Friday, December 27, 2019
Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press in Nigeria
Nigeria is located in West Africa and borders Cameroon, Niger, Chad, and Republic of Benin. The country consists of 36 states and its Federal Capital, Abuja. Freedom of Speech in Nigeria has been talked about for many years. Campaigns have been put in place against the government to come up with new laws that protect the people, and the press, to express their opinions and what they believe in. According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948), â€Å"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers†. This article in simpler words states that, no matter in which country you live in, you have the right to express your opinions and ideas with freedom. Although this is a universal declaration, the impact it has in Nigeria is very small. According to Human Rights Watch, â€Å"the police arrested six journalists from the Nation Newspaper in October after they published a purported letter from former President Oluseggun Obansanjo.†(Human Rights Watch). This clearly confirms that although Freedom of Speech laws are in place to protect the opinions and expressions of journalists, and protect the lives of those who publish such information, corruption in Nigeria by government officials is overruling those laws. Government officials are punishing any journalists for publishing any informationShow MoreRelatedThe Ethnic Background Of Nigeria1583 Words  | 7 PagesYoruba ethnic groups. Islam in Nigeria is based on the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad outlined in the Qur’an with varying differences from the rest of the Islamic community. The vast majority of Igbo are Christians as are many of the Yoruba. 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The media are responsible for mainstream America ideals and the familiarity of the image based on the impact from the mediaRead MoreThings Fall Apart vs. Heart of Darkness Essay1617 Words  | 7 Pagessemi-fabricated nature of much of humanities past. For most of recorded history, events have been recorded and retold through the eyes of the victors. Only recently have people had the opportunity to view both sides of issues. The Western practice of free speech has allowed both victors and victims to tell their tal es. A glimmering example of differences in historical opinion pertains to the colonization of Africa by Europeans. For years the commonly accepted notion about Africa was that its inhabitantsRead MoreThe Role of Language and Communication in National Transfromation3436 Words  | 14 Pagesinformation delivery for National Transformation. A documentary approach was applied. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Taking a look at Bullying - 712 Words
In today’s society bullying has become a major issue that the kids in America are facing. Over the years, this issue has evolved from bullying verbally to cyberbullying. With the increase in use of technology children are beginning to use internet sites such as Facebook, twitter, and Instagram to judge other peers. With issues beginning on the internet they are also bringing them with them into the schools, workplaces, and many other local places. The cyberbullying is causing emotional problems throughout this generation. Children are bullying others because they are lacking something at home with their families. In order to fix this problem I believe that we need to start teaching kids life values so that they are able to respect themselves first, and then they will be able to respect their peers. â€Å"Cyberbullying is usually defined as a form of bullying that uses electronic means such as email, mobile phones, messages, instant messages, text messages, social networking s ites, and personal webpages, with the intention of causing harm through repeated hostile conduct†(Ortega). The most popular form of cyberbullying today is through the use of social networking through Facebook. These issues take place through comments that are left of pictures that are uploaded or the conversations that take place because of statuses that are posted. Looking at the younger generations we are able to see these issues starting in the elementary schools and continuing on through the collegeShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Bullying624 Words  | 3 PagesBullying Bullying in schools was perceived to be a normal part of adolescent, however, when people begin to have this mentality, they forget that bullying is physically and psychologically harmful to both the bully and the victim. Bullying was known as an unfortunate cycle of adolescents and for many years have been dismissed as a passage of growing up. But not until tragic events have led to believe that bullying has a greater impact on a child’s life what first were playful jokes it has ledRead MoreTaking a Look at Bullying710 Words  | 3 PagesBullying is not just punching someone in the face or calling people names, it is more than that. (bullying must stop - Bullying In General) Bullying takes form in many ways. All of the examples include physical, verbal, indirect, social alienation, prejudicial, sexual and cyber bullying ( Did you know that an estimated 200 million children and youth around the world are being bullied (Facts and figures about bullying - Kidspot Australia. It is very true that too many peopleRead MoreTaking a Look at Bullying690 Words  | 3 Pagesaround, others are actually insecure.