Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Barriers to an Effective Organizational Learning
Of late scientists, management scholars have become interested on the benefits that organizational learning has on an organization; they are of the agreement that an organization that constantly coaches, trains, mentors and counsels its employees is likely to have an edge of competitiveness in every phase of business (Hornsby and Warkeoczeski, 2000).Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Barriers to an Effective Organizational Learning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Learning in an organization improves employees’ productivity; it increases the personnel expertise, which in turn keeps a company competitive; however, learning faces a number of challenges. This paper analyzes the major impediments to effective organizational learning (OL). Barriers to an effective OL Barriers to an effective OL are factors that hinder the implementation of OL programs within an organization or they at least interfere with th e practicability of the set programs; they impede the implementation of the change that learning is likely to bring out. Organizational culture is the first impediment of OL if it has not been well managed; an organization with a negative organizational culture is likely to see a learning process as a disruption of the organizational status quo and is likely to repel against it. In most case, organization learning comes with a change that the organization will go through, if the organizational culture adopted in an organization does not support a change process, then learning in such organization is difficult. Another hindrance of organizational culture is an organization politics; in every organization, some internal politics that determine how things are done; these politic are not formal however, they have the ability to create attitude, perceptions and behavior within an organization. If the politics of an organization are not positive to learning, then the process is likely not to be successful (Schilling and Kluge, 2009). Leadership within an organization plays a crucial role in the success of OL, leaders are seen as the pioneers of OL and they are constantly undertaking the process. When a company’s leadership is not effective and lack the expertise and knowledge to pioneer OL, the external processes are likely to influence the change.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Different employees understand things differently; leaders should be sensitive enough to know the kind of employees that they have then come up with the right approach. In most cases, especially when it comes to training, the entire human capital cannot undergo the training since it might be very expensive to the company; however, some few employees are trained, and expected to diffuse the information and knowledge attained to other people. The external environment that a company is operating in is likelihood impendent of organizational culture; the external environment includes competitors, the culture of the people around and organization and the relationship that prevail between people and the organization. Organizations need to recognize that external factors/forces affect learning and knowledge development in the organization. To ensure that the effect is not negative, an organization needs to have good relationship with the external environment. To create good environment, a company need to be ethical in its processes and adopt corporate social responsibility activities; this will enhance the relationship that the company have with the external environment (Meinolf, Ariane, John and Ikujiro, 2003) Conclusion The success of organizational learning is hindered by internal and external factors facing an organization if the factors are not managed appropriately. The internal factors include organizational culture, organizational politics, leaders hip and informal team in the organization. The external factors likely to hinder organizational learning are corporate governance and culture of stakeholders, customers and the public. References Hornsby, T. and Warkeoczeski, L. 2000. New roles for leaders: A step-by-step guide to competitive advantage. Franklin: Hillsboro Press. Meinolf, D., Ariane, A., John, C. and Ikujiro, N.,2003. Handbook of Organisational Learning and Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Barriers to an Effective Organizational Learning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Schilling, J. and Kluge, A.,2009. Barriers to organizational learning: An integration of theory and research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 11(3), pp. 337–360 This assessment on Barriers to an Effective Organizational Learning was written and submitted by user Cruz U. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How to Format APA Citations
How to Format APA Citations How to Format APA Citations APA referencing – developed by the American Psychological Association – is used to cite sources in academic writing. But how does this system work? In this post, we take a look at APA citations, how to quote sources, and a few variations of the basic citation format you may need to know. 1. Basic APA Citations APA uses author–date citations (a form of parenthetical referencing). This means you cite a source by giving the surname of its author and the date of its publication in brackets: Many people use APA citations (Schreiber, 2001). As shown above, APA citations place a comma between the author’s name and the year. If the author is already named in the text, meanwhile, you only need to give the year in brackets: Schreiber (2001) states that many people use APA citations. This is the basic APA citation format for all sources with a single author. 2. Sources with More than One Author For sources with two authors, include both surnames in citations. The names should be joined by an ampersand if they are cited in brackets, but not when they appear in the main text: Two is company (Schreiber Harkin, 2011). According to Schreiber and Harkin (2011), two is company. When a source has three to five authors, the format is the same as above for the first citation. For instance: Three is a crowd (Schreiber, Harkin, Murray Ptaszynski, 2014). However, if you were to cite the same source again, you would use the first name plus â€Å"et al.†to prevent repetition. For example: Nobody yet knows what comes after a crowd (Schreiber et al., 2014). For sources with more than five authors, meanwhile, you should cite the first named author plus â€Å"et al.†in all citations, including the first one (full author information is still given in the reference list). 3. Organizational Authors Some sources, such as the website of a business, won’t have a named individual as an author. When this occurs, you can name a company or organization as the author: Missing citations can affect your grades (Proofed, 2018). This is known as citing an â€Å"organizational author.†If there is no organizational author available either, though, you may have to give the title of the source in the citation instead of an author. 4. Quoting Sources If you are quoting a source, you need to give a pinpoint citation. This means citing the page number(s) of the quoted passage: It is important to â€Å"provide evidence in essays†(Schreiber, 2001, p. 24). As shown above, you should give the page number(s) after a comma and â€Å"p.†when the author’s name is part of the citation. However, you should cite the page number separately when the author has been named in the text instead: Schreiber (2001) says we must â€Å"provide evidence in essays†(p. 24). The key is that page numbers always appear after the quotation. 5. Audiovisual Sources If you want to quote an audiovisual source, you need to cite a timestamp: The interviewee claimed that â€Å"video is the future†(Harkin, 2017, 21:34). Here, for example, the â€Å"21:34†in the citation shows that the quote comes from 21 minutes and 34 seconds into the recording. This replaces the page numbers cited when quoting a print source. 6. Multiple Sources in One Citation You can, if required, cite more than one source in a single set of brackets. All you need to do is place a semicolon between the citations, which should be ordered alphabetically by author surname: There is strong agreement on this issue among experts (Harkin, 2001; Ptaszynski, 1998; Schreiber, 2010). Citing more than one source at the same time like this can be useful if you need to show that multiple sources support the same argument. 