self-expression and creativity different from mainstream cinema. Short Feature Film- A â€Å"short film†is any film not long enough to be considered a feature film. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as â€Å"an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits†. Victor- 2012 Cinemalaya’s Best Film in Short Feature category . Directed by Jarell M. Serencio. A film that showed glaring realities of faith, beliefs, etc. and how Filipinos and foreigners embrace the tradition of â€Å"Semana Santa†(holy week) as an attraction to this town. Wag Kang Titingin . 2010 Cinemalaya’s Best Film in Short Feature Category .Directed by Pam Miras. The film was about a girl’s attempt beyond death and destruction to maintain for her younger sister a semblance of peace and order amid so much violence and conflict that seems to reflect today’s Filipinos. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The researchers have found the following studies and literature relevant to the study being proposed. The review of the literature for this study focuses on the level of awareness on selected Philippine Independent Films of AB Communication students Importance of Demographic Profile According to Gauntlett (2002), media and communications are central element of modern life, whilst age and gender remain at the core of how people think of their identities. With media containing images and messages about men, women and their sexuality, it is very likely that they have a great impact on peoples’ sense of identity. Age and gender are variables that affect exposure and perception according to the study conducted by Linda M. Woolf, PhD. The study states that older people perceive more negatively than younger people and females tend to absorb more from media than males. Independent Films As an art form, independent film is a great tool to express advocacies to their viewers for public awareness. Filipino independent filmmakers are steadily growing and are likely to continue to do so by virtue of its facility for innovation, diversity and originality. Whether they are about social commentary, political statement, psychological study, or keen insights into human relationships, all of these topics represent controversial subjects that are catered to feed the audience intellectual hunger (Mon-alon, 2011). San Diego (2010) stated that 2009 was a watershed year for local independent films. Based on, from year 2009 to 2012, the following films have been awarded by Cinemalaya as Best Films: A. Last Supper No. 3 Won the Best Film in full- length category on 2009. It is based on a true story about a humorous look at the circuitous path our legal system takes to justice. Assistant Production Designer Wilson Naà ±awa is tasked to look for a Last Supper to use as props for a television commercial. He finds three, but loses the one owned by Gareth Pugeda. B. Wag Kang Titingin A film directed by Pam Miras bagged the top price in Cinemalaya 2010. The story is about a father and his two young daughters who travel through a war-torn area. The father explains to his eldest why they need to shield the youngest from what is really happening around them. The eldest finally understands and vows to protect her sister. C. Ang Babae sa Septic Tank Won the Best Film in the year 2011 in full-length category. It was also chosen as the Audience Choice Award, Best Direction by Marlon Rivera and Best Performance of an Actress awarded to Eugene Domingo. Ang Babae sa Septic Tank chronicles a day in a life of three ambitious but misguided filmmakers as they set out to do a quick pre-prod at Starbucks. They believe that they have a winning script, the energy and the drive to make to make their dreams come true. This is a comedy about misguided ambitions, the art of making art and romanticization of poverty. D. Victor The Best Film under short feature category in Cinemalya 2012 directed by Jarell M. Sarencio. It is a story about life as a big show. For ten long years, Victor religiously offers himself to be nailed on the cross every Holy Week. Like other people, this has been a long time â€Å"panata†for he believes that God will forgive him for all and grant petitions after crucifying himself on the cross. Awareness to Philippine Independent Films Independent films are gaining widespread attention these days. Every day Filipinos alike want their stories told through a different lens and through films made with creativity beyond the demands of commerce. To students, indie films are an eye opener, giving youth a better appreciation and understanding for art. It gives an interest about the realities of our society and the creative execution in cinematography, video editing by our local filmmakers. On the other hand, Communications graduate Ogy Yap added, â€Å"There have been efforts to give awareness to Independent cinema, but these have not been successful. Robinsons Galleria has dedicated a theatre for independent cinema, but ticket sales are less than impressive. The duration of the film’s showing is also not as long as those in the mainstream world.