Bernard Marx and john the wildcat well. Bernard Marx is strain of curious per discussion. He is a quiescence learning specialist at the Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. Bernard is misfit. He is remarkably short person for an Alpha, he had an accident with alcohol, and he had to replenishment his blood. He is ¬often angry, resentful and jealous, at times d testify(a) and hypocritical. He doesnt enjoy communal sports, solidarity services or promiscuous sex and he doesnt even take up very much joy of soma. He is in issue with the Lenina. Bernard Marx involves things which he cant have. John the brutal is son of the manager and Linda. He has grown up outside of the terra firma pass on; he has spent his life in hot Mexico blare Reservation in Malpais. He grew up listening to Lindas fabulous stories about the other come and from reading books. John takes his values from a William Shakespeare. John entered the written report in the Indian religious ritual. He didnt had each friends in the tyke reservation, he felt like apart(p) and rejected, part because his beat slept with so many men and partly because people of the closure never accepted him! His mother taught him how to read at kickoff by drawings on the wall and afterwards using a guide for Beta Embryo neckcloth workers that she had happened to bring with her.

in conclusion John had an opportunity to go to London, to leave the savage reservation. I do not look that these two characters have much in common. Bernard Marx and John the savage are both at least somehow dissatisfy with the brave new world. In this n ovel a friendship here every measures achi! evable has been taken in regularise to create some kind of happiness amongst the citizens of this world. Bernard Marx and John the savage may not be the perfect representatives of the Brave New World. Therefore one would examine it interesting to examine their eventual(prenominal) happiness, as another meter is to answer the topic question. Bernard is an alien because he doesnt facial expression as positive as the other people, hes never asked for dates...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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