7. Multiple Sources by the Same Author from the Same Year For most sources, the author’s surname and year of publication will be enough for the reader to find it in the reference list. However, if you are citing more than one source by the same author from the same year, you will need to provide extra information to help the reader. APA referencing does this by placing a letter after the year of publication: Publishing success can vary by year (Harkin, 2001a). Some years may see an author release multiple works, whereas other years may see them publish nothing at all (Harkin, 2001b). Here, we have two sources by Harkin from 2001. As such, we label these â€Å"2001a†and â€Å"2001b†in citations and in the reference list so readers can tell which citation points to which source. The letter used depends on the position of the source in the reference list, with sources from the same year ordered alphabetically by title. So, if we have two sources by Harkin from 2001, one called Analyzing APA and another called Myths of Referencing, the former would come first in the reference list and be cited as ‘2001a’, while the latter would come second and be cited as â€Å"2001b.†8. More than One Author with the Same Surname Finally, if you cite separate sources by two authors who happen to have the same surname, you should add a first initial to citations so that your reader can tell them apart: Some surnames are very common (A. Smith, 1984). This can lead to confusion between people with the same surname (B. Smith, 2004). Adding this initial will help readers find the sources in your reference list.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
If Gold Prices Are The Same Everywhere, Then Why Arn't House Prices Essay
If Gold Prices Are The Same Everywhere, Then Why Arn't House Prices - Essay Example Using the basic economic supply and demand curve, it is easier for us to examine how prices and available supply affects the existing market behavior. To enable us to understand the major factor that make the prices of gold remains the same over time but not the housing prices, the history of the global trading system will first be tackled. Using the theories of microeconomics, significant changes within the domestic markets that contributes to the changes in the market value of houses will be thoroughly discussed. Between the years 1879 to 1934, trading of goods between two countries occurred using of the gold standard which enabled traders to pay goods and services in exchange with the quantity of gold (McConnell & Brue, 2004: p. 478). Since the value of gold remains the same in each country, there was officially a fixed exchange rate all over the world. Eventually, the use of fixed exchange rate resulted to a negative international demand shock since the prices goods from one country to another remains the same (Eichengreen, 1996). The global economic depression that happened back in 1930s changes the concept of having fixed exchange rate. (McConnell & Brue, 2004: p. 479) In order to promote free competition within the domestic and global trading markets, some nations have considered making the cost of exportation cheaper by devaluating their currency against the real value of gold. As part of strengthening the adjustable-peg system which was introduced under the Bretton Woods System1, each country agreed to accept gold and the US dollar as the benchmark for international reserves since the US was able to accumulate the biggest supply of gold as compared with other countries (McConnell & Brue, 2004: p. 480). As a result, the agreed equivalent of gold in terms of the US dollar is US$35 per ounce (Bougrine & Seccareccia, 2004). Aiming to avoid economic bias
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Beginnings of Bionic Flexible, stretchable electronics could launch Essay - 1
Beginnings of Bionic Flexible, stretchable electronics could launch cyborg era - Essay Example A common goal of these groups of scientists is to develop products that are efficient in performance. These are aimed to aid in the deliverance of therapeutic regimens and also in patient examination for vital symptoms (Rosen 18). Rosen goes ahead to provide examples of ongoing strategies in this interesting field combining physics, biomedical and biological sciences. For instance, she gives novel innovations carried out by a scientist at the University of Illinois. In his study, the group has focused in the advancement and development of gadgets that can detect unpredictable beats or spasms and bring these impulses back to normal. Such devices are beneficial in the treatment and control of epileptic seizures that account for neurobehavioral comorbidities worldwide (Rosen, 18). The incorporation of electronics within the human body continue to provide phenomenal advancement in terms of medical care and treatment. The integration of easy to bend electronics into balloon catheters, surgical gloves and stitches is extremely important complex health conditions diagnosis. Rosen implies that although these studies possess a brighter future, they are equally faced with myriad of challenges. This is because most of these studies make use of silicon that has also been used in the manufacture of computer chips. A disadvantage of this material is attributed to its mechanical properties of brittleness and hardness. However, this material has dominated global research in terms of its purification, doping and manufacturing of devices out of the silicon. As expected, research continues to go on with the aim of making silicon blend within the human body. For instance, Rogers and his research group are devising ways of coming up with ultrathin ribbons out of silicon. Such ribbons are capable of stretching and being flexible without any breakage tendencies. These silicon ribbons have been used in epidermal research whereby they have been used in sensing changes in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The environmental impacts of the cruise industry on Caribbean island Research Paper
The environmental impacts of the cruise industry on Caribbean island nations - Research Paper Example In the Caribbean region tourism has contributed to the growth of the overall economy which had been suffering due to stagnation in tradition economic sectors. Moreover, the Caribbean island nations have been bestowed with natural beauty, decorated with exotic flora and fauna, surrounded by blue seawater and natural breezes. However, the environmental degradation caused by the cruise industry in the Caribbean region far outweighs the economic benefits. Cruising started as preferred mode of travel by the social elite in the 1920s and the latter part of the 20th century has seen tremendous growth in the industry following a decline post World War II (Johnson 2002). Worldwide cruise tourism has catered to 8.5 million customers between 1980 and 1997. The passenger figures are expected to reach 14.2 million by 2010 (Butt 2007). Today the super-mega cruise ships use cutting edge of design and technical innovation, and they offer multifaceted recreational experience on board. In 1998, the Caribbean received 50% of the world’s cruise tourism customers (Johnson 2002). In fact, the Caribbean destinations receive more cruises than stopover tourists. However, while the economy of the island nations has grown, the cruise tourism sector has expanded with sophisticated liners and offering on-board recreation, cruise tourism in the Caribbean has been exerting pressures on the fragile environments and the host communities. This is because t he cruise ships consume significant amount of resources as a result of which great pressure is exerted on the places they visit (Butt 2007). The Caribbean islands have 44% share of the world cruise market. The environmental impact has exerted pressure on the small towns, islands and island groups in the Caribbean. However, the environmental impacts also depend upon the facilities available at the destinations to manage the degradation. Tourism is the major economic activity in the Caribbean
Friday, November 15, 2019
Attracting Motivating And Retaining Generation Y Management Essay
