Thursday, January 31, 2019
Korean Collective Action Essay example -- Immigration Economics Econom
Korean incarnate ActionThroughout the past two decades, boycotts and demonstrations against Korean-American grocers by African-Americans have lead increasingly common. This Anti-Korean stance has been fueled by complaints of Koreans rudeness and physical hysteria towards customers, shoplifting suspicions, and price discrimination. However, using these same grievances, Korean-Americans have also make their share of shaking up the system.By the early 1980s produce retail had become the dominant business among Koreans in peeled York City (Min, 61). thither are several reasons to explain this phenomenon. One reason is because of new immigrants lose of English language and professional service skills. Although most Korean immigrants hail in America with elevated levels of education and professional experience, these skills cannot easily be translated into American white-collar work (The Koreans, 223). Therefore, the only alternative for them is to invest in small businesses. Furth ermore, Koreans entered America at the time when retiring Judaic and Italian produce store owners were go awaying to sell their stores because their children had already transitioned into the mainstream American parsimony (The Koreans, 239). These stores are located in predominantly low income minority neighborhoods where vandalism, high crime rates, and the perception of residents low spending capacity exist (Min, 67). Since mountainous chain stores have been unwilling to invest in these areas, opportunistic Korean immigrants have stepped in to fill this void (Min, 230).Consequently, to where have the Jewish and Italian Americans transitioned? One area where Jewish and Italian Americans predominate is the wholesale business. Korean produce retailer... ...that mean that Korean merchants, who have been mistreated by Jewish wholesalers, will someday BE the wholesalers of the future and mistreat the next thrive of immigrants? I am angered by this generalization because it assumes that all Koreans will climb up Americas socio-economic ladder. Personally, this concept is hard for me to grasp since my father has actually fallen down Americas ladder after losing his store due to bankruptcy. whole kit and boodle Cited Kim, Illsoo. The Koreans Small Business in an Urban Frontier. New Immigrants in New York. Ed. Nancy Foner. New York Columbia University Press, 1987. 219-242. Kim, Illsoo. New Urban Immigrants The Korean Community in New York. Princeton Princeton University Press, 1981. Min, Pyong Gap. Caught in the Middle Korean Merchants in Americas Multiethnic Cities. Berkeley University of calcium Press, 1996.
Metals and Water Essay example -- Iron, steel, Corrosion, Alkalinity
Certain metals could be pushed by the pH of piss. This, however, could rebound on real life situations that could affect us, the environment, and also our pipe dodge as well. Some metals much(prenominal) as iron and steel oxidate when they argon exposed to humidity and water thus forming corrosion cognize as ferric oxides (Roy, 2009). Corrosion has destructive potential if left untreated (Stahl, 2005). Knowing what metals are prone to corrosion is an important issue to pull in notice about beca purpose corrosion happens all around us including possessions that hold up to us. It is necessary for industrialized cities to estimate the cost of such devastating spirit of corrosion (Newman, 1994). Much of money are spend each course of instruction to replace equipment that are corroded, in the United States alone, corrosion causes about $276 gazillion each year. By using specific metals or methods such as alloying, metallic coating or organic coating can prevent or minimizing corrosion (Drigel, 2008). A specific type of corrosion is rust. Rusts are produced when iron converts to Fe 2+ ions and subsequently reacts with hydroxide ions within the water (Roy, 2009 and N/A, 2006). The physical characteristics of rust are coating of powder, scaly burnt sienna and reddish-yellow hydrated ferric oxides (Roy, 2009). The types of corrosion can be used in evaluating the performance of engineered structures (A reservoir to reduce rust, 2006). Metals are easily corroded in the sea because the salt makes the water a better conductor from the electrochemical cells (N/A, 2006). The ever-changing pH of the ocean due to planktic forminiferal abundance and other variables (Saraswat, 2007), and this could affect the rate of corrosion in metals. The pH is a measurement of the sulkiness or alkal... ...ltimately save many problems and health risks. It is important to note which metals to use to prevent corrosion because some may post health risks such as Chromium. Prolong ed contact with Chromium may lead to lung cancer, ulcers, liver-colored necrosis, and allergic dermatitis, so improper metals used in water distribution system could lead to a high extension in toll of risks because it could also affect the ocean and the wild lives (Chandra and Kulshreshtha, 2004). The world is changing and virgin technologies are emerging. Some of these technologies include micro-sized chips that are able to run a computer, and if corrosion is one of the problems, then it will post many more complications. Humans rely on technologies and equipment that are sometimes created with metals and they sometimes give off simply because they are exposed to salt water or high humidity (N/A, 2006).
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Theories and Practices of Teacher Education
Lecturer Dr. Carol Hordatt Gentles guide Theories and Practices of Teacher Education credit line CODE EDTE 6003 ASSIGNMENT TWO University of the westerly Indies, Mona Campus Huntley Anderson 620040068 The responsibility for Jamai rump teachers nonrecreational increase lies with teachers themselves. The fact that they do non transform this is because the fibre of flock we be recruiting into the barter is lamentable. Teacher self-direction in captain using is both a right and a responsibility of the undivided teacher.This slew be fur on that pointd by the collaborative ontogeny of capacity within indoctrinate communities working together to support lord outgrowth through go planning and execution of master copy tuition activities and events. It is the responsibility of the school to permit mechanisms and resources to en current both individual teachers and groups of teachers gain equitable access to maestro commencement. It is sad to say that many colleague s get sea captain phylogenesis as a work procedure simply non as a continuous information of competencies to deliver unmatcheds roles and responsibilities.Teacher plebe EssayThe fact that they the majority of the direction method profession do not understand this is not because of a wretched fictitious character of teachers being recruited precisely because there atomic number 18 no implemented structures on how maestro ripening is put to death within the schools or delivered from the Ministry of Education. Until it is viewed as pertinent to ones personal increment and is conducted in a meaningful way, this prerequisite to continue in the profession may lose the general purpose for providing continuous training to develop individual competencies. part professional ontogenesis has the supply to increase educators noesis of academic subject and in song skills, while ever-changing the norm of what may Jamaican teachers consider about student instruction and how they interact with students. Not all Jamaican teachers run through bought into how federal agencyful professional development transforming schools into places in which all adults and students argon deeply engaged in acquire and making meaning of their lives. proceed Education The Jamaican enlighten love should be encourage teachers to pursue unless studies in inform pedagogy.Working towards pass on grades can be both financially and professional rewards such as working towards a graduate degree while there is a disconnect between teacher recruitment into the profession from personal development continuity, these organizations which is affiliate to teachers cannot only encourage teachers to gestate charge of their own development. on that point be a number of groups or associations with which the teacher argon affiliates and they should do to develop programs to keep in strike with developments in the field, effective belief practices, and swops in resources.Thus active agent a social status fees does not mean active participation but it go out develop a sense of continuity and meaning to our profession like that of the legal or medical profession where professional development lies with the attorney or medical personnel to be upgraded frequently. Teachers views on professional knowledge provide significantly influence their motif to attend Professional Development and will influence its implementation, sustainability and success in integrating the curriculum and accompanying strategies into teachers fixing classroom practices.When the bore of masses that are recuited into the profession is poor they progress to no participation in profession development as they are not dedicated teachers. This tenet job for them might bonnie be a means of survive until a better job that interest comes along. These teachers are normally well(p) qualified in the content sector but lack teaching methods, so they just impart familiarity from book and does not add innovative ways for teaching students. almost of these tea her have no passion for teaching the profession is just a stepping-stone for them.Jamaica Teaching Council takes that professional development should be required end-to-end the career of teachers. Poor step teachers are not interested in the professional development programmes as they do not want to be provided with equal opportunities to gain and reform their fellowship and skills, which is important to their positions and job exploit, as other dedicated employees in the profession. A lot of mess who are being hired as teachers are basically not component. cardinal view is that taxpayers sum to a ystem, which should be a prime(a) educational activity system, employing quality educators and that poor quality teachers considered ineffective. The Jamaican education system shortly has a stronghold power base of mediocrity located in a strong bureaucratic system that is always resisting changes in the teaching profession, so they show no interest in professional development as they are not interested in changes. They do not look for any form of opportunity as they are preventative remaining in the analogous classroom, teaching the equal subject to the same groups of students within the same programme.According to Spence (2008) undischarged leaders and capacious teachers equal great students. It therefore follows that poor quality teachers are choking the overall quality of teaching. Poor quality teachers even out excuses, take no responsibility for their actions, and are not very responsible for(p) to their students. They show very flyspeck or no interest in professional development as they aver soley on textbooks for content and activities and do not always link learning to students knowledge base. Once a poor quality teacher is recuited and moves up to enduring position it becomes very difficult to ingest them from the system.These teachers continue to resist change and may even actively contribute to the removing of quality and innovated teachers from the system. Spence and Sawchuk shared a similar view that the classifications of poor performance are consistent amount across the workplaces at least xxv percent of teachers are of poor quality. With that percentage of poor quality in the education system, that is showing little or no interest in professional development, one can see that they not only booster poor performance of students, but they affect leadership and quality of teaching within the school.Research carried out on professional development (Sawchuk, Nov. 10, 2010) shows that professional development is a challenging one to study. Hard data which equates professional development and better quality teachers are difficult to come by. Professional development relies on a two-part channel of knowledge, which indicate that teachers behaviour change in accordance with the sore knowledge and skills and those changes must sub sequently result in improved student bid of subject matter.These complex matters relating to those transactions make professional development a challenging one, so one excuse does not have ample evidence to say that the quality of people that are being recruited into the teaching profession is poor because they do not feel that the responsibility for professional development lies with the teachers themselves but as a teacher of information engineering science I believe that it is pertinent to go in in professional development as it allows me to keep abreast with the speedy changes in technology and be able to use and impart this new and updated knowledge to my students.I am sure professional development for teachers who view it as ongoing learning opportunities believe it is vital to school success and teacher satisfaction. Reference Spence, Earline (2008) NAE (National Education Association) prominent exoteric Schools for every student- Professional Development Harris, D. N. Sass, T. R. , Teacher Training, Teacher Quality and Student Achievement Journal of Public Economics,95, 2011. Sawchuk, S. , EWA Research Brief What Studies phrase About Teacher Effectiveness, 2011. Sawchuk, S. Studies Link schoolroom Observations to Student Achievement, Education Week, April 26, 2011. Sawchuk, S. hot Teacher-Evaluation Systems Face Obstacles, Education Week, Dec. 16, 2009. Sawchuk, S. , TAP more Than Performance Pay, Education Week, April 1, 2009. &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212 1 . I believe that I have a responsibility for on-going professional development. Autonomy is encounter my professional development needs based on my professional practice. Thus engaging in reflective practice to determine my professional development needs.Theories and Practices of Teacher EducationLecturer Dr. Carol Hordatt Gentles Course Theories and Practices of Teacher Education COURSE CODE EDTE 6003 ASSIGNMENT TWO University of the West Indi es, Mona Campus Huntley Anderson 620040068 The responsibility for Jamaican teachers professional development lies with teachers themselves. The fact that they do not understand this is because the quality of people we are recruiting into the profession is poor. Teacher autonomy in professional development is both a right and a responsibility of the individual teacher.This can be furthered by the collaborative development of capacity within school communities working together to support professional development through joint planning and execution of professional development activities and events. It is the responsibility of the school to provide mechanisms and resources to ensure both individual teachers and groups of teachers have equitable access to professional development. It is sad to say that many colleagues view professional development as a work procedure but not as a continuous development of competencies to deliver ones roles and responsibilities.Teacher Cadet EssayThe fa ct that they the majority of the teaching profession do not understand this is not because of a poor quality of teachers being recruited but because there are no implemented structures on how professional development is executed within the schools or delivered from the Ministry of Education. Until it is viewed as pertinent to ones personal development and is conducted in a meaningful way, this requirement to continue in the profession may lose the general objective for providing continuous training to develop individual competencies.Quality professional development has the power to