†says U.S. Department of Health Human Services â€Å"Bullyin g is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.†says U.S. Department of Health Human Services. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.†bullying needs to stop it’s not good for the bully and the person getting bullied.bullyingRead MoreTaking a Look at Bullying676 Words  | 3 Pagesis known around the world as a bully. Bullying has become a big problem in the U.S. as days go by it seems like there is nothing that can stop this problem. There are different types of bullying and different places that bullying can occur. There is physical bullying, verbal bullying, relational aggression, cyber bullying, sexual bullying, and prejudicial bullying. But the most common ones are physical bullying, cyber bullying, and relational bullying. Bullying can also occur in different places likeRea d MoreTaking a Look at a Bullying Case884 Words  | 4 PagesEducation Association 160,000 children miss school every day in fear of other students. â€Å"1 of 7 students in grade K-12 is either a bully or a victim of bullying.†After conversing with an educator who worked in a school in the rural part of the state I have learned that bullying differs between rural and urban areas. In rural areas sexuaity drives bullying more than in urban areas, gender roles are more valued in remote areas. The educator had observed that adolescents that haven’t yet discovered theirRead MoreHow Children Being Bullied Can Not Only Affect Them1021 Words  | 5 PagesWhen one thinks of bullying, they usually associated it with the phrase, â€Å"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me†those â€Å"sticks and stones†may not only just break those bones, but can undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on a person and make those hateful words and act ions hurt that much more to a point that the person would not know how to deal with them. Bullying has become a problematic issue in today’s society, especially where school age children is concerned. BulliesRead MoreThe Effects Of Bullying On Students Within The School System920 Words  | 4 Pagesor children carry. Bullying. Bullying over the course of the years still plays a role in the education system. Although the form of bullying has changed from the past to now, it still has an effect on students within the school systems. In the past there was the physical form of bullying where â€Å"jocks†would push the â€Å"nerds†into lockers or their books out of their hands. Another typical term used by bullies that anybody can recognize is, â€Å"give me your lunch money,†but bullying has evolved over theRead MoreBullying Essay Bullies718 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"No one heals himself by wounding another†according to St. Ambrose. I agree wi th this quote, putting someone else down doesn’t pick you up. Taking your insecurities and judging someone else on it doesn stop making you insecure. In my view, besides physical violence, the worst thing a person can do is bully another person. In support of this, bullying prevents people from living a normal life, can lead to self-harm, and may involve trouble with the law. All three of those are serious effects fromRead MoreBullying : Bullying And Bullying1366 Words  | 6 PagesKyle McBrady Ms. Coyle English 2A (3) 9 December 2014 Bullying Leading to Violence Bullying is when a person abuses his power to another person by causing physical or mental harm to the victim who is often weaker, says (Bullying). This definition can be applied to a recent story in The Washington Post, where bullying caused a student by the name of Jaylen Fryberg to shoot his friends in a lunchroom cafeteria. Jaylen and his girlfriend had recently broken up and she began cyberbullyingRead MoreEssay on We Must Confront Bullying As a Nation722 Words  | 3 PagesAnyone who has been bullied knows that pretending as if the perpetrator does not exist is virtually impossible. In fact bullying is a serious matter that we as a society must confront and strive to abolish. Since bullying can occur in a variety of ways, one must first understand its nuances to recognize that bullying is taking place and then realize the gravity of bullying. Bullying affects an entire community of kids. A single student who bullies can have a wide-ranging impact on the students, not