Attracting Motivating And Retaining Generation Y Management Essay Generation Y that closely referred to as millennial is latest member in the multigenerational workforce. In fact they are the newest and the last members of the workforce, born between 1982 and 2003. Although they grew up with technology and never knew a time without mobile phones and the internet, they have some values held by traditionalists like patriotic and willing to fight for freedom. They often think in bullet points and are ravenous researchers. Speed is important and they prefer rapid feedback. Moreover, they perform best when their abilities are identified and matched with challenging work. These years companies in different countries faced different challenges such as attracting, managing and retaining the new population of workers. Members of Generation Y have an incredible amount of talent but they also have incredibly high expectations about their work environment, growth opportunities and rate of advancement. In other hand, financial crisis leads to downsizing in companies. In spite of the fact that there might be a near-term surplus of labor, the lack of existing skillful workers is obvious. It is vital to companies focused on new generation of Y workers and supplies their requirements; besides, this question came to mind that is should they just discharge the issues as just another generation gap that will eventually weaken away. Ignoring the generation Y is impossible because of big size of its population. As a group, they are nearly as large as the baby boomers generation. As such, generation Y will make up an increasing part of your workforce. Generation Y has a lot to offer. They are confident, connected, optimistic and technical savvy. Generation Y would also be a growing part of your customer base and becoming increasingly influential factor that affects the buying process. We say that technology is becoming a critical factor for business success, on view of the fact that when these different workforces will work all together, the multi generational differences in attitudes, approaches, and styles related to work could create conflicts that in turn could considered as potential threats against reaching organizational goals. Besides, this situation will decrease or even destroy employees motivation, as we know motivation can be induced by the employer or reside within the employee and the key to motivating employees is remembering that not all employees are the same. In order to ac hieve motivation, managers must know each employee and must have a wide range of motivational techniques available, since each employee has a different set of values and personal experiences that brought them to where they are today. If management could come up with these actions, they could raise the organization towards its goals. In addition, for most companies retaining talent and developing future leaders are organizational goals, hence to meet these goals, companies must understand the needs of todays diverse workforces. Since failure to embrace these differences will result in not only having limited talent required for success, but also an employee population that is not engaged as they could be. Therefore, the level of engagement is critical to an organizations overall activities. In this study, we have investigated about behavioral differences that could lead to diverse motivational levels, retention strategies in challenging labor shortage, and the effected of leadership to management style in that by knowing about these conditions, the organizations not only could prevent the failures that are more probable for them, but also could achieve their goals more rapidly. As such to be successful in managing generation Y, employers needs to know how to attract, retain and motivate these leaders of the futur e. Literature Review Generation Y has been deeply affected by several trends of the 1990s and 2000s: a renewed focus on children, family, scheduled and structured lives, multiculturalism, terrorism, heroism, patriotism, parent advocacy, and globalization. Coincidentally, Generation Y has been socialized with several core messages: be smart you are special, leave no one behind, connected 24/7, achieve now, and serve your community (Martin, 2005). It likes to reject old-fashion media and advertising feeds. Playing video games, and watch DVDs are more interesting for them rather than TV programs. Those in Generation Y tend to live with their parents before college, plan to return to their parents home after college, and are less at home in the real world than in the virtual world in which they spend more than six hours a day online. As a consumer, Generation Y is likely to be independent and not brand loyal. Conventional inside the home, it leans to be fashionable and sophisticated in the marketplace (Wei ss, 2003). Generation Ys entrance in to the workplace would seem to present many opportunities in todays ever-more competitive organizations in which high-performing workers are an asset, and demographic shifts point to impending labor shortages. Generation Y workers would seem to be a timely addition. According to the Southard and Lewis (2004) generation are mostly goal- oriented; besides, they tried to develop and improve themselves. They strongly believed on financial and personal success (Breaux, 2003). According to the Lewis (2003) Y generation feel that they would be disposed to force into a job that they evaluate it attracting and vital whilst their knowledge about this new job is too low. Some of Generation Ys characteristics may make it easier to manage than Gen X. Generation Y tends to value teamwork and fairness and is likely to be more positive than Gen X on a range of workplace issues including work-life balance, performance reviews, and availability of supervisor (What You Need to Know, 2003). Moreover, Generation Y descriptors include attributes predictive of high performance. Generation Y workers are inclined to he sociable, hopeful, talented, collaborative, inclusive, and civic-minded. Besides, Raines (2002) mentioned that in order to be skillful with high technically knowledge, they try to be open-minded, achievement-oriented, and able capable to be multi-tasking. Cautiously they are optimistic and enthusiastic about their future. Generation Y is likely to have a solid work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit. Based on the Pekala (2001) it leans to not only respect talent, especially traditionalists, but also strength, collaboration, energy, compliance, good qu ality, and responsibility. Generation Y has a strong sense of company loyalty, is at least as satisfied with supervisors as are older workers, is as content as the others with the amount of praise received, and is as satisfied as the others with amount of vacation time and work flexibility or hours required. Additionally, Generation Y feels no more workplace stress than the other workers and is as satisfied as the others with retirement and health benefits (Saad, 2003). At the same time, Generation Ys entrance to the workforce seems to present some challenges. Although Generation Y workers tend to be more positive than Gen X about working in general, Generation Y tends to be less satisfied than Gen X with their jobs and employers. Present study tries to explain different dimensions of the dissatisfaction. Further, Generation Y is more open than Gen X to leaving for something better. Generation Y is likely to equate job satisfaction with a positive work climate, flexibility, and the opportunity to learn and grow more than any prior generation. Generation Y tends to have less respect for rank and more respect for ability and accomplishment. Cui et al. (2003) mentioned that Y generation like to trade more salary for job it thinks is significant at a firm where it experiences good feelings. Generation Y tends to value respect and wants to earn it. Having freedom to execute is a significant behavior in Y generation (Dealing with Your New Generational Mix, 2004). Additionally, Generation Y workers are likely to dislike menial work, lack skills for dealing with difficult people, and be impatient (Raines, 2002). Less than half of these young people form youngest generation like to introduce themselves as talent people who are ready to enter the work environments. The problem shoes itself when these young people technical talent are not fitted with communication skills, independent thoughts,and time managing (Pekala, 2001). In a survey by Mercer Human Resource Consultant (2002) it was disclosed that generation Y rating employers lower than other employees do on being treated fairly, getting necessary cooperation from others, and having opportunity to do interesting and meaningful work (The Next Generation, 2003). Furthermore, employees