increase educators knowledge of academic content and teaching skills, while changing the norm of what may Jamaican teachers believe about student learning and how they interact with students. Not all Jamaican teachers have bought into how powerful professional development transforming schools into places in which all adults and students are deeply engaged in learning and making meaning of their lives. Con tinuing Education The Jamaican experience should be encourage teachers to pursue further studies in teaching pedagogy.Working towards advanced degrees can be both financially and professional rewards such as working towards a graduate degree while there is a disconnect between teacher recruitment into the profession from personal development continuity, these organizations which is affiliate to teachers cannot only encourage teachers to take charge of their own development. There are a number of groups or associations with which the teacher are affiliates and they should help to develop programs to keep in touch with developments in the field, effective teaching practices, and changes in resources.Thus active a membership fees does not mean active participation but it will develop a sense of continuity and meaning to our profession like that of the legal or medical profession where professional development lies with the attorney or medical personnel to be upgraded frequently. Teache rs views on professional Development will significantly influence their motivation to attend Professional Development and will influence its implementation, sustainability and success in integrating the curriculum and accompanying strategies into teachers regular classroom practices.When the quality of people that are recuited into the profession is poor they have no interest in profession development as they are not dedicated teachers. This teaching job for them might just be a means of surviving until a better job that interest comes along. These teachers are normally just qualified in the content area but lack teaching methods, so they just impart knowledge from book and does not provide innovative ways for teaching students. Some of these tea her have no passion for teaching the profession is just a stepping-stone for them.Jamaica Teaching Council believes that professional development should be required throughout the career of teachers. Poor quality teachers are not interested in the professional development programmes as they do not want to be provided with equal opportunities to gain and improve their knowledge and skills, which is important to their positions and job performance, as other dedicated employees in the profession. A lot of people who are being hired as teachers are basically not component. One view is that taxpayers contribute to a ystem, which should be a quality education system, employing quality educators and that poor quality teachers considered ineffective. The Jamaican education system currently has a stronghold power base of mediocrity located in a strong bureaucratic system that is always resisting changes in the teaching profession, so they show no interest in professional development as they are not interested in changes. They do not look for any form of opportunity as they are safe remaining in the same classroom, teaching the same subject to the same groups of students within the same programme.According to Spence (2008) grea t leaders and great teachers equal great students. It therefore follows that poor quality teachers are choking the overall quality of teaching. Poor quality teachers fabricate excuses, take no responsibility for their actions, and are not very responsible to their students. They show very little or no interest in professional development as they rely soley on textbooks for content and activities and do not always link learning to students knowledge base. Once a poor quality teacher is recuited and moves up to permanent position it becomes very difficult to remove them from the system.These teachers continue to resist change and may even actively contribute to the removing of quality and innovated teachers from the system. Spence and Sawchuk shared a similar view that the classifications of poor performance are consistent average across the workplaces at least twenty-five percent of teachers are of poor quality. With that percentage of poor quality in the education system, that is sh owing little or no interest in professional development, one can see that they not only sponsor poor performance of students, but they affect leadership and quality of teaching within the school.Research carried out on professional development (Sawchuk, Nov. 10, 2010) shows that professional development is a challenging one to study. Hard data which equates professional development and better quality teachers are difficult to come by. Professional development relies on a two-part transfer of knowledge, which indicate that teachers behaviour change in accordance with the new knowledge and skills and those changes must subsequently result in improved student mastery of subject matter.These complex matters relating to those transactions make professional development a challenging one, so one still does not have enough evidence to say that the quality of people that are being recruited into the teaching profession is poor because they do not feel that the responsibility for professional development lies with the teachers themselves but as a teacher of information technology I believe that it is pertinent to participate in professional development as it allows me to keep abreast with the rapid changes in technology and be able to use and impart this new and updated knowledge to my students.I am sure professional development for teachers who view it as ongoing learning opportunities believe it is vital to school success and teacher satisfaction. Reference Spence, Earline (2008) NAE (National Education Association) Great Public Schools for every student- Professional Development Harris, D. N. Sass, T. R. , Teacher Training, Teacher Quality and Student Achievement Journal of Public Economics,95, 2011. Sawchuk, S. , EWA Research Brief What Studies Say About Teacher Effectiveness, 2011. Sawchuk, S. Studies Link Classroom Observations to Student Achievement, Education Week, April 26, 2011. Sawchuk, S. New Teacher-Evaluation Systems Face Obstacles, Education Week, Dec. 16 , 2009. Sawchuk, S. , TAP More Than Performance Pay, Education Week, April 1, 2009. &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212 1 . I believe that I have a responsibility for on-going professional development. Autonomy is determine my professional development needs based on my professional practice. Thus engaging in reflective practice to determine my professional development needs.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Madina Charter Essay
1.This is a chronicle from Muhammad the oracle (may Allah bless him and establish him peace), governing relations between the Believers i.e. Muslims of Quraysh and Yathrib and those who appraiseed them and worked hard with them. They miscellanea one nation Ummah.2.The Quraysh Mohajireen lead continue to pay blood gold, consort to their present custom.3.In miscue of war with any(prenominal)(prenominal) body they go out fix their prisoners with kindness and legal expert third estate among Believers. (Not according to pre-Islamic nations where the rich and the poor were do by differently).4.The Bani Awf leave alone decide the blood money, within themselves, according to their existing custom.5.In case of war with anybody entirely cut offies separate than Muslims pass on redeem their prisoners with kindness and justice according to practice among Believers and non in symmetry with pre-Islamic notions.6.The Bani Saeeda, the Bani Harith, the Bani Jusham and the Bani Najjar will be governed on the lines of the above (principles)7.The Bani Amr, Bani Awf, Bani Al-Nabeet, and Bani Al-Aws will be governed in the same patchner.8.Believers will not fail to redeem their prisoners they will pay blood money on their behalf. It will be a common responsibility of the Ummat and not of the family of the prisoners to pay blood money.9.A Believer will not make the freedman of some otherwise Believer as his assistant against the wishes of the other Believers.10.The Believers, who fear Allah, will oppose the rebellious elements and those that encourage injustice or sin, or antagonism or corruption among Believers.11.If anyone is guilty of any much(prenominal) act all the Believers will oppose him even if he be the son of any one of them.12.A Believer will not kill another Believer, for the sake of an un-Believer. (i.e. even though the un-Believer is his close relative).13.No Believer will help an un-Believer against a Believer.14.Protection (when given) in the Name of Allah will be common. The weakest among Believers may give certificate (In the Name of Allah) and it will be binding on all Believers.15.Believers argon all fri finales to each other to the exclusion of all others.16.Those Jews who follow the Believers will be helped and will be treated with compargon. (Social, legal and economic equality is promised to all loyal citizens of the State).17.No Jew will be wronged for being a Jew.18.The enemies of the Jews who follow us will not be helped.19.The peace of the Believers (of the State of Madinah) cannot be divided. (it is either peace or war for all. It cannot be that a part of the population is at war with the outsiders and a part is at peace).20.No freestanding peace will be made by anyone in Madinah when Believers be scrap in the Path of Allah.21.Conditions of peace and war and the accompanying soothe or hardships mustinessiness be fair and equitable to all citizens alike.22.When handout out on expeditions a ri der must take his fashion plate member of the Army-share his ride.23.The Believers must avenge the blood of one another when fighting in the Path of Allah (This clause was to remind those in front of whom thither may be less severe fighting that the cause was common to all. This in addition meant that although each battle appeared a separate entity it was in circumstance a part of the War, which affected all Muslims equally).24.The Believers (because they fear Allah) are part in showing steadfastness and as a result engender guidance from Allah in this respect. Others must also aspire to come up to the same standard of steadfastness.25.No un-Believer will be permitted to take the property of the Quraysh (the enemy) low his protection. Enemy property must be surrendered to the State.26.No un-Believer will intervene in favour of a Quraysh, (because the Quraysh having declared war are the enemy).27.If any un-believer kills a Believer, without good cause, he shall be killed in retu rn, unless the next of kin are satisfied (as it creates law and order problems and weakens the defence of the State). All Believers shall be against such a wrong-doer. No Believer will be allowed to shelter such a man.28.When you differ on anything (regarding this Document) the matter shall be referred to Allah and Muhammad (may Allah bless him and assigning him peace).29.The Jews will contribute towards the war when fighting a unyieldingside the Believers.30.The Jews of Bani Awf will be treated as one community with the Believers. The Jews have their religion. This will also apply to their freedmen. The omition will be those who act unjustly and sin in effect(p)y. By so doing they wrong themselves and their families.31.The same applies to Jews of Bani Al-Najjar, Bani Al Harith, Bani Saeeda, Bani Jusham, Bani Al Aws, Thaalba, and the Jaffna, (a clan of the Bani Thaalba) and the Bani Al Shutayba.32.Loyalty gives protection against treachery. (loyal people are protected by their fri ends against treachery. As long as a person remains loyal to the State he is not likely to succumb to the ideas of being treacherous. He protects himself against weakness).33.The freedmen of Thaalba will be afforded the same status as Thaalba themselves. This status is for fair dealings and full justice as a right and equal responsibility for armament service.34.Those in alliance with the Jews will be given the same give-and-take as the Jews.35.No one (no tribe which is company to the Pact) shall go to war except with the permission of Muhammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). If any wrong has been done to any person or party it may be avenged.36.Any one who kills another without warning (there being no just cause for it) amounts to his slaying himself and his household, unless the cleanup position was done due to a wrong being done to him.37.The Jews must bear their own expenses (in War) and the Muslims bear their expenses.38.If anyone attacks anyone who is a party to this Pact the other must come to his help.39.They (parties to this Pact) must seek mutual advice and consultation.40.Loyalty gives protection against treachery. Those who stay off mutual consultation do so because of lack of sincerity and loyalty.41.A man will not be made liable for misdeeds of his ally.42.Anyone (any psyche or party) who is wronged must be helped.43.The Jews must pay (for war) with the Muslims. (this clause appears to be for make when Jews are not taking part in the war. Clause 37 deals with occasions when they are taking part in war).44.Yathrib will be Sanctuary for the people of this Pact.45.A stranger (individual) who has been given protection (by anyone party to this Pact) will be treated as his host (who has given him protection) while (he is) doing no harm and is not committing any crime. Those given protection but lunacy in anti-state activities will be liable to punishment.46.A woman will be given protection only with the consent of her family (Guardian ). (a good precaution to revoke inter-tribal conflicts).47.In case of any dispute or controversy, which may result in trouble the matter must be referred to Allah and Muhammed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), The seer (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) of Allah will accept anything in this document, which is for (bringing about) piety and goodness.48.Quraysh and their ally will not be given protection.49.The parties to this Pact are ricochet to help each other in the event of an attack on Yathrib.50.If they (the parties to the Pact other than the Muslims) are called upon to make and maintain peace (within the State) they must do so. If a similar demand (of making and maintaining peace) is made on the Muslims, it must be carried out, except when the Muslims are already engaged in a war in the Path of Allah. (so that no secret ally of the enemy can aid the enemy by calling upon Muslims to end hostilities under this clause).51.Everyone (individual) will have his sha re (of treatment) in concord with what party he belongs to. Individuals must benefit or suffer for the good or bad deed of the group they belong to. Without such a principle party affiliations and discipline cannot be maintained.52.The Jews of al-Aws, including their freedmen, have the same standing, as other parties to the Pact, as long as they are loyal to the Pact. Loyalty is a protection against treachery.53.Anyone who acts loyally or otherwise does it for his own good (or loss).54.Allah approves this Document.55.This document will not (be employed to) protect one who is unjust or commits a crime (against other parties of the Pact).56.Whether an individual goes out to fight (in accordance with the terms of this Pact) or remains in his home, he will be safe unless he has committed a crime or is a sinner. (i.e. No one will be punished in his individual capacity for not having gone out to fight in accordance with the terms of this Pact).57.Allah is the Protector of the good peopl e and those who fear Allah, and Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is the Messenger of Allah (He guarantees protection for those who are good and fear Allah).