†(Gonzales and Libre, 2012). Synthesis When the indie fever swept the movie industry, corresponding weak points interlaced with it. People involved in the indie trend are not really concerned about their subjects or the theme – they are just vehicles to fame and fortune. Poverty, homosexuality, prostitution, the underworld, life in the margins are the usual topics of indie films. These themes and subjects are exploited to the fullest not for social transformation or for the benefit of the poor, the deprived, the oppressed or the marginalized but in order to â€Å"make it.†This is called poverty porn – the exploitation of poverty and its effects, squeezing it to the last drop for money and glory (The Daily Guardian, 2012). Aside from the poverty porn issues of Philippine Independent Films, pink films are generally recognized today as erotic films produced by independent production companies for specialized sex film theatres. The low-budget pink films were produced quickly to be shown outside the mainstream venues of exhibition. This provided the opportunity for a few interested filmmakers to use their pink films to make ironic political commentaries on the contemporary social situation (Nochimson, 2010). Independent cinema’s biggest advantage is the uniqueness that can be observed in their films. Local mainstream films depict almost the same stories, (or copied plot from an international film), the same themes (mostly romance), and the same actors. This is because mainstream cinema would stick to what the â€Å"masa†wants. There is no room for change. It is independent cinema’s biggest advantage because each director’s creativity will be showcased. People would most likely explore in to something new like these independent films, rather than watching local mainstream which is not that exciting anymore because it lacks originality. Another advantage of independent films is that it gives way to new breed of artistic and creative filmmakers. New breed of directors can express fresh ideas in making their films. Independent cinemas give their audience something to look forward to: different style, different genre, and new actors.. Through the growing support for these independent films, viewers of independent films can support, encourage, and recognize gifted Filipino independent filmmakers. Many of these independent films have already been recognized internationally (Anglo,, 2011). CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the method and procedures that were used in this study, it discusses the research design, the respondents, research locale and instrumentations to be used. Data gathering procedures and statistical analysis of data was also presented. Research Design This study has used the descriptive method. The researchers also utilized a self-made survey questionnaire. The method involves the description, recording, analysis and interpretation on the perception of a certain group of students. It includes the following processes: induction analysis, classification, enumeration, measurement and assessment of data (Manuel & Masinda, 2008). The survey has focused on the gathering of data concerning the respondents’ awareness on selected Philippine Independent Films from 2009-2012. The survey ascertained the messages, traits and characteristics present on Philippine Independent Films. Furthermore, the AB Communication students were the respondents since they are the major recipients of this study. Research Instruments The researchers have used the research method opinion polls to test the knowledge of the target audience regarding the selected Philippine Independent Films from 2009-2012. An opinion poll is designed to represent the opinions of a population by conducting a series of questions and then extrapolating generalities in ratio. It is a type of survey that deals on the perspective of the audience on a certain topic and designed to discover the attitudes and behaviours of an individual. The questions are consisting of lists of possible responses which are analyzed. The results are usually given as percentages of those expressing opinion on a particular question (Asher, 1998). After the survey, the tallying has been administered by the researchers to gather sufficient data that made the research more reliable and precise. Statistical Analysis of Data Frequency Distribution The researchers have used the frequency distribution in summarizing how often different scores occur based on the answers by the respondents on each number of the questionnaire. It is one way of organizing the data needed in the study so that the researchers can interpret it in a visual way. In the study, the answers of the respondents were tallied and thus, this frequency distribution summarized the gathered data that determined the level of awareness on selected Philippine Independent Films of AB Communication students. After gathering the total responses for each item, the researchers have used the Percentage Formula in determining the percentage scores of the responses to the questionnaire (www., 2012). This has given the total percentage for the level of awareness on selected Philippine Independent Films and the occurrence of the enumerated traits or messages on the said genre of film. n % = â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ x 100;n- total no. of responses N;N- total no. of respondents x 100 The computation was: % =_no. of students who have/ have not watched any Philippine Independent Film