in generation Y like to have immediate enjoyment rather than investing for a long time and effort (Southard and Lewis, 2004); consequently, they preferred to invest on some especial projects. The Y generation employees like to be negotiators and questions in different events. Base Lewis (2003) cited that The forty hour workweek doesnt apply and how meetings become why meetings. Tulgan as an Intergenerational management expert explained the problems that challenge Y generation based on the Breaux (2003) as below: Generation Yers is like Xers on steroids. They are the most high-maintenance generation to ever enter the work force (Breaux, 2003). Discussion/ Issues Scheduling to attract, manage, and retain the new employees generation is a considerable challenge toward the companies. But its a challenge that companies simply cannot afford to ignore. Generation Y is nearly as large as the baby boomer generation, and is expected to have nearly as big an impact on business and society. Generation Y are said to be un loyal, have poor communication, are impatient and has no respect for authority and they spend to much time on the internet instead on concentrating on the real work ( Sprague and Caroline, 2008) Generation Y are already entering the workforce and their numbers will increase over time. The issues is the companies that dont figure out how to harness this growing resource are likely to find themselves at a distinct disadvantage, not only in the talent market, but in the broader market as well. After all, Generation Y is not just the next generation of workers; they are also the next generation of consumers, and as such will ultimately determine whether future businesses succeed or fail. Here are some specific things companies can do today. There are 3 main Generation Y issues and challenges faced by companies. They are: 3.1 Attracting The most pressing challenges are how to attract the Generation Y. The tasks is daunting because this generation has different attitudes and expectations that the other generations. Companies are thinking hard and fast on attracting the new millennium workforce. Due to the fact that generation Y has seen a lot of job turbulence, recession in their lifetime and they have seen their parents loosing their jobs, generation Y are more interested in taking their own responsibility for their own employability by constantly improving and building on their own job skills. As such, they are more interested in organization that offers it employees professional development, continuing education and career coaching. Some other benefits cited as valuable by generation Y are extra vacation time, access to health club and social gathering tied to the workplace. Generation Y also looks at the opportunity of career mobility within the organization as an attracting factor. While the market for employees is a competitive one, paying high range of salary is not a excellent strategy to find new skillful people. Find out how you can present your companies to these new workers to attract and retain them. Some companies are tackling the challenges of recruiting and retaining Generation Y using innovative strategies tailored to Generation Y characteristics. These methods which are contained supplying on site academic leadership, arranging official tutorial agenda to increase Y generation associability, and giving early chances to perform consequential job. To better reach Generation Y, some are streamlining the recruitment process and providing longer vacations after shorter service. As a same reason, some companies arrange inclusive intranet sites, for possibly conversion of unexploited managerial leave into cash, and letting conversion related to health into deferred reward accounts (Southard and Lewis, 2004). Some companies are literally going where Generation Y workers are, connecting with them through the media and locations such as Internet cafes and video game stores. Or they recruit Generation Y through on-site career-day seminars in which ranking personnel share their own success stores. Some companies are using their Generation Y employees as the first out reachers to peer Generation Y candidates in an effort to quicken the pace of recruitment. In this way, the companies aim to both engage their Generation Y employees more fully and to create a workplace ally for the Generation Y candidate (Employing Generation Why, 2004). 3.2 Motivating Based on the Herzberg definition, motivation is concluded from different definition such as the challenge of the works, with achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement, and growth. Dissatisfaction comes from the maintenance factors, which represent those lower-level needs that employees assume will be adequately met. High level administrators with acceptable work conditions are the samples of these kinds of workers needs. Few managerial or professional people would say these job factors motivate them most. Yet, the minute a boss or working conditions becomes a principal concern, factors such as interesting job content and opportunity for advancement lose their power to motivate. As a conclusion, executing a job in its different aspects relies on the satisfaction of both motivation and maintenance needs. Motivation level of a worker will affect by factors such as age, personal, outside environments, and the worker current life situation and career. For instance, steady employment and good pay often rank higher among all generations during times of economic uncertainty. When the economy is flourishing, employees tend to take these maintenance factors for granted; when unemployment and inflation are high, their principal motivators change. On view of the fact that when these different workforces will work all together, the multi generational differences in attitudes, approaches, and styles related to work could create conflicts that in turn could considered as potential threats against reaching organizational goals. Besides, this situation will decrease or even destroy employees motivation, as we know motivation can be induced by the employer or reside within the employee and the key to motivating employees is remembering that not all employees are the same. In order to achieve motivation, managers must know each employee and must have a wide range of motivational techniques available, since each employee has a different set of values and personal experiences that brought them to where they are today. If management could come up with these actions, they could raise the organization towards its goals. In addition, for most companies retaining talent and developing future leaders are organizational goals, hence to meet these goals, companies must understand the needs of todays diverse workforces. Since failure to embrace these differences will result in not only having limited talent required for success, but also an employee population that is not engaged as they could be. Work life balance can be offered in the form of flex time that would allow employees to work over one day, and work less hours on the next day. Employee growth and development could be management training programs that allow employees to advance their careers. Employee wellness programs would allow employees to stay physically fit, and the organization could have training programs to promote safe work habits. Employees need to be recognized for their work, and management could be trained to offer more praise to employees for tasks completed correctly. Organizations can make employees feel more involved simply by holding meetings where they have a voice for their ideas, and concerns from the employees can be heard by management. By utilizing these practices an organization could expect the organizational improvements, employee well being, and retaining the elusive Generation Y worker. 