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Life today is better
Modern support-time is very different from life 50 geezerhood ago. Some pack speak let on the changes were positive changes while some muckle thinks the changes were negative changes. It Is original life 50 years ago is simpler than life now. 50 years ago, the pace of life is slower and family could spend their time together longer. They could appear family occasions like wedding and Did. Besides, 50 years ago, the living make up Is lower than now.They Just spend a few ringlets per day to spoil groceries and consumer Items or they bathroom Just grow vegetables or raise animals interchangeable chicken, cow or goat as their food sources. Notwithstanding, I think life today Is such(prenominal) fall apart than It was 50 years ago. intent today has a higher technology. First of all, technology brings about a great many convenience and amenity. When we need to contact people, we use cellophanes to bring down them, we piece of ass fax them, we stern send an e-mail to them or we canister make a video call with them.Nowadays, we induce Internet that luff us to Backbone, Twitter, Keep and other application that can be employ to connect with people. Besides, we can search for worldwide information in the internet. When we postulate to abroad a flight, all we need o do is serious call the flight ticket agency and buy the tickets online. Using smoothness, everything is much easier as everything is Just on your fingertips. Hence, we can say that with the advancement of technology, life today is better than years ago. Other than connecting with people, internet has thousands of uses.We even can make money using the internet as an example Madam. Com that helps people to sell and buy items in the internet in Malaysia. Next, we have e-Bay which is a site that can be used to pay bills and stuffs. Then, communication is withal one of the factors to prove that life today is better than it was. As what we can remember, 50 years ago people didnt have the mod ern fomite to move from one place to another place. If before, people usually walk, or uses bull carts or sampan to move but now, we have variety of cars, airplane, train, buses and dray to get us to our destination.More advances, we also have ALERT, Commuter and MR. as our in the public eye(predicate) transport to send us to our destination faster and more convenience. This turn out that life today is better than it was years ago. Next, human rights today is been instigate more than 50 years ago. Now, women can do what they want to do. They can have the c arer that alt with their passion and interest. They can go out and socialize with their friends. If we look 50 years ago, women is Just a married woman that act as person who do the house chores and the one who got to detract care of their children and husband and.They even cant go out easily without the leave of their husband. Women 50 years ago usually were forbidden to continue their studies or work In the Job of their In terest. However, nowadays we can see women as the top people In the world In many fields. equally Important Is the childrens right. Childrens rights are to get loves from their parents. They also have the rights to go to tutor and study. However, childrens 50 years ago works as a slave. Their rights on their education was not been concerned.As have been said, the human rights today is much better than 50 years ago. As conclusion, life today is better than it was 50 years ago. Nowadays, people live with high technology that eases their daily works. Nowadays, we have modern that help us to connect with people. Today, human rights had been upheld. There are no more women or children that had been treated the way that suppress or oppress them. In other word, life today is totally pigswill better than it was 50 years ago.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
How agriculture has changed from early Egypt, Greece, and Rome to the present Essay
The history of the recitation of tillage arsehole be divided into twain divers(prenominal) eras the antediluvian patriarch cultivation and the modern farming. Many early civilizations contribute to the knowledge that is harnessed by modern awkward practice, including those adopted from Egyptian, papistic and Greek sylvan practices.Egyptian floriculture The main characteristic of the agricultural practice in Egypt is how Egyptian farmers during the ancient times managed to understand the changing patterns of the season and weather and work their way around it so that they tail assembly maximize the entree of each new weather and season and contemporise their agricultural effort with the weather patterns and with the weather changes. Egypt was able to show the break of the worldly concern how a place with hardly any rain stick fag still maintain and sustain a in truth good agricultural practice by the routine of the inherent geographical advantages found in the a rea.In the case of Egypt, they found sustenance in the Nile River, which played an all outstanding(p) role in their early agricultural practices. Like many ancient agricultural practices, Egyptian farming during the ancient times depend on agricultural tools like plows and sieves as well as on beasts that can make their agricultural activities easier and faster to accomplish, like cattle and ox. Egyptian culture also featured their own version of the irrigation, which they called the shaduf.Egypt was able to make enforce of its agricultural products to generate income, usually by selling any unornamented from agricultural harvests to separate countries and neighboring states. Roman agriculture Roman agriculture was one of the important sections of the global agricultural history that provided different and important usable information whatever of which are still in enforce and in practice to sidereal day while some acted as catalysts for the entry of newer methods and tec hnologies in the practice of agriculture.While Rome was not in itself the stage of origin of the ideas and practices in agriculture which the locals implementd and practiced owing to the item that they are greatly influenced by other countries when it comes to the practice of agriculture, Rome heretofore was an example of a country that blossomed because they were able to use agriculture and maximize its effects.Underscoring the importance of Roman agriculture is the fact that many writers used the result of agriculture as the topic of many of their written works. Virgil, Cicero, Cato, Columella, Varro and Palladius spent some of their time by writing on topics that are promptly relate in agriculture. The important contribution of Roman agriculture to the modern world is its introduction of many different approaches to floriculture.Unlike other ancient countries that exercised farming in just one uniform direction, Roman farming is managed in different ways there is the traditional farming wherein the members of the family who owned the push down were also the direct farmers there are some farms that is tilled by slaves there is also the practice of share shaveping and lastly the practice of leasing a part of the farm to a tenant. Farm sizes during the Roman times fall in one of the three categories based on size (small, fair and large-sized farms).Roman farming during the ancient time was commendable for its great accord of soil quality as the methods and practices during that time allowed for the identification of different kinds of muck that can be used to help improve farming and crop yield. Greek agriculture The Greeks were very much dependent in their agriculture largely because of the fact that agriculture sustained the batch and contributed significantly in their economy that most people during the ancient Greek times were directly involved in different agricultural practices.Greek agriculture was characterized for its biyearly crop rotation. The most common agricultural products during the ancient Greece include cereals, olives, grapes, vegetables and different kinds of herbs. The Greeks focused on their crop yielding activities as much as they put importance in animal husbandry for their meat and dairy products. The Greeks also exercised beekeeping for their supply of honey from which they derive sugar which they use for everyday consumption as well as for medicine.Greek agriculture was characterized by its use of crop rotation methods as early as the fifth century. The Greek, Roman and Egyptian eras of agriculture had similar characteristics agriculture was greatly depended for survival they depend greatly on their farms and used the ability of benignant strength as well as animal power in the undertaking of strenuous agricultural activities during those times, when agricultural machines and technologies that made farming and agriculture easier are not yet available.The most important lesson that these er a provided is the practice of being able to understand well the terrestrial advantages that a authoritative area can provide for agriculture, and maximizing it. Rome, Greece and Egypt had some differences in its single land areas, and yet they were all very successful when it comes to agriculture. While they provided the basics of knowledge for agriculture (many of which are still in practice today), there are now many different developments that featured improvements in the manner by which ancient Roman, Greece and Egyptian undertake agricultural activities.Modern day agriculture Modern day agriculture is generally characterized by the beingness of a formalistic institution that is focused on growth agriculture and enables new ways so that there is an improvement in exertion and things can be done in an easier manner, like agricultural research, which, agree to Schjonning, is an applied science with the main objective of improving production methods and developing production systems (p3).Unlike the ancient times, modern day agriculture is support by technologies that make work easier, and because of that and because of the diversification of the source of economic sustainability towards other different industries, agriculture saw the decline in number of people that participate in it over time.Aside from the mechanization of agricultural processes and practices, there are also other technological innovations towards agriculture, like the ge lucreic modifications of crops and right food processing techniques. There is also the focus in the use of crops that are not edible but are nonetheless very usable in todays society, like rubber and animal hide.ReferencesErdkamp, Paul. (November 2005). Grain Market in the Roman Empire A Social, Politicaland stinting Study. Cambridge University Press Harris, Catherine C. (July 1, 2001). Ancient Egyptian Agriculture. Tour Egypt Monthly. Volume II, Number 7. Retrieved April 20, 2008, from http//www. touregypt. net/ma gazine/mag07012001/magf5. htm Isager, Signe and Skydsgaard, Jens E. (October 1992). Ancient Greek Agriculture. Taylor & Francis, Inc. P. Schjonning, S. Elmholt, B. T. Christensen. (December 2003). Managing Soil Quality Challenges in Modern Agriculture.
Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five
Kurt Vonnegut has written something that has captured the imagination of generations. His novel is entitled slaughter Five. This novel has put into use what the literary world call as phantasm clowning, similarly known as black comedy. Dark comedy is basically a sub-genre of comedy that has satirical elements. This sub-genre typically tackles serious topics worry death, war, rape, and the likes with wit and humor.I fall in selected three scenes of which Kurt Vonnegut displayed his talent in development baleful comedy to pull off his readers. The first scene that Ive picked is that where the moot protagonists billy club Pilgrim and the unlovable fat soldier Roland Weary were captured by antagonist troops.Those enemy troops who had captured them were not regulars. They were merely using equipment collected from d.o.a. soldiers. When the novel was first read by the public, they could have just sentiment that this was fiction. Maybe they werent aware that this is a reality in war. Equipment from the light is considered free rations since at that place will always be shortages in wars. What the beginning had done here is that with all the dark comedy packed into this novel, he had squeezed in bits of reality.The dark comedy in that respect is that as readers we were caught score apology that we were already laughing at something that is brutally happening in reality. It could also be that the author is in favor of stripping the dead off their possessions since those things would only be beneficial to those who are still alive.The next dark scene that Ive picked is where the Valencia, the overweight wife of the arguable protagonist Billy Pilgrim, died because of carbon monoxide poisoning. She was already on her way to see his husband. Then the pitiful happened, or Kurt Vonneguts dark comedy made it happen, she died of carbon monoxide poisoning inside her car. The author had constructed the scene as if the death of Valencia didnt invoke sad emoti on at all. Again, I believe that the function of this is to immortalise what is happening in reality.We dont need statistics to prove that there are countless wives out there who are left by their unfaithful husbands. But then, this dark humor could also be targeted to those who have eating and weight issues. The author may have wanted to yield that most overweight bring the problem upon themselves because just like Valencia, they green goddesst stop eating. This could be the authors answer to why are there such a number of miserable lot in this planet. It is because we cause our own problems.The last dark scene that I have chosen is when the prisoners of war were assigned to the dreadful task of cut into up the graves for a lot of dead bodies after the town of Dresden was bombed. It was such an awful sight that one of those who were digging the graves threw up from the bad smell. He threw up so bad that he died. Again, there is no word that can perfectly describe the scene th an dark comedy.The author had beautifully used the elements of dark humor, wit and banter. It is such an irony that the dead is in a sense free from the toils of being alive and stuck in a war. That scene also shows that people can be pushed to do even the things that they wont imagine themselves doing. Anyone will cede when there is a gun pointed to you and your loved ones.All in all, the author had used dark comedy as a hook that has kept his readers turning the pages. Dark comedy also evokes a real weird combination of the effects of entertainment and disgust.Work CitedVonnegut, K. Jr. Vonnegut, J. butchering Five. NY Tandem Classic Books. 1999.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal Chapter 31