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Company Retreat to another Company-Free-Samples Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Company retreat to another Company. Answer: Introduction iPixel Creative is a Singapore based organization that develops and designs web applications and provides web solutions to its customers. The organization has an employee base of over 850 employees. The organization has successfully completed numerous web based projects and recently accomplished the project of developing a web application for a client. The project team constituted of 30 employees which included operational team members, Project Manager, Project leader and several other resources as well. In order to celebrate the success of the project and to reward the employees for their efforts, the client decided to provide a retreat to the project team members. The document is the project report covering the project planning and analysis details (Mallery, 2011). Scope of the Project Objectives The primary objective of the project is to arrange for the retreat for the project employees within a budget of SGD 80,000. The entire project is required to be completed in the period of three weeks. Booking of the flight tickets to Thailand for the project team members interested for the trip. Booking of the hotels for all the travelers travelling to Thailand. Development and circulation of the itinerary for the trip including the cities and places to visit along with the dates. Project Deliverables Project plan covering the details of project scope, project budget, project schedule and project team members (Henderson, 2004) List of the travelers Flight tickets Approved Visa applications for all the travelers Hotel bookings Closure Report List of Project Milestones Listing, selection and finalization of the venue for the trip 11th September 2017 List of the team members traveling to Thailand 13th September 2017 Flight tickets 14th September 2017 Approved Visa 18th September 2017 Itinerary for the trip to Thailand 20th September 2017 Confirmation receipts from the hotels 25th September 2017 Technical Requirements of the Project A valid passport will be necessary for the team members willing to accept the offer of project retreat from the client Eligibility on the basis of medical and professional requirements will be necessary Project Limits and Exclusions The client will not cover the expenses made by the travelers on their personal shopping and food expenses. The tickets booked for the flights will be done in the economy class and the upgrades will not be handled by the client of the project (Seethamraju, 2012). The resources will be stopped from accepting the offer in case of their professional commitments pending to be completed. The duration of the trip shall be strictly seven days (Gullege, 2002) Project Customer Review Task/Activity in the Project Project Manager Project Leader Technical Writer Travel Expert Finance Officer HR Associate Project Planning R S Designing of Project Budget S S R Designing of the Project Schedule R R S Finalization of the trip venue R R S Approval on the travel of the employees S S R Booking of the flight tickets S S R Hotel bookings S S R Visa Arrangements and development of the itinerary S S R Preparation of project documents and closure report S S R Priority Matrix of the Project Factor 1 = Time Factor 2 = Scope/Performance Factor 3 = Cost Constraint X Enhancement X Accept X Project Priority Matrix Time, cost and scope are the three factors that have significance in the project and the project progress. These factors along with their priority and significance in the project have been described below. Constraint Time is the project factor that is a constraint in the project of a company retreat to the other company. The employees that will be traveling will have responsibilities in terms of the other projects as well. Any delays in the project or in the trip that has been decided will result in a lot many losses in terms of cancellation of the bookings along with non-fulfillment of the duties towards the organization. Therefore, the project time will be a primary constraint in the project (Yang Tamir, 2015). Enhancement The scope of the project includes the planning, analysis and closure activities along with the booking activities. There can be enhancements done from the side of the client in terms of the hotel category that is selected or in the flight category that is selected. The enhancements will lead to the improvement of the employee satisfaction. Accepts There is a budget of SGD 80,000 estimated for the project. However, there can be acceptance in terms of the project costs such as a little variation in the costs (Sunde, 2011). The variations may result from the changes in the price of the flight tickets or the hotel charges. The priorities in the project can, therefore, be determined from the factors that are constraint, enhancement and acceptance. Time shall be kept as the top priority followed by the cost and the scope (Mohapatra Patnaik, 2011). Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Project - Company retreat by another company 1.1. Analysis of the project requirements Analysis of the specifications in terms of the offer made by the client 1.2. Determination of project scope, cost and schedule Planning of the project in terms of the creation of the project scope, budget and schedule 1.3. Selection of the travelers willing to travel Confirmation from the project employees willing to travel 1.4. Selection of the travel dates Decision on the travel dates 2.1. Selection of destination as Thailand Selection of the travel destination that the travelers will be visiting as the retreat 2.2. Data gathering Collection of the data such as traveler demographics and medical reports 2.3. Booking of the flights Booking of the flight as per the data that is collected 3.1. Gathering of passports Gathering of the passport from all the travelers 3.2. Gathering of documents and information Gathering of documents such as identity proofs and other necessary documents 3.3. Submission of the visa application Submission of the application in the visa office 3.4. Collection of the approved visa Collection of the visa from the visa office 3.5. Distribution of the visas to the travelers Providing the visa to the travelers 4.1. Listing of the places to visit Inclusion of the places that the employees will visit in the itinerary 4.2. Discussion with the managers and leaders Discussion of the itinerary with the senior management 4.3. Imparting itinerary details to the travelers Discussion of the itinerary with the travelers 4.4. Feedback from the resources Collection of the comments on the itinerary from all the travelers 4.5. Revision of the itinerary Re-designing of the itinerary4.6. Development of the itinerary Submission of the itinerary to as the final plan to follow during the trip 5.1. Hotel listing Listing of the hotels that the travelers will stay in 5.2. Hotel Analysis Analyzing of the hotels in terms of the quality and category of the hotel 5.3. Availability Enquiry Enquiry on the availability in terms of the dates 5.4. Final Booking Confirmation and collection of the receipts 6.1. Project Documentation Preparation of the final project documents 6.2. Closure report preparation and submission Development and submission of the closure report to the client (Marle, 2014) Project Cost estimation Time-phased Budget of the Project Project - Company retreat by another company Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 1.1. Project Planning 1.1.1. Analysis of the project requirements 300 1.1.2. Determination of project scope, cost and schedule 500 1.1.3. Selection of the travelers willing to travel 200 1.1.4. Selection of the travel dates 150 1.2. Bookings - Flights 1.2.1. Selection of destination as Thailand 400 1.2.2. Data gathering 4500 1.2.3. Booking of the flights 25000 1.3. Visa Arrangements 1.3.1. Gathering of passports 300 1.3.2. Gathering of documents and information 800 1.3.3. Submission of the visa application 7000 1.3.4. Collection of the approved visa 2200 1.3.5. Distribution of the visas to the travelers 600 1.4. Itinerary Preparation 1.4.1. Listing of the places to visit 200 1.4.2. Discussion with the managers and leaders 200 1.4.3. Imparting itinerary details to the travelers 140 1.4.4. Feedback from the resources 300 1.4.5. Revision of the itinerary 300 1.4.6. Development of the itinerary 120 1.5. Hotel Bookings 1.5.1. Hotel listing 300 1.5.2. Hotel Analysis 250 1.5.3. Availability Enquiry 250 1.5.4. Final Booking 32000 1.6. Project Closure 1.6.1. System Documentation 2500 1.6.2. Closure report preparation and submission 1200 Project Cost per Week 41950 34060 3700 Cumulative Cost 41950 76010 79710 Conclusion Project of company retreat to the other company is required to be finished in three weeks and in the budget of SGD 80,000. Project planning is one of the most significant steps in the project that shall be carried out with utmost attention and perfection. These project details that are identified in the project planning phase aid in the overall execution of the project References Gulledge, T. (2002). Business process management: public sector implications. Business Process Management Journal, 8(4), 364-376. Henderson, L. (2004). Encoding and decoding communication competencies in project management ? an exploratory study. International Journal Of Project Management, 22(6), 469-476. Mallery, M. (2011). Project Management Portal (PMP) from the University of Washington Information Technology Wiki - Technical Services Quarterly, 28(3), 365-367. Marle, F. (2014). Assisting project risk management method selection. International Journal Of Project Organisation And Management, 6(3), 254. Mohapatra, S., Patnaik, A. (2011). Sustainability in HRIS implementation through effective project management. International Journal Of Project Organisation And Management, 3(1), 78. Seethamraju, R. (2012). Business process management: a missing link in business education. Business Process Management Journal, 18(3), 532-547. Sunde, L. (2011). Net-present-value cost/time tradeoff. International Journal Of Project Management, 13(1), 45-49. Yang, Y., Tamir, G. (2015). Offshore software project management: mapping project success factors. International Journal Of Project Organisation And Management, 7(2), 111.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Wanted Paladin. Telepathist. Saint. …Writing Skills a Plus.