3.3 Retention Retention means that an employee work with the company until the end of their contract date and it is useful for both employee and company. If they find unfair situation in their job condition, they will explore a better opportunity and they will shift to the new job. Consequently one of the important duty of company manager is to find the best employee and try to keep them and prepare acceptable work condition for them. Pay the salary and extra rewards are not a way to bring satisfy to them. Compared to baby boomers and other generations in the workforce, Generation Y tend to be more concerned about meaningful work and relationships with coworkers, attitudes that are the key for employers to remember in retention efforts. Generation Y are hardly the first to long for a job that offers more than a paycheck and a way to fill their days. They are a socially conscious generation. Participating in charity work and green activites which help the environment improvement is a dream for Y generation. Sustainability and green are the hot words today. Generation Y are very interested in social and environmental happenings through the media as well as their employer. It can be as simple as spending a day rebuilding or renovating a house for somebody in the community, planning ways to make your office green, having local nonprofit come in to discuss volunteer or donation opportunities. With getting everybody inv olved by creating the emotional equity, making it a bit difficult for them to leave the firm. Recommendation The following has seen to be the strategies in attracting, motivating and retaining the generation Y into the work-force: Flexibility This can be seen in creating learning opportunities, sponsored learning capabilities, long range career planning, promote employee mobility within organization and cross country training opportunities. Work Life Balance This is a social aspect where flexible working schedules are design, developing a formal or informal networking circle for career development, hosting social or charitable events that is tied up to work. The work life balance initiatives were aspects such as paid leave to care for dependents, flextime, study assistance, eldercare, and time off to attend non work events, job sharing, telecommuting, on-site healthcare, and various other things the Generation Y workers are wanting in a career. Access to Technology -This strategy is linked to the organization adaptation of new technology in increasing work productivity. This is looked at where the workforce are equipped with state of the art laptops, access to internet, i-phones, PDA, video conferencing, e-learning and many more. This group of people would not live without cable television and access to mobile phones. With the focus on technology, flexible work schedules and spaces are also crucial to Generation Y. Offering the employees the benefit of arriving at work an hour early or later gives them the flexibility to schedule life issues such as daycare, eldercare or doctor appointment. Sense of purpose and meaning to the job -This stress on core values, rich corporate culture, sense of achievement and contribution to the achievement of organization goals. The generation Y also looks at branding. The organization brand plays a pivotal role in attracting the generation Y to join and contribute with the sense of belonging. Good Management i.) Management style Flat line management is top choice lately and for a lot of good reasons. Generation Y tend to be a bit self-centered. They will not stay in their job if they feel unsatisfied and there is no challenge role in their job. Generation Y particular were encouraged to find the perfect fit in their selection of everything from childhood activities to a college and they now seek a similar sense of place in their job. ii.) Mentoring and Feedback Generation Y has grown up hyper scheduled. Generation Y has been coached and tutored and guided and over-parented at every step of the way in their short lives so far. They thrive on one-on-one, personalized attention. Creating an environment that solicits input from employees demonstrates to them that their opinions are valued, ergo, they are valued. In return, they feel more valued and loyal to the company. Compensation-Fair compensation is still important to the employees. Organizations must offer an appealing compensations package include tangible rewards such as pay (base salary, stock etc) and benefits (i.e. health care, paid vacation etc) and intangible rewards such as learning and development and a satisfying working environment. Even though base salary and benefits constitutes hygiene factors for Generation Y, other parts of the compensation package will work as motivators. As the title and salary are no longer the number one priorities, Generation Y are more interested in self-fulfillment and work-life balance. 5.0 Conclusion The workforce deficit that is proposed to occur in 2014 is expected to be remedied by the generation Y workforce. However, problems with retention in employment with this group have been widespread across America. There is no set procedure to be implemented in order to retain this workforce; however the proposed model does encompass the problems associated with retaining these people. The model lays the foundation for organization specific procedures to be written from, and according to past experiences and research these methods should greatly reduce turnover in this group. Further research should be conducted to measure the effectiveness of these factors in employee retention of people who are categorized into generation Y. 6.0 Limitation Although recognizing and considering the different attitudes and needs of four types of generation could help the management for achieving the organizational goals, some limitation could be realized in this situation in that some researchers have found before too. As a case in point a new model of human resource solutions for achieving intergenerational interaction in organization that adopted from theories of Park (1950) and Kubler-Ross (1969) could be considered. Most of the researchers have divided the human resources into four different generation types and in turn they have detected and allocated some characteristics for each generation. It could not be considered these specifications would be the same for all the human beings in all the societies and task environment absolutely. Moreover, the combinations of different generation within the work environments or even societies are different from each other. Therefore, the outcome of studying in different situations could be somewhat different from each other. The generation groups who differ from the conventional culture usually cannot participate in defining the rules and standards used to make meaning. Hence, coordinating of these different group workers in such a task environment is often very controversial. The group that would be dominant among the other task groups in the work area usually spread their own beliefs and attitudes as if its views and approaches are universal and accepted by all other groups and members. Assimilation among these groups promotes self-alienation by engendering self-denigration where individuals differ from the neutral accepted norm. In addition it could provide the condition for covering or even demolishing individual beliefs and customs.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Free Things They Carried Essays: The Girl Next Door :: Things They Carried Essays
The Girl Next Door in The Things They Carried The Feminist Approach Method to critical analysis examines the feminism implied within the text. In Tim O'Brien's, The Things They Carried, the story, "Sweetheart of Song Tra Bong," is a story about the changes in a female when she is exposed to war. But, more importantly it is a story that illustrates how women are more than sex objects. "Sweetheart of Song Tra Bong," proves that female and male stereotypes do not always apply. "Sweetheart of Song Tra Bong," is a story being told by Rat Kiley to Mitchell Sanders, two soldiers of the Vietnam War. Mark Fossie's girlfriend, Mary Anne Bell, comes to stay with the soldiers in their perimeter. She arrives to Vietnam by a helicopter with the daily shipment of supplies for the soldiers. When the soldiers meet her she is identified as an innocent blond with "white culottes and this sexy pink sweater" (90). Even her name is a direct reference to the Virgin Mary, a sign of purity. The men in the perimeter are attracted to her, because they see her as a sex object. They view her as a daily source of survival. In the beginning of the story, Mark Fossie guides Mary Anne around by the arm, but after a while, Mary Anne begins to guide herself. Slowly, she becomes curious about the equipment and the war. She begins to adapt to life in Vietnam by eating with her hands, and using the phrases she hears from the soldiers. She becomes less concerned about her appearance and her cleanliness, and she begins to use weapons. Her voice becomes lower, her body becomes firmer, and her eyes become colder. She is becoming less of a sex object to the soldiers, because she is more masculine. One night Mary Anne does not come back to Fossie. He begins jumping to the conclusion that she is sleeping with other soldiers, when actually she is just hanging out with the guys. Mary Anne explains to Fossie that the war is like an appetite. On page 111, she states: "I can feel my blood moving, my skin and my fingernails, everything, it's like I'm full of electricity and I'm glowing in the dark-I'm on fire almost-I'm burning away into nothing- but it doesn't matter because I know exactly who I am." This statement is referring to the idea that Mary Anne has found a part of her that was always missing.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Claddagh Rings Essay
