Wednesday, October 30, 2019
According to the BBC, 'Britain is a surveillance society.' To what Essay
According to the BBC, 'Britain is a surveillance society.' To what extent does this compromise and conflict with people's right to privacy An Analysis - Essay Example Many critics were perplexed over the UK government wide usage of CCTV for surveillance as Britons always defending of their privacy at home. CCTV surveillance is concerned with social sorting. The surveillance system receives group and personal data so as to classify populations and people as per varying yardstick, to decide who should be targeted for suspicion, special treatment, inclusion, eligibility, and access etc. Oscar Gandy names it as the â€Å"panoptic sort†which is a discriminatory either fully or not automated technology. (Lyon 2003:20). The deployment of huge number of CCTV in Britain and its effect on civil liberties and on human rights, frequently is being debated across the nation. The main concern is that there exists no proper act or regulation concerning their use .The present UK’s coalition government has assured to initiate steps to address this issue and would look into plugging the existing holes like misuse of CCTV surveillance by authorities and to prevent human right abuses like invasion of individual’s privacy (Rowlinson 2008).... ( Wacks 2010:10). Prior to 1998, there were inconsistent and erratic voluntary Codes of Practices for the regulation of CCTV monitoring in Britain that were hardly adhered with. The legislation that regulates CCTV monitoring is of recent origin in the United Kingdom. The privacy issue was emphasised by the Human Rights Act, 1998. The truth is that there is even now no particular legal regime is existing to regulate CCTV which has probably resulted in the acknowledgement of United Kingdom as a CCTV surveillance hot spot. The only present regulations for regulating CCTV monitoring are to be seen in the common law on privacy, the Data Protection Act, 1998, the laws on criminal evidence which control the admissibility in court of info gathered by CCTV and under the provisions of breach of confidence. During recent times, the Information Commissioner issued both a Data Protection Code on Monitoring at Work and a specific CCTV Code of Practice which pinpoints specifically to the CCTV code and to camera surveillance activities. Recently, there has been an amendment in CCTV Code in the background of decision given in the contentious case namely Durant v. FSA. In this case, the Court of Appeal unpredictably shortened the broad interpretation of â€Å"personal data.†The camera surveillance in U.K had a serious impact due to verdict given in the Durant v. FSA where the Information Commissioner’s CCTV Code of Practice 2000 and the Data Protection Act, 1998 are applicable. Due to verdict given in the Durant case, the Data Protection Act is no more applicable to â€Å" basic CCTV systems†as they are not gathering â€Å" personal data â€Å" as regards to any citizen when they are able to focus on any individual or they are not intended despite images of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Characteristics of each of the 5 kingdoms and their meanings Essay Example for Free
Characteristics of each of the 5 kingdoms and their meanings Essay Every living creature on Earth belongs to a kingdom. Scientists debate how many kingdoms there are, but most agree there are five. Here is how the five kingdoms are organized. Monera Monera are single-celled organisms that dont have a nucleus. Bacteria make up the entire kingdom. There are more forms of bacteria than any other organism on Earth. Some bacteria are beneficial to us, such as the ones found in yogurt. Others can cause us to get sick. Protists Protists are mostly single-celled organisms that have a nucleus. They usually live in water. Some protists move around, while others stay in one place. Examples of protists include some algae, paramecium, and amoeba. Fungi Fungi are usually motionless organisms that absorb nutrients for survival. They include mushrooms, molds, and yeasts. Plants Plants contain chlorophyll, a green pigment necessary for photosynthesis, a process in which plants convert energy from sunlight into food. Their cell walls are made sturdy by a material called cellulose, and they are fixed in one place. Plants are divided into two groups: flower- and fruit-producing plants and those that dont produce flowers or fruits. They include garden flowers, agricultural crops, grasses, shrubs, ferns, mosses, and conifers. Animals Animals are the most complex organisms on Earth. Animals are multi-celled organisms, eat food for survival, and have nervous systems. They are divided into vertebrates and invertebrates and include mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish. Actually, there are now six kingdoms. The five kingdom was during the 1969 and it included all the bacterias within one group. The five kingdom system is as follows: 1. Monera: Bacteria. They are prokaryotic and unicellular. They are mobile. 2. protista: Protists. They are eukaryotic. Either autotrophic, heterotrophic, or even mixotrophic. They live live as unicellular, multicellular, or even as a colony. Some are mobile while some are sessile. 3. animalia: Animals. Eukaryotic and are heterotrophic. They are all multicellular and are mobile. 4. plantae: Plants. Eukaryotic and mostly autotrophic (some parasitic plants are heterotrophic). They are multicellular and sessile. 5. fungi: Mushrooms, fungus, etc. Eukaryotic and heterotrophic. They are multicellular and sessile
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The US Constitution Essays -- American History, Democracy, Equal Right