WANTED: PALADIN. TELEPATHIST. SAINT. WRITING SKILLS A PLUS. Do you know the No. 1 reason good writers fail at writing as a profession? Bad customer service. Well, no, that’s not exactly accurate. A lot of writers have customer service skills. But, in the end, they’re only human. And the truth is, to be a great copywriter, you must be superhuman. The good news is: Anyone can become superhuman. But it does take a lot of work, a lot of dedication, and an ability to swallow that all-too-human emotion: pride. Here are my top three tips to developing paranormal powers and, along the way, establishing long-lasting, successful relationships with your clientele. Image via Wikipedia 1. Set Expectations. Earn Paladin Status. On your first meeting, do not be afraid to meet your client in your brave white Dodge Charger, brandish your blazing pen, and slash through the fabrications to the simple truth. Seems basic. Yet, you’d be surprised how difficult this can be. The overzealous human copywriter will often want so badly to please a client that they’re likely to promise anything: Want that 100 page document proofed by tomorrow? Sure. Want a guarantee that you’ll be 100 percent satisfied with my work on the first draft? Absolutely. What? You want me to promise you a bestseller? Of course! Wrong. As a superhuman copywriter, here’s what you say instead: Tell them when you can reasonably have it done – even if it means losing business if you can’t meet their deadline. Tell them that it’s likely that they will have edits on their copy the first time around. It’s normal. Tell them you will write a bestseller – but whether it becomes a bestseller, that’s not something you can promise. No one can. 2. Listen to What Your Client Actually Means. Become Telephathic. You have to remember that most of your clients are going to be of the human variety. And while you are working on your superhuman status, they are probably just going to stay human. So that means that you really need to learn how to listen. That’s your job. Remember. You are the communicator. That’s what they hired you for. So, as a superhuman copywriter, you have to listen between the lines when your client is writing (or talking) to you. And in order to listen, you have to learn how to ask the right questions to get at the meat of the matter. As a copywriter, you can never ask too many questions (although you can ask stupid questions, but that’s another blog). So here’s an example: Human criticism = This paragraph is just not working for me. Standard human copywriter answer = Why not? Human response = Well, I just don’t like it. It’s just not good. Human copywriter answer = Well, I want to make it right, but I’m just not sure I understand what you don’t like about it. And round and round you go. In the end, the human copywriter leaves completely baffled as to what the client wants, and the client leaves frustrated. So, here’s how you fix this: Human criticism = This paragraph is just not working for me. Superhuman copywriter answer = Ok, not a problem. Is it the information that isn’t working? Or are you not pleased with the way the paragraph sounds? Then, the client either tells you that the info isn’t right, in which case you ask what specifically he would like included/excluded. Or, he’ll tell you that he doesn’t like the way it sounds, in which case, say: â€Å"Ok, is there anything about the paragraph you would like me to keep?†If they say no, don’t even try to figure out what’s wrong. Really. Most people just can’t tell you what it is about voice, tone, or flow that isn’t working. Just say†¦ â€Å"Ok, no problem, I’ll rewrite this a couple of different ways and send it back to you.†Then rewrite it a couple of different ways and send it back. And what I mean by this is start with a blank sheet of paper and write a completely different paragraph. Don’t reference your original. Don’t pull any phrases from it. I don’t care if you loved the first one, and you don’t see what’s wrong with it. It doesn’t matter. Just clear your head, think of a different angle, and go with it. 3. Do Not Under Any Circumstances Become Defensive. Achieve Sainthood. Here’s what I tell clients, â€Å"I only have one feeling, and you can’t hurt it.†Here’s what I tell copywriters, â€Å"If it doesn’t hurt when a client doesn’t like it, you aren’t doing it right!†Ok, so there’s a method behind this madness. Clients can’t feel like they are going to hurt your human feelings, because then you’ll never get the truth out of them; and if they aren’t happy – even if they are unhappy with a single word – you need to be the first to know. That’s the only way you’re going to have truly happy clients. Copywriters on the other hand have to love their work or else they aren’t giving it their all. So, the only solution to this is that all good copywriters must become saints and telepathistsand paladins. Oh, yeah, and you have to be a great writer, too.
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