Today’s society is extremely fashion and style conscious. Most styles and trends are in one day and out the next, from clothing, jewelry, and accessories. However some trends are timeless and never go out of style, like the Irish Claddagh ring. But what is the origin of the jewelry and why is it still such a popular trend today? All these questions can be explained by looking at the origin, legends, meaning, and usage of the ring. The history of the Claddagh ring is surrounded in uncertainty due to the many popular folk stories that circulating around the origins of the ring. However what we do know for certain is that the ring originated from the Irish town of Claddagh(cite48). Claddagh was a small fishing village outside the city of Galway (cite48). This is where the name of the ring comes from. As with most story there are always many variations, in the case of the Claddagh ring and its origins there are numerous. One variation is how Margaret Joyce took the fortune inherited from her late husband, a Spanish merchant, and used it for charitable causes. She was reward for her charitably when a eagle one day dropped the the original Claddagh ring into her lap. cite48) The most likely legend of the rings origin is generally attributed to Richard Joyce. It goes that around 1675 Joyce was captured by Algerian pirates and sold as a slave while traveling to the West Indies. Joyce was sold to a Turkish goldsmith who taught him his craft. Joyce was released after William III was accession to the throne of England in 1689 and released all prisoners held captive by the Moors. Joyce served his master for fourteen years and when released his master offered half his wealth and his daughters hand in marriage if Joyce would continue to practice under him. Joyce declined this offer and returned to Claddagh where he married, had his on business as a silversmith and created the first Claddagh ring. The historical facts from this version of the story hold more truth to the origins of the ring then any other legend given that King William III did in fact release all Moors’ slaves. (cite 48 49) The Claddagh ring has a distinctive design. It features two hands clasping a heart that is surmounted with a crown. The ring itself is a symbol of love and marriage. Its believed that the heart represents love, the hand friendship, and the crown loyalty(cite 49). Going back to Richard Joyce if he is, and mostly likely was, the creator of the Claddagh ring the design itself depicts his loyalty and love of his country, since he did refused his masters offers to come home to Ireland. The Claddagh ring when created was used as a wedding or betrothal ring passed down from mother to daughter during a time of marriage (cite 49). This tradition it ensured the survival of the ring. (cite 49. ) The rings unique design also ensured its survival because it could be worn by both sex since it represents friendship and loyalty. Claddagh rings are still a expression of romance today. Today you can find the Claddagh symbol on different types of Celtic crosses, pendants, candles, and other jewelry. Its popularity in today’s society has been boosted threw media and pop culture, with celebrities wearing the ring and movies like Ladder 41, which describes how they way in which one wears the ring shows if they are in love or still open to friendship. Regardless of which legend of how the ring originated is true the facts is that the Claddagh ring has survived through history, keeping a symbolic meaning that is still significant.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Triple Pillar of the World Transformed into a Strumpets Fool Essays
The Triple Pillar of the World Transformed into a Strumpets Fool Essays The Triple Pillar of the World Transformed into a Strumpets Fool Paper The Triple Pillar of the World Transformed into a Strumpets Fool Paper Essay Topic: Literature Shakespeares chief source for Antony and Cleopatra was Plutarchs Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romanes translated by Thomas North (1579). Plutarch largely portrayed Mark Antony as a vain and dissolute character, juxtaposed against the heroism and virtues of his compatriots. Shakespeare plays down these attributes for more dramatic effect, choosing to make Antony a more complex, three-dimensional, and ultimately flawed character. Antony could be said to be the object of focus throughout the whole play, as his time on stage is spent always in the middle, and while his presence is absent, he is constantly the subject of conversation. Through this we are able to make our own judgements of whether Antony becomes his flow, or whether we agree with Cleopatras description of him as a Herculean Roman. Cleopatra humiliates Antony in front of Demetrius, Philo, Charmian, Iris, eunuchs and Cleopatras ladies by scalding Antony with her harsh words: Thou blushest, Antony, and that blood of thine is Caesars homager. The domestic arguing in the presence of those of lower status is somewhat embarrassing for a Herculean Roman, and transforms Antony into a strumpets fool. In addition to this, Antony surrenders to Cleopatra: Let Rome in Tiber melt and the wide arch of the ranged empire fall! Antony is defeated by Cleopatra, which demonstrates him as weak, and clearly expresses no intentions of returning to his duty, and therefore encourages the audience to see him as a strumpets fool. As Antony is a frequent source of conversation, different characters opinions of him become apparent and are influential to the audience. For example, Scarus refers to him as a Noble ruin that claps on his sea wing, and like a doting mallard, leaving the fight in height, flies after her, which suggests Antony considers his sexual engagements to be priority over his role of a world ruler. Scarus is a follower of Antonys, meaning that he is likely to make such remarks out of concern or pure observation, rather than out of disapproval, therefore increases the probability that it is true. Through Caesars complaints that Antony fishes, drinks, and wastes the lamps of night in a revel-is not more manlike than Cleopatra, nor the Queen of Ptolemy more womanly than he, we can gather from a Roman point of view, Antony is not favoured in his reputation, and the insulting language used about Antonys behaviour implies that Antony is foolish. The Herculean Roman image is also insulted here, by being compared as not more manlike than Cleopatra, which leaves no element in defence of Antony. Pompey, who is further away at most, shows his awareness that Antony is not performing as he should perhaps: I know they are in Rome together, looking for Antony The fact that Pompey assumes that the whereabouts of Antony is not known indicates to the audience that Antony is a hindrance when serious matters like war arise, and cannot be found when he is needed. Antonys lasting pride throughout the play, contributes to the foolish title, by ignoring wise and practical advise from Enobarbus: Your ships are not well manned. Your mariners are muleteers, reapers, people engrossed by swift impress No disgrace shall fall you for refusing him at sea, being prepared for land. In this situation Antony fulfils the image of a strumpets fool, as he knows his skills lie fighting on land, but his pride leads him to accept the challenge by sea, only to lose to Caesar. Cleopatra talks about Antony as if he were her prey and she his predator: My bended hook shall pierce their slimy jaws and as I draw them up, Ill think them every one an Antony, and say Ah, ha! Yare caught! This imagery of Antony as a defenceless fish mocks him in front of the audience, and creates the sense that Cleopatra is totally in control over him. This is continued through the way Cleopatra tells the tales of her times with Antony: I laughed him out of