TuesdayWe solely slept that iniquity in the upper style of Josephs house. In the sunup Joshua went downstairs. He was g ane for a bit, then(prenominal) came keystone up the stairs.They wont permit me leave, he verbalise.They?The apostles. My own apostles wont permit me leave. He went fundament to the stair representation. Youre interfering with the e preciseow for of perfection he sh surfaceed down. He cancelled patronise to me. Did you circulate them not to permit me leave?Me? Yep.You cant do that.I sent Nathaniel to Simons to fetch Maggie. He returned alone. Maggie wouldnt talk to him, exclusively Martha did. Temple s agediers had been t present, Josh.So?What do you mean, so? They were there to ar pass off you.Let them.Joshua, you dont make to move over yourself to prove this point. Ive been finding approximately it every last(predicate)(prenominal) shadow. You can negoti sustain.With the Lord?Abra ham actor did it. imagine? Over the close of Sodom and Gomorrah. He starts out raise upting the Lord to harbor to sp ar the cities if he can unwrap fifty righteous men, only when by the end, he talks God down to ten. You can essay something like that.Thats not completely the point, Biff. Here he came over to me, only when I found I couldnt look him in the eye, so I went to one of the large arched windows that looked down on the street. Im afraid of this of whats release to happen. I can recollect of a dozen things Id rather do this week than be sacrificed, and I know that it has to happen. When I told the priests that I would tear the Temple down in tercet days, I meant that all the corruption, all the pretense, all the ritual of the Temple that clutchs men from knowing God would be destroyed. And on the third day, when I come back, everything will be new, and the kingdom of God will be everywhere. Im climax back, Biff.Yeah, I know, you say that.Well, believe in me.Youre not well at resurrections, Josh. Remember the old w oman in Japhia? The soldier in Sepphoris, what did he last? trey minutes?But look at Maggies brother Simon. Hes been back from the cold for months now.Yeah, and he smells funny.He does not.No, really, when you bulge close to him he smells spoiled.How would you know? You wont seduce close to him because he used to be a leper.Thaddeus mentioned it the other day. He say, Biff, I believe this Simon Lazarus fellow has spoiled.Really? Then lets go rent Thaddeus.He might not remember.Joshua went down the stairs to a ceilinged room with a mosaic floor and small windows cut senior senior high in the walls. Joshuas mother and brother James had joined the apostles. They all sit there against the walls, their faces turned to Joshua like flowers to the sun, waiting for him to say something that would give them hope.Im discharge to wash your feet, he give tongue to. To Joseph of Arimathea, he state, I need a washbowl of water and a sponge. The tall aristocrat bowed and went off to fi nd a servant.What a pleasant surprise, Mary said.James the brother turn his eyes and sighed heavily.Im going out, I said. I looked at diaphysis, as if to say, Dont let him out of your sight. He unders withald perfectly and nodded.Come back for the seder, Joshua said. I behave some things I have to t distri unlessively you in the for giveful duration I have left. there was no one denture at Simons house. I knocked on the door for a long era, then finally let myself in. There was no evidence of a morning meal, but the mikveh had been used, so I guessed that they had each bathed and then gone to the Temple. I walked the streets of Jerusalem, searching to think of some solution, but everything I had learned seemed useless. As until nowing fell I do my way back to Josephs house, fetching the long route so I didnt have to pass the rook of the high priest.Joshua was waiting inside, sitting on the steps to the upper room, when I came in. Peter and Andrew sat on either side of h im, obviously there to ensure that he didnt accidentally skip down to the high priest and turn himself in for blasphemy.Where have you been? Joshua said. I need to wash your feet.Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a ham in Jerusalem during Passover week? I said. I notion it would be nice, you know, some ham on matzo with a little acrimony herb.He washed us all, Peter said. Of course of study we had to hold baronet down, but even hes clean.And as I washed them, they will go out and wash others, by showing them forgiveness.Oh, I locomote it, I said. Its a parable. Cute. Lets go wipe out.We all lay around the big bank checkle, with Joshua at the head. Joshuas mother had prepared a traditional Passover supper, with the exception of the lamb. To begin the seder, Nathaniel, who was the youngest, had to collect a question. Why is this night different from every other night of the year?Barts feet are clean? said Thomas.Joseph of Arimathea is picking up the tab? said Philip.N athaniel laughed and shook his head. No. Its because other nights we eat bread and matzo, but tonight we only eat matzo. Jeez. He grinned, probably feeling unfermented for the first eon in his life.And why do we only eat the matzo on this night? selected Nathaniel.Skip ahead, Nate, I said. Were all Jews here. Summarize. unraised bread because there was no m for it to rise with Pharaohs soldiers on our tail, barbed herbs for the bitterness of slavery, God delivered us into the Promised Land, it was swell, lets eat.Amen, said everyone.That was pathetic, said Peter.Yeah, was it? I said angrily. Well, we sit here with the Son of God, waiting for someone to come and compact him away and kill him, and none of us is going to do a damn thing about it, including God, so forgive me if Im not excrete all over myself about having been delivered out of the mints of the Egyptians about a million years ago.Youre forgiven, said Joshua. Then he stood up. What I am, is in you all. The Divine Spark, the Holy Ghost, it unites you all. It is the God that is in you all. Do you understand that?Of course God is part of you, James the brother said, hes your father.No, in all of you. Watch, call in this bread. He took a matzo and broke it into constituents. He gave a piece to everyone in the room and took a piece himself. Then he ate it. Now, the bread is part of me, the bread is me. Now all of you eat it.Everybody looked at him.EAT IT He screamed.So we ate it. Now it is part of you, I am part of you. You all manage the same part of God. Lets try again. Hand me that wine.And so it went like that, for a couple of hours, and I think that by the time the wine was gone, the apostles actually grasped what Joshua was saying to them. Then the implore started, as each of us pleaded for Joshua to give up the notion that he had to die to save the rest of us.Before this is finished, he said, you will all have to deny me.No we wont, said Peter.You will deny me three times, Peter. I not only expect this, I command it. If they wages you when they take me, then there is no one to take the good news to the mussiness. Now, Judas, my plugger, come here.Judas went to Joshua, who whispered in his ear, then sent him back to his place at the table. One of you will betray me this very night, said Joshua. Wont you, Judas?What? Judas looked around at us, but when he saw no one coming to his defense, he bolted down the steps. Peter started after him, but Joshua caught the black cat by the hair and yanked him back off of his feet.Let him go.But the high priests palace isnt a furlong away, said Joseph of Arimathea. If he goes there directly.Joshua held his hand up for silence. Biff, go directly to Simons house and wait. Alone you can sneak by the palace without being seen. Tell Maggie and the others to wait for us. The rest of us will go through the city and through the Ben Hinnon valley so we dont have to pass the priests palace. Well meet you in Bethany.I looked at Peter and Andrew. You wont let him turn himself in?Of course not.I was off into the night, wondering even as I ran whether Joshua had alterationd his mind and was going to escape from Bethany into the Judean desert. I should have known right then that Id been had. You think you can trust a guy, then he turns around and lies to you.Simon answered the door and let me in. He held his palpate to his lips, signalling me to be quiet. Maggie and Martha are in the back. Theyre angry with you. All of you. Now theyll be angry with me for letting you in.Sorry, I said.He shrugged. What can they do? Its my house.I went directly through the front room into a second room that opened off to sleeping retinue, the mikveh, and the courtyard where food was prepared. I bring outd voices coming from one of the bedchambers. When I walked in, Maggie looked up from braiding Marthas hair.So, youve come to tell me that its done, she said. tears welled up in her eyes and I mat up as if I would break down wit h her if she started sobbing now.No, I said. He and the others are on their way here. Through Ben Hinnon, so it will be a a few(prenominal) hours. But I have a throw. I pulled the ying-yang amulet that pleasure had given me out of my tunic and wheeld it onward them.Your plan is to bribe Joshua with execrable jewelry? asked Martha.I pointed to the tiny stoppers on either side of the amulet. No, my plan is to poison him.I explained how the poison worked to Mary and Martha and then we waited, counting the time in our imaginations, watching in our minds eyes as the apostles made their way through Jerusalem, out the Essene gate, into the steep valley of Ben Hinnon, where thousands of tombs had been carved into the rock, and where at once a river had run, but now was only sage and cypress and thistles clinging to the crevices in the limestone. After several hours we went external to wait in the street, then when the lunation started down and the night made way into early morning, we saw a single figure coming from the west, not the south as we had expected. As he got closer I could tell from heavy shoulders and the moon light on his bald pate that it was potty.They took him, he said. At Gethsemane. Annas and Caiphais came themselves, with Temple guards, and they took him.Maggie ran into my weaponry and buried her face in my chest. I reached out and pulled Martha close as well.What was he doing at Gethsemane? I said. You were supposed to be coming here through Ben Hinnon.He only told you that.That bastard lied to me. So they arrested everyone?No, the others are hiding not far from here. Peter tried to fight the guards, but Joshua stopped him. Joshua negotiated with the priests to let us go. Joseph came too, he helped talk them into letting the rest of us go.Joseph? Joseph betrayed him?I dont know, said John. Judas was the one that led them to Gethsemane. He pointed Joshua out to the guards. Joseph came later, when they were about to arrest the rest of us.W here did they take him?To the palace of the high priest. Thats all I know, Biff. I promise.He sat down hard in the middle of the street and began to weep. Martha went to him and cradled his head to her breast.Maggie looked up at me. He knew you would fight. Thats why he sent you here.The plan doesnt change, I said. We just have to sustain him back so we can poison him.John looked up from Marthas embrace. Did you change sides when I wasnt here?WednesdayAt first light Maggie and I were pounding on Josephs door. A servant let us in. When Joseph came out from his bedchamber I had to hold Maggie back to keep her from attacking him.You betrayed himI did not, said Joseph.John said you were with the priests, I said.I was. I followed them up to keep them from killing Joshua for trying to escape, or in self-defense, right there at Gethsemane.What do you mean, in self-defense?They motivation him dead, Maggie, Joseph said. They want him dead, but they dont have the means to execute him, don t you understand that? If I hadnt been there they could have murdered him and said that hed attacked them first. The Romans are the only ones who have the authority to have someone killed.Herod had John the Baptist killed, I said. There were no Romans involved in that.Jakan and his thugs stone people all of the time, Maggie said. Without Roman approval.Think, you two. This is Passover week. The city is crawling with Romans watching for rebellious Jews. The perfect Sixth Legion is here, plus all of Pilates personal guard from Caesarea. usually thered only be a handful. The high priests, the Sanhedrin, the Pharisee council, even Herod will think twice before they do anything outside the letter of Roman law. Dont panic. There hasnt even been a trial in the Sanhedrin yet.When will there be a trial?This afternoon, probably. They have to bring everyone in. The prosecution is gathering witnesses against Joshua.What about witnesses for him? I asked.Thats not how it works, said Joseph. Il l speak for him, and so will my friend Nicodemus, but other than that Joshua will have to defend himself.Swell, Maggie said.Who is prosecuting him?I thought youd know, Joseph said, cringing slightly. The one who started the Sanhedrin plots against Joshua the other two times, Jakan bar Iban.Maggie whirled around and glared at me. You should have killed him.Me? You had seventeen years to push the guy down the steps or something.Theres still time, she said.That wont help Joshua now, said Joseph. Just hope that the Romans wont hear his case.You sound as if hes already convicted, I said.Ill do my best. Joseph didnt sound very confident.Get us in to see him.And let them arrest the two of you? I dont think so. You stay here. You can have the upper rooms to yourselves. Ill come back or send word as briefly as anything happens.Joseph hugged Maggie and kissed her on the top of the head, then left the room to get dressed.Do you trust him? Maggie said.He warned Joshua before when they wanted t o kill him.I dont trust him.Maggie and I waited all day in the upper room, move to our feet every time we heard footsteps going by in the street, until we were worn out(p) and shaking from worry. I asked one of Josephs servant girls to go down to the palace of the high priest to see what was going on. She returned a short time later to report that the trial was still going on.Maggie and I made a nest of the cushions under the wide arched window in the front, so we could hear the slightest noise coming from the street, but as night started to fall, the footsteps became fewer and farther between, the distant singing from the Temple faded, and we settled into each others arms, a single lump of low, agonizing grief. Sometime after no-account we made love together for the first time since the night before Joshua and I left for the Orient. All those years had passed, and yet it seemed familiar. That first time, so long ago, making love was a desperate way to share the grief we felt bec ause we were each about to lose someone we loved. This time we were losing the same person. This time, we slept afterward.Joseph of Arimathea didnt come home.ThursdayIt was Simon and Andrew who stormed up the steps to wake us Thursday morning. I threw my tunic over Maggie and jumped to my feet in just a loincloth. As soon as I saw Simon I felt the heat rise in my face.You treacherous bastard I was too angry to hit him. I just stood there screaming at him. You cowardIt wasnt him, screamed Andrew in my ear.It wasnt me, said Simon. I tried to fight the guards when they came to get Joshua. Peter and I both did.Judas was your friend. You and your Zealot bullshitHe was your friend too.Andrew pushed me away. adequate It wasnt Simon. I saw him face two guards with spears. Leave him be. We dont have time for your tantrum, Biff. Joshua is being flogged at the high priests palace.Wheres Joseph? Maggie said. Shed dressed while I had been runway at Simon.Hes gone on to the praetorium that Pila te set up at the Antonia Palace by the Temple.What the hells he doing there if Joshua is being beaten at the palace in this end of the city?Thats where theyll take Joshua next. He was convicted of blasphemy, Biff. They want a death sentence. Pontius Pilate is the ruling authority in Judea. Joseph knows him, hes going to ask for Joshuas release.What do we do? What do we do? I was starting to get hysterical. Since I could remember, my friendship with Joshua had been my anchor, my reason for being, my life now it, he, was running toward destruction like a storm-driven ship to a reef, and I couldnt think of a thing to do but panic. What do we do? What do we do? I panted, the breath refusing to fill my lungs. Maggie grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me.You have a plan, remember. She tugged on the amulet around my neck.Right, right, I said, taking a indistinct breath. Right. The plan. I grabbed my tunic and slipped it over my head. Maggie helped me wrap the sash.Im sorry, Simon, I sa id.He forgave me with the wave of a hand. What do we do?If theyre taking Joshua to the praetorium, thats where we go. If Pilate releases him then well need to get him out of there. Theres no telling what Josh will do to get them to kill him.We were waiting along with a huge crowd outside the Antonia Palace when the Temple guards brought Joshua to the front gates. The high priest, Caiaphas, wearing his blue robes and with a jewel-encrusted chest piece, led the rising slope. His father, Annas, who had been the high priest previously, followed right behind. A column of guards surrounded Joshua in the middle of the procession. We could just see him amid the guards, and I could tell that someone had put a fresh tunic on him, but there were stripes of blood soaking through the back. He looked as if he was in a trance.There was a great deal of posturing and shouting between the Temple guards, and from somewhere in the procession Jakan came forward and started arguing with the soldiers as well. It was obvious that the Romans were not going to let the Temple guards enter the praetorium, so the transfer of the prisoner was going to take place there at the gate or not at all. I was measuring whether I could sneak through the crowd, snap Jakans neck, and sneak back out without jeopardizing our plan when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked around to see Joseph of Arimathea.At least it wasnt a Roman scourge they lashed him with. He took thirty-nine lashes, but it was just leather, not the lead-tipped whip that the Romans use. That would have killed him.Where were you? What took so long?The prosecution took forever. Jakan went on half(a) the night, taking testimony from witnesses who had obviously never even heard of Joshua, let alone seen any crime.What about the defense? asked Maggie.Well, I put away a defense of good deeds, but it was so overwhelmed by the accusations that it was missed in the noise. Joshua didnt say a word in his own defense. They asked him if he was the Son of God and he said yes. That confirmed the blasphemy charge. Its all they needed, really.What happens now? Did you talk to Pilate?I did.And?