The US Constitution states â€Å"We The People of the United states in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for more common defense, promote the General Welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.†The main purpose of the U.S Constitution is to establish the basic rights of all American Citizens. This follows that every United States Citizens have equal rights. Belonging to a minority group because of culture, religion or race does not assert that one is unconstitutional. In times of war, evacuation of minority groups only in NOT constitutional; however, evacuation of ALL United States citizens for prescribes military areas is warranted. In the months immediately following the Pearl Harbor attack the minority group of Japanese Americans, who, held the same race as the enemy empire, were given an order to evacuate, â€Å"Civilian Exclusion Order No. 34†, their homes in the West Coast. In the case of â€Å"Korematsu V. United States†Korematsu fought for his constitutional right as a United Stated citizen; Korematsu was arrested under the Act of Congress exclusion order no. 34, he appealed his case all the way to the Supreme Court and lost. The Supreme Court held the decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals, justly highlighting key points with regard to war times which cannot be overlooked; however, the dissenting justices provides compelling support for Korematsu’s constitutional rights, the government’s disguised purpose to segregate and intern every-one of Japanese American descent, the political mishandling of the Japanese American’s and racial discrimination. The Supreme Co... ...d for health reasons. An American citizen regardless of race, culture, or religion falls under the same constitutional right as another American. Being of Japanese Ancestry during the war with Japan does not depict that that individual is an enemy. The facts are certain, on born to US soil is by birth a US citizen. Citizenship is not determined by race, culture, religion or even the origin of the individual’s birth parents. The disloyalty on an individual does not warrant disloyalty of the group. The government actions must have been well intentioned, being concerned about the nation’s safety; but, with their decision to exclude only Japanese Americans, the government portrayed impoverishment of constitutional right, political injustice, and racial discrimination to a minority group, none of which has any place in the US democracy, Constitution and way of life.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Disparities in Health Care
Problems of Disparities in Health Care Insurance The United States leads the world in spending on health care. Yet , other countries spending substantially less than the United States have healthier populations. America’s performance is marred by deep inequalities linked to income, health insurance coverage, race, ethnicity, geography, and – critically – access to care. Employer-based Insurance plans Income The United States is the only wealthy country with no universal health insurance system. Its mix of employer-based private insurance and public coverage has never reached all Americans.All working Americans are categorized based on annual income – top-income (earning on average $210,100 annually), higher-middle-income (earning an average of $84,800 annually), lower-middle-income earning on average $41,500), and bottom-income (earning an average of $14,800 annually) (Auguste, Laboissiere, & Mendonca, 2009). As the general population knows that those are in the both top-income category and higher-middle-income category can afford any expenses that are incurred in facilities, doctor visits, ER visits, etc. ithout any hindrance (Auguste et al. , 2009). The lower-middle-income and bottom-income population have much harder time in paying for services because it puts them in a tight budget. Paying for out-of-pocket costs can be detrimental to one's credit and often those patients are sent to collections if they can't pay. As reported in the 2011 study done in Arizona by Herman, Rissi, and Walsh, it also confirmed that individuals who have higher incomes were able to pay for medical expenses without going through financial hardships. CostIts been reported that immigrants have less access to care due to having no insurance plans and the cost of services when they are sick than the general population born in the United States (Pandey, 2010). In Herman et al. ‘s study (2011), out-of-pocket medical expenses caused financial hardships an d that top-income individuals were able to cover cost of medical services without hardships. It has been made known by many employers are making employees be responsible for a portion of health care costs by raising premiums or deductibles (Auguste et al. , 2009).Because of rising costs of deductibles (out-of-pocket costs) and the rising cost of premiums, employees are opting-out of enrolling into employer-based health insurance plan saying that to get the coinsurance amount, the deductible amount that they have to meet is out of their financial budget (Quinn, 2011). Race/Ethnicity and Environment Evidence of racial and ethnic disparities in health-care is, with few exceptions, remarkably consistent across a range of illnesses and health-care services. These disparities are associated with socioeconomic differences.Its been reported that immigrants are less likely to use the health care system yet alone have no health insurance coverage (Pandey, 2010). Its not only immigrants who ha ve trouble getting care, but different nationalities in the United States population have trouble as well – just to name a few – American Indians, Asian Americans, Hispanics, populations that live in rural and urban areas, and the general population ranging from infants to senior citizens (Copeland, 2005). Especially the Hispanic or Latino population were less likely to seek care (Herman, et al. , 2011).African American populations are the most researched when it comes to health care issues. For example, a study was done on racial disparities in exposure, susceptibility, and access to health care in the United States H1N1 Influenza pandemic which reported that Hispanics were at greater risk of exposure, however Blacks were a lot more