patience, and that night I laughed him into patience I drunk him to his bed Whilst I wave his sword Philippan Cleopatra is constantly the active part in her speech, which suggests that everything is done for Antony, as he is the indirect object in each case. Shakespeare cleverly displays Antonys many attempts to attract Cleopatras attention: I am sorry to give breathing to my purpose- Now, my dearest Queen- The Gods best know- Cleopatra- Most sweet Queen- How now lady! Hear me, Queen. Here Antony is put up against Cleopatra, and we as the audience see him dominated, or rather ignored by her majesty, which from an observing eye would seem as if he were inferior or unable to be heard. This situation would be quite ridiculous, for the triple pillar of the world to be granted so little respect, therefore making him a laughing stock, and a strumpets fool. Compared to Caesar, Antony appears to be always behind and considerably slower in his actions, and this can be seen through a number of areas. Firstly, when making preparations to go to war, Antony is amazed to discover that Caesar has taken Toryne, thinks Tis impossible and strange that his power should be. Secondly, when Antony finally arrives in Rome on the brink of war, he reveals his ignorance of the situation by asking Caesar the following information about Pompey: Where lies he? About the Mount Misena What is his strength? By land, great and increasing; but by sea he is an absolute master. Thirdly, we learn from the text that Caesar has even been with Cleopatra before Antony: A certain Queen to Caesar in a mattress. From this information Antonys manhood is damaged, as the impression is felt, that Antony has Caesars leftovers, illustrating him as once again a strumpets fool. Certainly the historical view of Antony would have been of a man potentially virtuous, but ultimately seduced by the charms and wiles of Cleopatra, thus the strumpets fool. This is probably the way Plutarch would have him painted. But it could also be argued that, by portraying Antony in such complex and contradictory terms Shakespeare ensures that he sustains a nobility throughout the play. Certainly to the audience of the day the apparent paradox of this man would have appeared intriguing and attractive. The fact that several of the leading characters sustain their loyalty to Antony throughout goes to uphold this view. For example, Eros is asked by Antony to carry out his sworn duty to kill his master after the debacle of the failed military campaign. Eros, however, commits suicide rather than fulfil his duty out of loyalty to Antony, an act that would serve to ennoble him to an Elizabethan audience. Also Antonys relationship with Enobartus, although ultimately tragic, reflects the latters deep respect for his nobility. When Enobartus realises that Antony has lost all reason in embarking on the final battle, he is forced to leave his friend and leader: Now hell outstare the lightning. To be furious Is to be frightened out of fear, and in that mood The dove will peck the estridge The fact that Enobartus later dies of grief for the failure of it all would have generated a huge amount of sympathy from the audience. To conclude, the view that Mark Antony is a triple pillar of the world transformed into a Strumpets fool is only a partly accurate view. The Marcus Antonius of Plutarchs works may well be just that, but Shakespeare evolves the character into a much more tragic and human persona, ultimately ennobled by the loyalty of his fr iends and servants.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Frigate USS Chesapeake in the War of 1812
Frigate USS Chesapeake in the War of 1812 USS Chesapeake was one of the original six frigates constructed for the U.S. Navy. Entering service in 1800, the ship carried 38 guns and saw service during the with Quasi-War with France and the campaign against the Barbary pirates. In 1807, Chesapeake was attacked by HMS Leopard (50 guns) over the practice of impressment of sailors in what became known as the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair. Active in the War of 1812, Chesapeake was defeated and captured by HMS Shannon (38) on June 1, 1813. The ship served as HMS Chesapeake until 1819. Background With the United States separation from Great Britain after the American Revolution, the American merchant marine no longer enjoyed the security provided by the Royal Navy when at sea. As a result, its ships made easy targets for pirates and other raiders such as the Barbary corsairs. Aware that a permanent navy would need to be created, Secretary of War Henry Knox requested American shipbuilders submit plans for six frigates in late 1792. Worried about cost, debate raged in Congress for over a year until funding was finally obtained through the Naval Act of 1794. Calling for the building of four 44-gun and two 36-gun frigates, the act was put into effect and construction assigned to various cities. The designs selected by Knox were those of renowned naval architect Joshua Humphreys. Aware that the United States could not hope to build a navy of equal strength to Britain or France, Humphreys created large frigates that could best any similar vessel, but were fast enough to escape enemy ships-of-the-line. The resulting vessels were long, with wider than usual beams and possessed diagonal riders in their framing to increase strength and prevent hogging. Construction Originally intended to be a 44-gun frigate, Chesapeake was laid down at Gosport, VA in December 1795. Construction was overseen by Josiah Fox and superintended by Flamborough Head veteran Captain Richard Dale. Progress on the frigate was slow and in early 1796 construction was halted when a peace accord was reached with Algiers. For the next two years, Chesapeake remained on the blocks at Gosport. With the beginning of the Quasi-War with France in 1798, Congress authorized work to resume. Returning to work, Fox found that a shortage of timber existed as much of Gosports supply had been shipped to Baltimore for the completion of USS Constellation (38). Aware of Secretary of the Navy Benjamin Stodderts desire to have the vessel completed quickly and never a supporter of Humphreys design, Fox radically redesigned the ship. The result was a frigate that was the smallest of the original six. USS Chesapeake. US Navy As Foxs new plans reduced the overall cost of the vessel, they were approved by Stoddert on August 17, 1798. The new plans for Chesapeake saw the frigates armament reduced from 44 guns to 36. Considered an oddity due to its differences relative to its sisters, Chesapeake was deemed an unfortunate ship by many. Launched on December 2, 1799, an additional six months were required to complete it. Commissioned on May 22, 1800, with Captain Samuel Barron in command, Chesapeake put to sea and transported currency from Charleston, SC to Philadelphia, PA. USS Chesapeake (1799) OverviewNation: United StatesBuilder: Gosport Navy YardAuthorized: March 27, 1794Launched: December 2, 1799Commissioned: May 22, 1800Fate: Captured by HMS Shannon, June 1, 1813SpecificationsShip Type: FrigateDisplacement: 1,244 tonsLength: 152.6 ft.Beam: 41.3 ft.Draft: 20 ft.Complement: 340Armament (War of 1812)29 x 18 pdr18 x 32 pdr2 x 12 pdr1 x 12 pdr carronade Early Service After serving with an American squadron off the southern coast and in the Caribbean, Chesapeake captured its first prize, the French privateer La Jeune Creole (16), on January 1, 1801, after a 50-hour chase. With the end of the conflict with France, Chesapeake was decommissioned on February 26 and placed in ordinary. This reserve status proved brief as a resumption of hostilities with the Barbary States led to the frigate being reactivated in early 1802. Made the flagship of an American squadron, led by Commodore Richard Morris, Chesapeake sailed for the Mediterranean in April and arrived at Gibraltar on May 25. Remaining abroad until early April 1803, the frigate took part in American operations against the Barbary pirates but was plagued by issues such as a rotted mast and bowsprit. Chesapeake-Leopard Affair Laid up at the Washington Navy Yard in June 1803, Chesapeake remained idle for nearly four years. In January 1807, Master Commandant Charles Gordon was tasked with preparing the frigate for use as Commodore James Barrons flagship in the Mediterranean. As work progressed on Chesapeake, Lieutenant Arthur Sinclair was sent ashore to recruit a crew. Among those who signed on were three sailors who had deserted from