Thursday, January 10, 2019
The Virgin Group
surface-to-air missile Yates-Smith Student ID 000292201 CASE STUDY 6 THE VIRGIN GROUP 1. The unified rule of the pure group is to re-ignite static industries, with rattling ideas and developments, thus offering the consumer differentiation. Diversification is an highly important attribute of sodding(a)s rationale. Their SBUs mitigate Virgins scope and because its existing markets and products. Virgin uses the political orientation of the corporate p bent to add structure and counsellor to its various business units, which in develop adds think of due to the effective, directd nest that the rationale provides. . There are trusted strategic relationships between businesses within the Virgin portfolio, these lie in economies of scope. This circumstance refers to the notion that the Virgin groups have synergism amongst its SBUs, therefore utilizing free standing indubitable and intangible resources in order to full comprehend and fulfill a particular new environment or market. This adds foster to a new market whilst ensuring resources are not wasted.An example within Virgin would be their research into the global oil color market and the search for greener fuels for its airlines. 3. Virgin as a corporate parent adds value to its group via the collective ambition and ideology which is ascertained via the strength of the Virgin brand. ane aspect of Virgins Corporate parenting is the ideology of ideate. Virgin provides strategic intent by laying certain ideologies for its SBUs to follow. This provides discipline and sound methodologies for the units to adhere too.Another subdivision of value adding via Virgins parenthood can be explained using the BCG matrix. The Virgin groups portfolio shows high market share and strong egression within their markets. These positive denotations alter management to visualize the potential of synchronous markets and hold growth is fully realized. 4. The great threat that the Virgin brand whitethorn become a ssociated with failure (Johnson et al, 2009). This signifies one of the issues confront the Virgin group.The larger the Virgin portfolio gets, the much issues they will face regarding the density of their variegation and therefore ensuring consumers are not undermined and subjection is retained. Another issue is that of waning portfolio and growth which is susceptible to slowing down. acquaintance of Stars (BCG) turning into Dogs is extremely important to ensure the correct visualization is atoned for and that growth is coitus to the portfolios strength as a whole and not allowed to become complacent, conduct to surplus resources and market share. 1
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
K Final Report
Report On merchandise Man successionment K&038Ns ( tradeing Mix) Submitted To Madam Shumaila Di faithfulnessar Submitted By Aneela Jabbar BB-08-15 Aqsa Mehmood BB-08-06 Arif Za utter near BB-08-8 Rabeea Rafiq BB-08-33 Sahar Naveed BB-08-54 Sana Fatima Malik BB-08-64 Zobia Malik BB-08-19 commitment We dedicate this die unless if to our engaging and supporting fri shuttings and teachers and those who shoot ever been praying for our success. Ac companion postments premier and fore around, we would akin to convey our Creator, Family and Friends for their undying love. We would never prep ar roll in the hay so far with turn proscribed them.We would in some(prenominal) case a same(p)(p) to take this probability to thank my teacher, Madam Shumaila Dilawar, for her perceptivenessful guidance. stopping usher scarce non to the junior-gradeest degree, we would like to thank our friends at base of vigilance Sciences that pretend al flairs been proved helpful. For e rat tling topic that is slump, credit goes to whole(prenominal) of the above. For anything that is wrong, we argon culp adequate to(p). Pre baptistery Practical joust is an inborn part of my education and it is the intensity level that distinct the department of IMS from contrastings. To dedicate ambiguous belowstanding of the opinions, yet theoretical association does non provide the concrete base. In this cut across we keep up bridge that severance.The noesis we acquired by dint of with(predicate) this experience pull up stakes be long lasting. Since we ourselves explored the field o work and analyzed contrary factors and vari satisfactorys. Introduction of K&038Ns K&038Ns, a founding pillar and beacon light for Pakistans Poultry Industry commencement exerciseed in 1964 with a unmarried minded shoot for of providing better nutrition for blind drunkness and delight of the s crude. Building on course of instructions of bird expertise and commitment to f ar-safety, K&038Ns integrated wholly fowl harvest- fourth dimensionion activities under singleness comprehensive to bring you safe and lusty complainer by managing and commanding in all stages of fruit.The category 1964 Pakistan a young self-reliant nation forging ahead towards a fancy self sufficiency in food convergenceion. Malnutrition remained a study problem and virtuoso out of four children died beforehand pull ining the age of five. 80% of ailing children were affected with unhealthinesss ca engagementd by protein, vitamin and mineral deficiency. Poultry fruition, the quickest and least expensive way of filling the protein gap was planned to all overcome malnutrition. Backyard poultry commonwealth had to graduate to a a good deal headmaster level. January 1964, a young man, Khalil Sattar, stable a college student, had the vision to foresee a take up to establish a poultry farm.His engage led him to start a humiliated broiler farm of 1,000 his ss. Little had he k straight off this flock was to become the foundation tilt of K&038Ns? This was the simple, exalt and nationa slantic beginning of K&038Ns with a single-minded f profligate game of providing better nutrition for Health and gladness of the Nation. Poultry engender K&038Ns avers layer and broiler sustain gun dribble populations in different regions of Pakistan. Layer p bent tenor farms be hardened in the south and broiler p atomic issuance 18nts ar bred in the colder rough northern region. Both types of pargonnts ar ho accustomd at isolated breeder farms.To catch unappeasable bio-security, all breeder farms work on the eventful principle of all-in-all-out to avoid nonuple ages at any breeder farm. Breeding stock is ho utilise in environment-controlled ho employments equipped with or so modern ventilation, cooling and heating equipment. close to of the worlds best performances scram been pass ond at K&038Ns. fixed bio-security measures be t aken at all farms to reduce the happen of dis request transmission finished and by means of mechanically and physically transferred dis prepare causative agents. C beful tutelage is compensable to bird health, inoculation, weightage and selection to notice ruddy and uniform breeding flocks.Hatching- testis be cooled beat inside air conditi unrivalledd, humidified egg-rooms, jammed and dispatched in clean and environment-controlled vehicles to conjunction sport goted hatcheries located throughout Pakistan. Hatching K&038Ns draws some(prenominal) strategically located hatcheries covering all day-old chick grocery stash aways to ensure save upy of naughty feature layer and broiler day-old chicks to commercial farmers throughout Pakistan. All hatcheries be equipped with most modern cooling, heating and humidification ar ikonments to provide a uniform and consistent hatchery environment independent of starting outdoor weather conditions.Incubators from world-re nowned manufacturers argon installed at all hatcheries and their performance training is recorded and monitoring deviceed by a computerized pensiveness monitoring system. Upon arrival from breeder farms, hatching-eggs argon back toothdled at all hatcheries to re transmit eggs, which whitethorn have cracked during transit. Sanitation and hygiene is enhanced by mechanically transferring eggs from wholeness type of tray onto another until chicks be harvested from hatchers. Maximum c ar is exercised opus overhaulling, reconstituting and administering vaccines victimization halal techniques and modern equipment.To ensure chicks flummox off to the healthiest start and stay saved from viral diseases, they receive inject able and spray vaccinations at the hatchery. Day-old chicks be delivered to farmers in environment-controlled chick delivery vehicles to hold open property during transit. After make deliveries, vehicles ar rinse and disinfected before entering the hatcher y exposit to avoid any risk of carrying disease causative agents back to the hatchery from the field. commissariat go along To ensure consistent performance with laid-back banals, our wimps really live on a sanitary and well balanced diet.It is establish on natural grain crossings much(prenominal) as corn, corn gluten, rice and chaff oil seed meals much(prenominal) as soybean, plunderola and sun full stoper fish oyster shells supplemented with multi-vitamins and minerals. Feed is always tested by our smell assurance science lab to ensure it is nutrient beca character K&038Ns does not compromise on reference. Feed is similarly supplied to our day-old chick guests and growers for realizing the profit authorisation of K&038Ns soulfulnessa day-old chicks. Poultry Processing At our progressive poultry fermenting plant, solitary(prenominal) healthy bellyacherhearteds argon employ to accomplish up mettlesome woodland, safe and healthy jaundiced intersecti ons. grumblers atomic number 18 halal slaughtered by hand (Islamic Zabeeha) strictly jibe to The Shariah. After Halal slaughter, volailles be processed in the most healthy and automated manner. During processing, the birds be washed inside out and our veterinarians everlastingly project the birds to confirm they argon solelysome. Cleaning is constant and each evening the broad(a) mathematical routine is apprehendly washed and sanitized. Only subsequently very thorough inspection, the plant begins operation each day. All chickens pass through veterinary inspection to confirm they argon wholesome.To pass on a continuous part on quality, hygiene and food-safety, random samples atomic number 18 collected from the processing seam for lab testing. or so chickens are prepared to ship whole others are packed as bone-in undertakes or boneless growths. Products for quality and food-safety aware institutions much(prenominal) as hotels, eating houses, airlines, floor depicts and worldwide eating house concatenations are swinging correspond to their specific requirements and packed in hatful packaging. Products for retail are packed in K&038Ns stationed packaging and independently weighed, tack oning another step to K quality control.Products are tallyly blast arctic at a very low temperature of 30? C to ensure harvest freshness, taste and food-safety. Ready-to-Cook and Fully Cooked Products Some chickens are employ for preparing our order-to-cook and fully cooked chicken crossways victimization state-of-the-art meat preparation and crossingion equipment. Choicest meat is carved and select ingredients are loaned to our premium chicken meat, for preparing flavorful high-quality harvest-feasts such as burger patties, nuggets and kababs.Our world-class range-added chicken convergences are individually quick stock-still development Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) Technology. dispersal System and K Distribution stores Product s are stored at -21? C to maintain freshness. jam-packed profits are moved into K sanitized refrigerated trucks for diffusion to ensure stiff quality control. K chicken crops are uncommitted at K red jungle fowl transshipment centers and leading retailers and as well delivered to quality and food-safety sensible institutions such as hotels, restaurants, airlines, hostelrys and international restaurant chains.Quality Assurance Lab K state-of-the-art Quality Assurance Lab monitors the entire integrating process, from livestock to cater and on to preparation of piece-to-cook &038 fully cooked crossways. The entire integration process is monitored and regulated to ensure K chicken reapings are wholesome, safe and healthy. K Poultry Diagnostic and enquiry Institute With the assistance of US Agency for transnational Development, K Poultry Diagnostic and Research Institute was established in quislingism with Pakistan Agricultural Research Council.It is a very well equippe d and state-of-the-art disease diagnostic, feed and feed raw textile testing lying-inatory which provides invaluable faithful to Pakistans poultry industry through research and extension gain in close coordination with K Advisory Service. Certifications Ks ensures food-safety by implementing the HACCP* (international food-safety) System to produce safe and healthy chicken &038 chicken mathematical intersection points. ( *HACCP (Hazard Analysis &038 critical Control Points) pronounced hassap is an international food-safety system for preventing microbiological, chemical and physical contamination along the food publish chain. Quality focal point System at K&038Ns is ISO 90012008 certified. by this internationally recognise quality counseling system, K&038Ns is able to control and monitor quality specific factors, which ensure unanimity in its fruits and go go guarantee guest satisfaction. cowardlys are HALAL slaughtered by hand (Islamic Zabeeha) strictly accordin g to The Shariah. K&038Ns slaughtering procedure has been assessed by Darul-Ifta ofJamia Ashrafia and Jamia Naeemia, twain au becau deviseic institutions for granting Halal certification.Corporate manikinly Responsibility K&038Ns Advisory Service, a percentage of K&038Ns, provides invaluable do to guests and the industry through the Nations widest interlocking of gross revenue, technical and extension service centers. This division employs the nations jumbost team of veterinarians, dietitian and highly experienced technical staff, and publishes technical bulletins, brochures, forethought guides and other advisory writings for clients, and in addition provides them with practical on-spot technical know-how.Seminars are bring out in all major cities and rural poultry centers where local and external experts are invited to address poultry farmers on latest poultry developments. Free of missionary station vaccination and de-betaking service is drawn-out to guests, and least-cost feed formulations are too provided to farmers. Technical l make headwaying programmes for poultry farmers are regularly organized and training is also imparted for carrying out vaccination and de-betaking. Through the training process, K&038Ns has do a beggarlying(a) contribution to Pakistans rural development.Tens of thousands of skilled and semi-skilled workers have been trained to provide service to industry, and to seduce a livelihood for themselves and their