Q #1_ Total no. of respondents x 100 % =_no. of students who are highly aware/aware/slightly aware/not aware Qs # 2, 3_ Total no. of respondents 16-18| 19-21| 22-24| 25 and above| The demographic profile of the respondents was also computed using the Percentage Formula. The bracket for age was: The pie chart or circle graph was used to show the breakdowns or component parts of whole categorical variables (, 2012). Books: Blade, W. (Ed.) (1998). Polling and the public: what every citizen should know. Public Opinion (4th ed., p.25). Washington, D.C. : CQ Press. Corrigan, T. & While, P. (2008). The Film Experience. An Introduction (2nd Edition, p.442-445). Bedford: St. Martin’s publishing. Foss, K. & Littlejohn S. (2008). Theories of Human Communication (9th ed., p. 230). Belmont, USA: Thomson Wadsworth. Galt, R. & Schoonover, K. (2010). Global Art Cinema: New Theories and Histories, 48-53. USA: Oxford University Press. Gauntlett, D. (2002). Media, gender and identity. London: Anthony Rowe, Ltd. Maslog, C. (2008). Philippine Communication Today, 275, The University of Michigan: New Daily Publishers. Nochimson, M. (2010). World on Film, 228,231. United Kingdom: Blackwell’s publishing. Thesis: Szabo, C. (2010, May 26). Independent, mainstream and in between: how and why indie films have become their own genre. Honors College Theses, 5-6, 24. New York: Pace University Internet: Circle Graphs or Pie Charts. Retrieved September 11, 2012, from Gonzales, N. & Libre, B. (2012, August 25). Retrieved September 08, 2012, from Manuel, E. & Masinda, R. (2008, July 22). Retrieved September 11,2012, from Onscreen Asia (2009, March 01) .Retrieved August 05, 2012, from The Daily Guardian (2012, September 18). Retrieved August 31,2012, from Thinking Made Easy (2012, August 11). Retrieved Sept 11, 2012, from–1.html
Friday, September 13, 2019
UAE Shoe online Business Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
UAE Shoe online Business Plan - Assignment Example Nevertheless, the supplemental funding is needed to start work on web design, purchase of server, computers and software, brand marketing and modifications, and to clear expenses incurred during the initial year of management. Additional funding has already been obtained from; firstly $50,000 from the Local Entrepreneurs Funds; Secondly $700,000 are personal savings, thirdly; $1,200,000 from two investors, and lastly $10,500 as a short-term loan. UAE shoe online will be included as a Limited Liability Company category. This will cushion the proprietor and the two outside investors from matters of personal liability as well as double taxation. Nonetheless, the investors will get the treatment accorded to shareholders and hence will not be given anything more than their personal investment worth $600,000 each. The funding, an extra amount of the capital contributions invested by the proprietor, shareholders as well as the LEF, will enable UAE shoe online to successfully start and susta in operations throughout the first year. Nevertheless, the large initial capital investment will enable UAE shoe online to avail to its customer’s absolute an online shop for shoes of its kind in UAE. A unique, fashionable, and innovative atmosphere is needed to present the customers with a setting that will enhance easy shoe buying. Successful business at the end of the first year will provide UAE shoe online Company with a consumer base that will enable it to be self-reliant in the following year (Evans & Brown, 2009). Objectives- UAE shoe online company’s objectives for the initial three years of business encompass the establishment of an upscale, unique, innovative setting that will distinguish the company from local shoe sellers. Keys to Success- The setting up of a matchless, innovative, fashionable atmosphere that will separate the firm from other domestic establishments and future shoe sellers; the creation of UAE shoe online Company as a fashionable shoe compa ny; and the establishment of an opportunity that is user-friendly in the execution of duties. Mission- As the fame of the Internet grows exponentially, affordability and proximity of resources of the online medium are significant. UAE shoe online company provides individuals, first online shop for shoes, regardless of where they are, purposely to advertise and ensure the continuation of education. Introduction We are now looking to provide our services online. UAE shoe online will provide shoe products and supplies to be consumed by the general population. UAE shoe online also promises to provide quality products at affordable prices with efficient processes. Our mission is to exceed customer expectations with the vision of being the best online shoe supply company. UAE online shoe’s operations are to include online services and marketing will allow the company to keep pace and exceed the performance of its competition. UAE shoe online will provide a wide variety of shoe prod ucts with our focus being on the general population. We offer everything one may need for a shoe in the home from incontinence men, women to children. In today’s society with many people choosing to make their purchases online we are also going to market ourselves to the online world.
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