HMS Melampus (36). Though alerted to the status of these men by the British ambassador, Barron refused to return them as they had been forcibly impressed into the Royal Navy. Dropping down to Norfolk in June, Barron began provisioning Chesapeake for its voyage. On June 22, Barron departed Norfolk. Loaded with supplies, Chesapeake was not in fighting trim as the new crew was still stowing equipment and preparing the vessel for active operations. Leaving port, Chesapeake passed a British squadron which was blockading two French ships at Norfolk. HMS Leopard fires on USS Chesapeake. US Naval History and Heritage Command A few hours later, the American frigate was chased down by HMS Leopard (50), commanded by Captain Salusbury Humphreys. Hailing Barron, Humphreys requested Chesapeake carry dispatches to Britain. A normal request, Barron agreed and one of Leopards lieutenants rowed across to the American ship. Coming aboard, he presented Barron with orders from Vice Admiral George Berkeley which stated he was to search Chesapeake for deserters. Barron promptly refused this request and the lieutenant departed. A short time later, Leopard hailed Chesapeake. Barron was unable to understand Humphreys message and moments later Leopard fired a shot across Chesapeakes bow before delivering a full broadside into the frigate. Barron ordered the ship to general quarters, but the cluttered nature of the decks made this difficult. As Chesapeake struggled to prepare for battle, the larger Leopard continued to pound the American ship. After enduring fifteen minutes of British fire, during which Chesapeake responded with only one shot, Barron struck his colors. Coming aboard, the British removed four sailors from Chesapeake before departing. In the incident, three Americans were killed and eighteen, including Barron, were wounded. Badly battered, Chesapeake limped back to Norfolk. For his part in the affair, Barron was court-martialed and suspended from the US Navy for five years. A national humiliation, the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair led to a diplomatic crisis and President Thomas Jefferson banned all British warships from American ports. The affair also led to the Embargo Act of 1807 which devastated the American economy. War of 1812 Repaired, Chesapeake later saw patrol duty enforcing the embargo with Captain Stephen Decatur in command. With the beginning of the War of 1812, the frigate was fitting out at Boston in preparation to sail as part of squadron consisting of USS United States (44) and USS Argus (18). Delayed, Chesapeake remained behind when the other ships sailed and did not leave port until mid-December. Commanded by Captain Samuel Evans, the frigate conducted a sweep of the Atlantic and captured six prizes before arriving back at Boston on April 9, 1813. In poor health, Evans left the ship the following month and was replaced by Captain James Lawrence. Captain James Lawrence, USN. US Naval History and Heritage Command Battle with HMS Shannon Taking command, Lawrence found the ship in poor condition and the crews morale low as enlistments were expiring and their prize money was tied up in court. Working to appease the remaining sailors, he also began recruiting to fill out the crew. As Lawrence worked to ready his ship, HMS Shannon (38), commanded by Captain Philip Broke, began blockading Boston. In command of the frigate since 1806, Broke had built Shannon into a crack ship with an elite crew. On May 31, after learning that Shannon had moved closer to the harbor, Lawrence decided to sail out and battle the British frigate. Putting to sea the next day, Chesapeake, now mounting 50 guns, emerged from the harbor. This corresponded to a challenge sent by Broke that morning, though Lawrence never received the letter. Though Chesapeake possessed a larger armament, Lawrences crew was green and many had yet to train on the ships guns. HMS Shannon leads the captured USS Chesapeake into Halifx harbor, June 1813. Library and Archives Canada (Public Domain) Flying a large banner proclaiming Free Trade and Sailors Rights, Chesapeake met the enemy around 5:30 p.m. approximately twenty miles east of Boston. Nearing, the two ships exchanged broadsides and soon after became entangled. As Shannons guns began sweeping Chesapeakes decks, both captains gave the order to board. Shortly after issuing this order, Lawrence was mortally wounded. His loss and Chesapeakes bugler failing to sound the call led the Americans to hesitate. Surging aboard, the Shannons sailors succeeded in overwhelming Chesapeakes crew after bitter fighting. In the battle, Chesapeake lost 48 killed and 99 wounded while Shannon suffered 23 killed and 56 wounded. Repaired at Halifax, the captured ship served in the Royal Navy as HMS Chesapeake until 1815. Sold four years later, many of its timbers were used in the Chesapeake Mill in Wickham, England.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
International business .....what relationship, if any exists between Essay
International business .....what relationship, if any exists between business processes and culture - Essay Example Business processes are therefore dependent on the culture within which the business operates which gives the business environmental acceptance and adaptability and therefore giving the business a performance measurement tool. Culture has in any case direct effect on implementation of projects hence their success or failure. Since process business projects require activities that are complex and cross-functional it follows that the success or failure of such projects lies in how the company and its stakeholders respect the shared values and beliefs. Culture tends to link the producer and the consumer at the market level through a mutual interaction and recognition of the values and beliefs shared between the producer and consumer of the product or service. It should be notable however that since consumer values and beliefs is exponentially elastic and depends on their perceived value of the product or service placed in the market it is for the companies to adjust the business process alongside the consumer national or global culture. It is therefore true to say that there is a strong relationship between culture and business process which is manifested at the meeting point in the market.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis for Pho Phu Quoc Beef Noodle House Research Paper
Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis for Pho Phu Quoc Beef Noodle House - Research Paper Example The secondary data has been collected from journals such as â€Å"Use of qualitative research in foodservice organizations: A review of challenges, strategies, and applications†, â€Å"Quality in Service Sector†, â€Å"Perception Gaps in customer expectations: Managers versus service providers and customers†and â€Å"A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research†. Following this, relevant theories have also been incorporated from books namely â€Å"Managing Service Marketing†, â€Å"Principles of Marketing†, â€Å"Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods†and â€Å"Strategic Management and Business Analysis†. Correspondingly, relevant data has also been collected from websites such as â€Å"Yelp Inc.†After identification of the different problem areas of restaurant, a qualitative method has been used for maintaining the effectiveness of the system and enhancing the business prominenc e in the new market. According to the past record of restaurant and secondary data sources, it stated that this particular restaurant has faced a cultural difference issue, along with selection of foods and analyzing the threat of other existing restaurants. After analyzing these areas, paper was found proper problems in service, quality management, along with cultural differences. According to these situations, the findings were both development of the negative as well as positive aspects. Technically, the restaurant has been able to configure properly its negative angles with maximum consciousness as well as tried to resolve it with the help of its existing strengths i.e. the unique cuisine that it have been providing to its consumers. Pho Phu Quoc Beef Noodle House located in San Francisco. According to the name of this restaurant, it has been clear that it is based on the Vietnamese cuisine. The restaurant has its own blend of Asian flavors with various types of meats along with
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