families. merchandise Mix These are actually the 4 Ps of merchandise. Marketing purposes chiefly falls into the spare- cartridge holder bodily function four controllable categories. Product Product is the actually religious tendering by the ships conjunction to its scratched customers which also admits take estimate added stuff. Product whitethorn be real(a) ( costlys) or in patent (services). turn formulating the commercialize dodging, point of intersection closes accept What to o ffer? mail account box Quality bearing pas cadencectionality Accessories Installation After sale services Warranty value monetary value includes the expenditure scheme of the union for its harvest- whiles. How much customer should pay for a harvest-home? set schema not precisely associate to the profit margins but also helps in finding luff customers. Pricing decision also influence the choice of look ating conduct. Price decisions include Pricing dodging (Penetration, Skim, etc) List Price payment conclusion Discounts Financing Credit terms use terms as a instrument for rivals is as old as mankind. only when its risky alike. Consumers are often dainty for expenditure, deductive reasonings and additional offers. Another aspect of desexualise is that expensive intersection points are considered of honest quality. bug out ( stead) It not only includes the place where the point of intersection is placed, all those activities performed by the social club to ensure the accessibility of the intersection point to the targeted customers. Availability of the change magnitude at the pay place, at the remediate age and in the by rights measuring stick is crucial in placement decisions. Placement decisions include Placement Distribution convey Logistics armory Order processing Market reporting selection of channel instalments advance progress includes all communication and merchandising activities to carry future prospects to vitiate the produce. onward motion decisions include Advertising Media Types Message Budgets gross gross gross revenue progression Personal make doing exoteric transaction curb grocery store As these be are huge as compared to ingathering scathe, so its good to perform a good fortune-even analysis before allocating the budget. It helps in find whether the parvenue customers are worth of unrestrictedity cost or not. Product FeaturesFor customers psychological benefits act as su re benefits they perceive to receive when using the harvest-time though these whitethorn be awkward to measure and may vary by customer. These benefits address need such as side within a group, risk reduction, sense of independence, and happiness. Such benefits are essential through forwardingal efforts that target customers internal gravelup. Four particular coil physical objects of absolute integrity, en whereforeiastic diligence, continuous proceeds and high quality maintenance are at the core of all operations which provide an impelling urge for attaining perfection.Driven by its introductory objectives in pursuit of perfection, K&038Ns is committed to have higher-ranking proceeds and un stoped service through employ deal and consistent development K growths K have different return lines, but we provide discuss only a single overlap line which is Ready to Cook meal. This category includes Nuggets Chappli kabab Burger patties Chicken tempura Kofta Combo wing s Croquettes Haray bharay nuggets Hot tenders shimmer nuggets K from the very beginning has cerebrate on providing better nutrition for the health and happiness of the nation.Quality is very first precedency that entrust make them build unfluctuating and gainful customer relationships. They are managing and controlling all stages of production in order to ensure 100% safe and healthy production of our product. Our product offers consumptions, attention to get together desire or need in the foodstuff. Level of Product Core melioration providing the good taste. Actual Product our product includes all ingredients in packaging according to the core benefit. Augmented Product our product provide some benefits which are relate to product expert as recipe. mark Branding involves decisions that establish an identity for a product with the goal of distinguishing it from competitors offerings. In food market places where disputation is violent and where customers may select from among some(prenominal) private- opening move(a) products, creating an identity through trade touching is essential. It is particularly main(prenominal) in helping note the product (see discussion of product position) in the minds of the products target market Brand Names and Brand tag At a very buttonical level branding is achieved through the use of unique brand stool and brand marks.The brand reveal, which may be twain the individual product name or a name applied to a group or family of products, is meaning(a) for umteen reasons including suggesting what the product is or does (e. g. , Mop-and-Glow). The name is also what we utter when we discuss the product (i. e. , article-of-mouth merchandise). The brand mark is a bearing element, such as a sign (e. g. , Nike swoosh ), logo (e. g. , Yahoo graphic), a character (e. g. , Keebler elves) or even a sound (e. g. , Intel inside sound), that provides visual or auditory recognition for the product.K brand al ong with the developed brand identity and entrust reposed by customers, K has established its name in international market as well. It is a well-developed and upgraded brand. It is a pie-eyed brand which is leading to financial advantages through the concept of Brand Equity in which the brand itself becomes valuable. promotion Nearly all tangible products (i. e. , goods) are sold to customers within a container or piece of ground that, as we pull up stakes discuss, corporations umpteen purposes including encourageing the product during shipment.In a few cases, such as with legitimate produce gunpoints, the last(a) customer may bribe the product without a package but the produce marketer still organizations packaging decisions when it comes to shipping to the store. Factors in Packaging Decisions Packaging decisions are important for several reasons including Protection Packaging is used to protect the product from damage during shipping and discourse, and to dimini sh spoilage if the project is exposed to air or other elements. Added Value Packaging design and structure poop add abide by to a product.For instance, benefits can be obtained from package structures that make the product easier to use while sty tipic designs can make the product much than(prenominal)(prenominal) cunning to unwrap in the customers spot Visibility Packaging design is used to capture customers attention as they are shopping or glancing through a catalog or website. Distributor word sense Packaging decisions must(prenominal) not only be accepted by the final customer, they may also have to be accepted by distributors who deal the product for the supplier. Cost Packaging can represent a significant portion of a products elling monetary value. Long precondition Decision When companies create a new package it is most often with the tendency of having the design on the market for an extended period of time. In fact, ever-changing a products packaging to o frequently can have shun progenys K packaging distributively product is wrapped in cover paper, and w thence packed in pixilated malleable bags that are safe for health, and indeed eventually packed in the box. Some chickens are prepared to ship whole others are packed as bone-in cuts or boneless products.Products for retail are packed in Ks branded packaging and individually weighed, adding another step to K&038Ns quality control. Products are because blast frozen at a very low temperature of 30? C to ensure product freshness, taste and food-safety. Labeling some packages, whether final customer packaging or dispersal packaging, are im gradeed with study think to assist the customer. For consumer products, saying decisions are extremely important for the hobby reasons. Labels serve to capture the attention of shoppers.The use of catchy words may cause strolling customers to stop and evaluate the product. The label is likely to be the first thing a new customer s ees and thus offers their first impression of the product. The label provides customers with product information to aid their bargain for decision or help improve the customers experience when using the product (e. g. , recipes). In some countries many products, including food and pharmaceuticals, are required by law to contain certain labels such as listing ingredients, providing nutritional information or including usage warning information.K&038Ns labeling ?K&038Ns label is to sop up the attention of the customers. ?COLOUR is glossy sharp red which is eye catching. These are the things which are listed on the wrappers ?Ingredients ?Nutrition Facts ? number Nuggets Nutrition Facts Serving Size 5 pieces (110g) Amount per run on the spur of the moment Calories 263 Calories from Fat 147 % allday Value* summarise Fat 16. 30g Total Carbohydrate 14. 2g Fibers 1. 98g Protein 14. 90g Salt 1. 6g25% 5% 8% 30% * % Daily Value found on 2000 Calorie diet. Your daily value may be high er or lower depending on your calorie needs.Procedure Appliances and utensils vary adjust heating times accordingly. Do not defrost Karahi (Wok) preheat oil to frying temperature (180C). Deep fry frozen Nuggets for 3 minutes, or until golden dark-brown. Oven Preheat oven to 230C. Bake frozen Nuggets on a baking sheet (turning halfway through baking) for 5 minutes, or until golden brown PRICING STRATEGIES Pricing is the monetary value of the benefit that a customer is paying to get that particular benefit. So a company is very careful in setting its prices. As we know that at that place are two types of new product set strategies Market skimming pricing Market incursion pricing For its product K&038Ns have selected the market penetration pricing strategy. They apply this strategy to keep their product prices lower so that by doing this we attract a large numbers racket of buyers and also to gain large market shares. The reason for not using market skimming strategy is that as i ts product is an commissariat product and in that respect is no sense of keeping high prices for an eatable product, because as K&038Ns knows that skimming strategies are for luxury products. toll ADJUSTMENT STRATEGIESAfter peachy into the market, K&038Ns leave behind adopt appointment strategies in order to ontogenesis its gross revenue and attract more customers. Basically these limiting strategies are according to the taste, culture and the changing situation of the market. Following are the price adjustment strategies. Segmented pricing. Psychological pricing. promotional pricing. Geographical pricing. International pricing. DISCOUNT AND modification PRICING K&038Ns applies this strategy by giving quantity give the sack to its customers. measuring stick Discount K&038Ns gives quantity discount by offering buy one get one free offers.Besides this K&038Ns also gives discount to those customers who will buy in flock or in large quantity. Segmented pricing K&038Ns launc hed its product in almost all the separate of the country with almost the similar prices. They subdivisioned their product price in the following ways. Time pricing strategy In time pricing K&038Ns lowers its prices according to different seasons. It reduces prices in Ramadan season, as its demand is more in that season. promotional pricing This strategy involves temporary laboured of the prices of the product below the cost to increase the short run sales.K&038Ns applies this strategy when any one of its competitor lower its product price in order to shot market shares. To fence with them it also lowers its product price so that it can book its market shares. Geographic pricing In Geographic pricing K&038Ns adopts encumbrance absorption strategy. Freight absorption strategy K&038Ns do not add freight charges to its product price in order to keep its product price lower, as its focus is to capture more customers. International pricing As K&038Ns is not yet internationally ac cepted so K&038Ns do not set international prices for its products.K&038Ns is only serving nationwide so it sets prices of its product nationally. PRICE CHANGES Some time companies have to teach price dislodge after create pricing strategies Because of different reasons, Price change could be a price cut or price increase. Initiating a Price Cut K&038Ns already set a low price for its product but it cuts price of its product if its sales will not increase accordingly, in that situation K&038Ns will cut the price in order to increase sales and to capture market shares. Initiating a Price increase at a time K&038Ns product achieved a position in a market and it sets a good image in the consumers mind and has a large number of potential buyers so K&038Ns might increase its product price. But its aim is to give good quality product in an affordable price. K&038Ns can initiate its product price when its product demand increases and K&038Ns cannot release according to the demand but INSHALLAH this situation will never come because K&038Ns has its own poultry and breeding farms. purchasers Reaction to Price Changes Changing in price has a great effect on the consumers mind.They think that there should be some problem with the product so the company is decreasing its product price or the customers may interpret it as the company is closing its crinkle and they will not offer this product in future. On the other hand price increase also affects the buyers in a way that they think that this product is unassailable unless they buy it soon. They also think that the company is greedy and they are charging more prices for their product. rivals Reaction to Price Changes K&038Ns is aggressive while changing its product price and has to change its product price according to the competitors product price.So K&038Ns keeps its competitors into consideration before labored or increasing its product prices. Responding to Price Change If any of the competitors of K&038Ns c hanges the prices it affects its sales. So K&038Ns analyzes the change and react to it accordingly. give care if they low their price it will hang its sales so K&038Ns then adopts strategies to increase its sale by sonorous its prices, giving discounts or improving quality of its products. PLACE Place include company activities that make the product available to the target customers.For customers, product and service should be as conveniently available as possible. This includes the strategies, how the judicature is going to dot the product or service to the end users. Distributing the right product at right time is the die hard of thumb. Efficient and effective dispersal is important to comely all the desired merchandise objectives of the firm. If the firm is not understanding or underestimating the demand of the customers and customers are not getting the product due this negligence then it is going to affect the overall lucrativeness of the firm in the long run.PLACE immix DECISIONS Place mix decisions include plan the strategies for the better availability of the product at the right time to the target customers to achieve organizational objectives. It comprises decisions active conducts insurance coverage Assortments Locations Inventory Transportation Logistics production line OF dispersion Channel of Distribution involves the routes of getting the product from the manufacturer to the ultimate consumer. These channels of dissemination are also called intermediaries. in that respect are many types of intermediaries such as interlocutors, agents, retailers, the Internet, overseas distributors, steer swaping (from manufacturer to user without an intermediator), and many others. Types of channel of dissemination in that spot are two types of channel of dissemination of the products or services available. In assume dissemination it involves the scattering of the product by the use of an intermediary for typeface interchange th e product to the wholesaler and then on the way to the retailers. Direct dissemination it involves the direct diffusion of the product from the manufacturing concern to the consumer, without involvement of any third party or middle men. There is an advantage of direct statistical diffusion over indirect dispersal that the manufacturer gains complete control over the consumer. The following figures key out the two types of channel distribution. INDIRECT CHANNEL OF dissemination DIRECT CHANNEL OF dispersal Distribution strategies Depending on the types of the product, there are three major types of channel of distribution strategies available. . Extensive distribution It is unremarkably used to distribute low priced or pulsation purchase products e. g. chocolates and sweets etc. 2. Selective distribution Here a small number of retail outlets are chosen to distribute the product. Selective distribution is common with products such as computers, televisions house tick off app liances, where consumers are ordain to shop around and where manufacturers extremity a large geographical spread. 3. Exclusive distribution It involves limiting distribution to a single outlet.The product is usually highly priced, and requires the intermediary to place much detail in its sell. An example of would be the sale of vehicles through exclusive dealers. If the manufacturer decides to choose discriminating or exclusive distribution, then it must select an experienced, creditable and renowned intermediary. coverage add of active retail and/or wholesale outlets (relative to a saturation level) that sell a specific firms brands in a given market. Required market coverage is achieved by following concentrated market, secern selling, or consistent marketing strategy.Concentrated marketing Concentrated marketing or recess marketing is market-coverage strategy in which a firm goes after a large share of one or a few segments niches. It appeals to the marketers when compa ny resources are check. Through niche marketing, the firm achieves a infrangible market position because of its greater knowledge of consumer needs in the niches it serves and a particular(prenominal) reputation it acquires. It can market more effectively by fine set its products prices and programs to the needs of carefully delineate segment.It can also market effectually, targeting its products or services, channels and communications programs toward only consumers that it can serve best and most profitably. It is highly profitable but at homogeneous time provides with greater than normal risks as companies solely depend on fewer segments for their business and large competitors can enter the same segment with greater resources. Differentiated marketing Differentiated or segmented marketing is market -coverage strategy in which a firm decides to target several market segments and designs fragment offers for each.By offering product and marketing variations, companies hope to get higher sales and strong position in each market segment. But there is a drawback that differentiated marketing for each segment bears a lot of cost to live up to each target segments customers. Developing separate marketing plans for the separate segments requires extra marketing research, forecasting, sales analysis, promotion be after, and channel management. Mass marketing The marketing strategy that provides an opportunity to the organizations to appeal to a wide variety of potential customer is mass marketing or undifferentiated marketing.Here a firm ignores the market deflexions and go after the whole market with another. The persuasion is to broadcast the message to the largest number of people possible. Mass marketing creates the largest potential market that yields to lower cost as it focuses on high sales and low prices. Typically, things which are perceived to requisite or essential to the consumer are subject to mass marketing. On the contrary, mass marketing fails to satisfy all consumer needs and face trouble to compete other firms following better marketing approaches.ASSORTMENTS Assortment means the group or collection of products and services offered in the market for sale. It refers to the variety of the offering being available in the market according to the customers demand. Role of channel members Channel members represent a vital place in assorting the quantity and variety of the products according to the market and consumers needs. Producers use these intermediaries because they create greater efficiency in making goods available to the target markets.Through their contacts, market insight and scale of operation, they transform the intermixtures of the products made by the producers into intermixtures wanted by consumers. Producers make settle assortments of the products in large quantities, but consumers want broad assortments of the products in small quantities. Marketing channel members buy larger quantities of the pr oducts from the producers and countermine them into smaller quantities and broader assortments wanted by consumers. So, intermediaries play an important region in matching the leave and demand in the market. LOCATIONSThe stance for the sale of the product is analogous to distribution center. A distribution center for a set of products is a warehouse or other fussyized building, often with infrigidation or air conditioning, which is stocked with products (goods) to be re-distributed to retailers, to wholesalers or directly to consumers A distribution center can also be called a warehouse, a DC, a fulfillment center, a cross-dock facility, a bulk break center, and a package handling center. The name by which the distribution center is know is commonly based on the purpose of the operation.Distribution centers are the foundation of a supply network as they allow a single location to stock a vast number of products. Some organizations operate both retail distribution and direct- to-consumer out of a single facility, sharing space, equipment, labor resources and memorandum as relevant. How a distribution center operates? The way a veritable(prenominal) retail distribution network operates is to have centers set up throughout a commercial market. Suppliers will ship truckloads of products to the distribution center. The distribution center will then store the product until needed by the retail location and ship the proper quantity. some(prenominal) retailers own and run their own distribution networks, while smaller retailers may outsource this function to dedicated logistics firms that coordinate the distribution of products for a number of companies. A distribution center can be co-located at a logistics center. Storage at distribution center Another important second-string quality of distribution center is entrepot. Many retailers have prioritized having as many items in stock at one time as possible. To conserve space, minimize line costs, and maxi mize the variety they offer the retail might only stock one or a few items of a particular product.This requires the ability to ship a exchange quickly once an item is sold. By keeping product on hand in the distribution center, the retailer can ship a replacement almost immediately after a product is sold. Storage location and storage containers Goods (products) arrive and are stored in a distribution center in variable types of storage locations and containers suited to the product characteristics and the add up of product to be merchant marineed or stored. These types of locations and containers have specific industry accepted names. There are surplusized and various types of containers.The following is a list of some of the names and characteristics of common storage containers Intermodal containers (shipping containers) are used for the effective transportation of goods. There are standards that specify the volume and dimensions of containers to facilitate efficient hand ling. Pallets- are one of the most commonly used means to store and move product in a distribution center. Pallets are stored on the floor, may be stacked, and may be stored in palette rack. Gaylords- are large single boxes usually connected or attached to a pallet. Cases and Cartons- are boxes usually containing many items. In distribution centers there is a generally accepted distinction made betwixt the terms cartonful and case although both are boxes. Goods are received and stored in cartons. Goods are shipped in cases. A stored carton is called a case once it has been picked or pulled for shipment. Totes- are reusable containers used to hold and transport goods. INVENTORY Inventory or stock means a list compiled for some formal purpose, a list of goods and materials to the goods and materials themselves, especially those held available in stock by a business.Manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers catalogue tends to gather in warehouses. Retailers inventory may popula te in a warehouse or in a shop or store approachable to customers. Reasons for keeping stock There are three basic reasons for keeping an inventory 1. Time The time lags present in the supply chain, from supplier to user at every stage, requires that you maintain certain amounts of inventory to use in this lead time. 2. Uncertainty Inventories are keep as buffers to meet uncertainties in demand, supply and movements of goods. 3.Economies of scale Ideal condition of one unit at a time at a place where a user needs it, when he needs it principle tends to incur lots of costs in terms of logistics. So bulk buying, movement and storing brings in economies of scale, thus inventory. While the reasons for holding stock were covered earlier, most manufacturing organizations usually divide their goods for sale inventory into Raw materials- materials and components scheduled for use in making a product. Work in process, WIP- materials and components that have begun their transformation to finished goods. complete goods- goods ready for sale to customers. Goods for resale returned goods that are salable. Inventory management Inventory management involves a retailer seeking to acquire and maintain a proper merchandise assortment while ordering, shipping, handling, and related costs are kept in check. Systems and processes that identify inventory requirements, set targets, provide replenishment techniques and report actual and projected inventory status. The improvement of inventory management has two parts the capability of the organization to manage inventory, and the way in which it chooses to do so.For example, a company may wish to install a complex inventory system, but unless there is a good understanding of the role of inventory and its parameters, and an effective business process to support that, the system cannot bring the requisite benefits to the organization in isolation. Management of the inventories, with the primary objective of determining/controll ing stock levels within the physical distribution function to balance the need for product availability against the need for minimizing stock holding and handling costs. TRANSPORTATIONTransport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one location to another. Modes of transport include air, rail, road, water, cable, pipeline, and space. The field can be divided into cornerstone, vehicles, and operations. Transportation infrastructure Transport infrastructure consists of the fixed installations necessary for transport, and may be roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals and pipelines, and terminals such as airports, railway stations, bus stations, warehouses, trucking terminals, refueling depots (including fueling docks and fuel stations), and seaports.Terminals may be used both for interchange of passengers and despatch and for maintenance. Vehicles traveling on these networks may include automobiles, bicycles, buses, trains, trucks, people, helicopters, and a ircraft. Operations deal with the way the vehicles are operated, and the procedures set for this purpose including financing, legalities and policies. In the transport industry, operations and ownership of infrastructure can be either mankind or private, depending on the country and mode. LOGISTICSLogistics can be classified as an enterprise planning framework for material management, information, service and heavy(p) flows. In the words, logistics can be defined as having the right type of product or service at the right place, at the right time, for a right price and in the right condition. The primary goal of the logistics is to effectively manage the product life cycles and resultant efficiency. Logistics does not mean a single work activity but refers to a group of activities performed to attain the goal of a business enterprise that is maximizing the Profits.This may involve step like purchasing, planning, coordination, transportation, warehousing, distribution and customer service. Logistics management Logistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information in the midst of the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer and legal requirements. A nonrecreational working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician.Logistics management is known by many names, the most common are as follows Materials Management Channel Management Distribution (or Physical Distribution) Business or Logistics Management or Supply twine Management PLACE MIX_K K chicken products are available at K Chicken Stores and leading retailers and also delivered to quality and food-safety conscious institutions such as hotels, restaurants, airlines, bon tonhouses and international restaurant chains. It has a strong supply chain through its distribution channels. In Pakistan K is operating in more th an 35 cities.There is very diversity in its distribution. We take the example of Islamabad metropolis . In Islamabad there are many stores as well as retailers in every sector, and only in I-8 there is one K store and 17 retailers shops. DISTRIBUTION OF PRODUCT After the development of product, product should be distributed into the market for the satisfaction and attraction of our consumers. The products play a vital role in the availability of their services to attract the customers. How to Distribute Product to Retailers K follows the following ways to distribute product to retailers cheat Directly to Retailers Sell through distributors, which sell a broad range of products to many retailers Sell through captive distributors, which sell a broad range of products to one chain of retailers. Sell through distributors, which sell to targeted customers. Distribution Channel of Product The distribution channel of our product is indirect marketing channel because this channel contains one or more intermediary levels. Cities in which products are available In Pakistan, K chicken is available in the following cities. Abbottabad, Bahawalpur, Chakwal, Chiniot, Daska, D. G. han, Dharki, Dina, Faisalabad, Farooqabad, Gujar Khan, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Hyderabad, Islamabad, Jaranwala, Jhelum, Kabirwala, Kamra, Karachi, Khanewal, Kharian, Lahore, Lalamusa, Larkana, Machi ghot , Mangla, Mansehra, Mardan, MirpurAJK, Mirpur Methelo, Mirpurkhas, Multan, Murree, Noshehroferoz, Nawabshah, Noshehra, Okara, Panu Aqil, Peshawar, Pitaro, Quetta, Raiwind, Rawalpindi, Rahimyarkhan, Risalpur, Sadiqabad, Sahiwal, Sargodha, Shorkot, Sialkot, Sukkar, Tandoadam and Wah cant. forwarding Strategies promotional material is the activity in which the company has a chance to interact with its customers.To win K uses different promotional tools. These tools include forcements, sale promotions, public relations, personal selling and direct marketing. Advertisements It uses informative ad beca use it is in the main used when introducing a new product. The objective of it is to build primary demand. It will use the persuasive advertising when it has a competition in the market. Sales Promotions In sales promotions it uses different discount strategies, giving short term incentives in order to increase its sales.It also states sponsorships, memberships and discount coupons. Memberships K also offers memberships to its customers. The Ks agency club membership is free. ane can enroll by just filling the form, click submit and scarce patsy the makeshift waggle. Temporary billhook Having enrolled as a new fellowship member, you can use your Temporary tantalise to earn points with immediate effect. Please rally to always present this Temporary Card while shopping at K&038Ns Chicken Store for points credit into your club account. ennead card and pinalong with your club Member card, you will also receive a 5-digit PIN (Personal realisation Number). You will need thi s PIN (along with your club card number) to enquire about your account balance update your individual club profile online, and for all other club online services. As a new member, it is important to know you cannot use our online services, nor redeem your points, until you have received your PIN. One can also enroll oneself by filling out the Enrolment Form available at all K&038Ns Chicken Stores and cast it to the company.One has to detach The Ks stylus Club Temporary Card and retain it. After befitting the member, K&038Ns offers different discounts, exclusive privileges and other benefits to its members when they collect points. The more they collect, the more they benefit. As a member every time you shop at any K&038Ns Chicken Store in Pakistan, you earn valuable points which can be ransomed for free K&038Ns products. Number of points Number of points get is directly related to purchase amount, K product category and your status within The Ks Way Club. You earn 2. 50 status a nd represent points for every Rs. 0/- spent on Whole Chicken, house decorator Cuts and By-Parts. For Boneless products you earn 3. 50 points, while for Ready-to-Cook, Fully Cooked and Deli Line Products you earn 5 points for the same amount spent. Your club status deposits whether you will be able to make happy additional benefits and privileges associated with gold, deluxe or deal status within The K&038Ns Way Club Program. purity points Award points are realize every time you shop at a K&038Ns Chicken Store. As the name suggests, award points can be exchanged for awards, such as free K&038Ns products and special discounts.Award points can also be earned against special Ks product offers and promotions from time to time. Award points do not count towards determining club status. Status points Status points are earned simultaneously with award points every time you shop at a K&038Ns Chicken Store. As the name suggests, status points determine club status and enable you to m ove towards and/or retain the higher Silver, grand or hardening status. Certain limited time promotions or special offers may be excluded from status points accrual. decision maker premiumA higher status of Silver, Gold or Circle within the Club also entitles you to an Executive bonus on award points earned, even for the same purchase amount. If you have Silver status, you earn 25%. Gold status entitles you to 50%, while Circle status gives you 100% Executive allowance. Executive Bonus is not applicable on Status Points. Member Once you have reached 50 status points K&038Ns welcomes you as a permanent Member of The K&038Ns Way Club where a world of privileges, attractive awards and benefits are offered to the customers on their future shopping.Silver Attaining Silver status is easy and within reach. To start with, a customer has to earn 25% Executive Bonus award points on every purchase he makes, and enjoy a host of other privileges intentional for the Silver members. Gold A customer has to earn required number of status points and he gets the Gold status The Ks Way Gold members get as much as 50% Executive Bonus award points on purchases, 6 discount eVouchers in a calendar category for attaining or extending the status each time, and other privileges designed only for the Gold members.Circle The K&038Ns Way Circle status recognizes the devotion of the exceptional customers. It offers these privileges as an expression of their utmost appreciation for the loyalty of their exclusive circle of such customers. For instance, if a customer treats himself to 100% Executive Bonus award points on his purchases, 12 discount eVouchers in a calendar year for attaining or maintaining the status each time and other privileges designed exclusively for their Circle members. Personal Selling It also campaigns its product through personal selling.Personal selling is more effective than any other promotion strategy. Through personal communication, it is easy to persuad e someone to buy your product, because in personal selling there is a direct contact with the buyers. Public Relations To increase its sales it also ties good public relations. K&038Ns develops its public relation by doing the work of affectionate responsibility, like wishing happy Eid or wishing any other special event to the customers. Through Public relations it also creates a good word of mouth for the product which is the most efficient way of promoting a product.Direct Marketing In direct marketing K&038Ns targets its customers through internet, telephone, print media and electronic media (television and radio). Print Media It promotes its product through print media by advertising its product in newspapers and in different magazines. K&038Ns adopts this type of advertising when it wants to introduce some new discount packages or sales offers. Other then advertising in newspapers and in magazines it also advertises its product on bill boards and banners. Electronic MediaTo pr omote its product through electronic media K&038Ns advertises its product on different television channels and on radio stations. To make its product information more convenient and easy it provides its website and 24 hours toll free numbers, through which the customers can contact and also give feedback about the product. The website of K&038Ns is http//www. kandns. com Promotion for kids To make its products favorite among kids, K&038Ns introduced a product called Fun Nuggets. It has designed special advertisements for children.As kids are more attracted by cartoons, K&038Ns has used cartoon characters like dinosaurs, dolphins and ducks and have given them special names like Din Din, Dolf and Ducky to make their products acquainted(predicate) with kids. K&038Ns cooking show To promote its product, K&038Ns has now brought a dedicated cooking show for quick recipes with answers to all viewers how do you do that questions, and helpful tips all at fresh Cooking with Ks Chef Mehboo b Khan is the name consumers trust and count on for tried and true and tasteful recipes.People can now expect him use a wide range of K&038Ns chicken products for easy-to-prepare recipes like Lahori Karahi, Chicken Ala Kiev, or Fajita Wraps. Smart Cooking with K&038Ns is aired on every Saturday 630pm, Sunday 400pm and Wednesday 200pm, on ARY Zauq. In this winter, to promote its products, K has now offered discounts on its products like Croquettes and chapli kabab. Similarly, in Ramazan, K offered its members to get 50% bonus award points on all of its products. In the same way, it had offered its members price discounts on Haray Bharay Nuggets and Tender Pops in Ramazan.Other then the print and electronic media the cheapest way to promote the product is through Short messaging service They have a contract with different cellular companies where they will send K promotional messages to their special numbers. K face book page K has also created face book page. Now-a-days, many compa nies, designers and artists are making their fan pages on face book for the advertisements of their products. People go on these pages, learn about the products, give their comments, proclamation their queries and recommend these pages to their friends.In the same way, K has made its face book page to advertise its products. Its face book link is http//www. facebook. com/pages/KNs-Chicken/120891524596651 Promotion Budget To allocate budget for the promotion strategies K uses objective and task method. consort to this method first it defines its promotion objectives, that why are they promoting their product? After that they determine different tasks to accomplish those objectives and at the end they estimate the cost utilized in performing these tasks. PRODUCT layIt is the evaluation of a companys products position that what place it occupies in the market and how customers differentiate it from other products. Choosing positioning strategy To position the product different compa nies use different positioning strategies. major competitors Major competitors of K and N are Kitchen confidence. Mano Salva, seasons canolas menu Locally available chicken Kitchen Confidence basically produces frozen products like Chicken Nuggets. Burger Patties, Meat balls, Samosa,Rolls etc. deep co. has started non frozen item i. e. Bread Crumbs.Salwa Foods offers an assortment of deep frozen food products for both retailers and food service. The assortment ranges from basic standard products to highly refined ready-made products. Salwa foods have launched its ready to cook items under the name of Mano Salwa. Seasons canola has launched its range of ready to cook food items with the name of menu. But the largest of the competitors that was a challenge to K and N was the locally available chicken in the market. It had the stereotypic advantage of being very Halal and cheap than any kind of chicken available in packets in frozen form.Competitive Advantages Following are the wa rring advantages that make it different K &038 N from rest of its competitors. Product specialisation We offer a pack of four. Each individually wrapped in butter paper, unite packed in sealed plastic bags that are safe for health, and then finally packed in the box. Service Differentiation Our product will be accessible and will be available at every outlet of K. Channel speciality In Pakistan K is operating in more than 35 cities. There is very diversity in its distribution. We take the example of Islamabad city .In Islamabad there are many stores as well as retailers in every sector, and only in I-8 there is one K store and 17retailers shops. People specialisation Technology is highly involved in the production so we will require trained staff, those who knows how to operate the machines. We also use up qualified staff in order to guarantee healthy relationship between customers and retailers. Image differentiation Since our product comes under K brand name hence a good ima ge will be casted over the consumers. Also K is a symbol of quality hence will automatically be recognised as a quality product.Product concatenation K are enjoying their own product chain. They have their own breading and poultry forms, from where they get there raw material for their product. Choosing the right competitive advantage Important We deliver highly valued benefits to our target customers in our products. Distinctive we have no strong competitor and enjoy distinctiveness in the market. Superior we are providing pure hygienic food in at like prices. Communicable the consumers can feel the difference in our quality, taste, hygiene and prices that are communicable. preventative competitor needs a lot and lot of hard work to match our standard else it is not possible. Affordable Buyer can afford to pay for the difference. useful the difference is profitable both for the company and the customers. Selecting an overall positioning strategy Our overall positioning strategy will be focused on More for slight winning value proposition i. e. will offer more quality at less price range and we will focus on the needs and wants of target customers in order to give high customer value and satisfaction POSITIONING STATEMENTTo target the teenagers, working women, hostilities and bachelors, we offer, a ready to eat hot and spicy paratha, with high quality, affordability and accessibility. Conclusion We have come to a conclusion that K is the most superior and famous quality delivering company. Its Promotion through advertising is highly frequent on different TV channels. It has differentiated itself from its competitors by having highly trained sales person with different discount allowances and coupons. It has developed strong bonds with its customers. It
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