susceptible in contracting H1N1 (Quinn, 2011). Access to Care Unequal access to health care has clear links to health outcomes. The uninsured are less likely to have regular outpatient care, so they are more likely to be hospitalized for a voidable health problems.The lack of transportation, health insurance, providers, appointment access, and inconvenient location of doctors offices caused many people to have poor health (Copeland, 2005). In 2011, a study in Arizona was performed to see is access to care was an issue among the residents. The study found that people who were uninsured had problems paying bills which prevented the ability to seek care and receive treatment (Herman, et al. , 2011). Individuals with higher incomes were able to seek care as well as ace/ethnicity background were indicators that individuals were less likely to seek care (Herman, et al. , 2011). Conclusion Income level and race/ethnicity in relation to environment, cost of medical services, access to care, play big roles as to why there are disparities in health care insurance. References Auguste, B. G. , Laboissiere, M. , & Mendonca, L. T. (2009). How health care costs contribute to income disparity in the United States. Mckinsey Quarterly, (2), 50-51. Copeland, V. (2005). African Americans: Disparities in Health Care Access and Utilization. Health &Social Work, 30(3), 265. Herman, P. E. (2011). Health Insurance Status, Medical Debt, and Their Impact on Access to Care in Arizona. American Journal Of Public Health, 101(8), 1437. doi:10. 2105/AJPH. 2010. 300080 Quinn, S. (2011). Racial Disparities in Exposure, Susceptibility, and Access to Health Care in the US H1N1 Influenza Pandemic. American Journal Of Public Health, 101(2), 285. doi:10. 2105/AJPH. 2009. 188029 Pandey, S. (2010). Health Insurance Disparities among Immigrants: Are Some Legal Immigrants More Vulnerable Than Others?. Health & Social Work, 35(4), 267.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Should Laptops Be Banned from the Classroom.
The world is rapidly progressing to a more technologically advanced era. Information and Communication Technology has influenced individual’s behavior, thinking skills and ability to fulfill daily tasks and responsibilities. As a result, the education system has incorporated technological tools into the curriculum. These tools include: radio broadcasting, computers, audio visual systems, the Internet, virtual learning centers, networks, instructional software, and projectors. Thus, the Ministry of Education’s philosophy (2005, p. 0) states that â€Å"Applying technology in education would enhance human capacity, dynamize the teaching/learning environment, promote creativity, innovation, critical thinking, decision making and lifelong learning. †This predominant point suggests that laptops should not be banned in the classroom at the University level. Reasons are distribution, media, productivity, Internet, software, virtuality, management and environment. From t he inception of the People’s Partnership government in 2010, an innovative approach has been implemented to endorse literacy, numeracy and critical thinking skills.The People’s Partnership (2010) acknowledged that, â€Å"Information Technology based learning will be infused in education at primary and secondary levels to support and complement other forms of teaching, learning and basic research. †As a result, The Prime Minister declared that, â€Å"Every child going on to secondary school from the Secondary Entrance Assessment will be provided with a laptop to begin their secondary school education. †(2010) With reference to this statement, I deem it necessary for laptops to be used at the University level.Students spend majority of their time doing research, completing assignments, downloading notes from e-mails or the internet and most importantly, engaging in computer aided instruction at classes. A Laptop is an effective tool that facilitates learn ing to all students in and out of the classroom. The previously mentioned effective tool aims to change teaching to a student-centered process and make education more relevant. Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society (2010). Laptops allow students the individual attention that fosters learning and provides effective feedback. Apart from this, lesson content are delivered through media in classes.Projectors, speakers and laptops are some of the technological tools that promote teaching and learning. With regards to this, the Ministry of Education (2005) states that, The Ministry of Education recognizes the importance of locally produced ICT curriculum resources to support education reform in this digital era. As such, digital resources shall play a central role in integrating ICT into the curriculum, developing innovative practices and transforming the way students learn. To promote more effective use of ICT in the classroom, the MOE shall develop and supply quality digital education re sources for teaching, learning and testing.All digital content shall be relevant to the local curriculum and directed toward curriculum outcomes. (p. 26) Students are more motivated to learn and teaching is enthusiastic as students participate in lifelong learning. Additionally, students naturally gravitate to the most attractive mode of content delivery. The implementation of technological tools such as the laptop increases productivity. Students will develop a more positive attitude towards school and a more organized learning environment. Furthermore, students would be able to complete their work in a shorter period more effectively and efficiently.The laptop enables students to use productivity tools such as Microsoft office which includes word processors, spreadsheets, databases and power point presentations. â€Å"At institutions where technology are fully integrated into the teaching and learning process all students are able to create output using a word processor, spreadsh eet and presentation software. †according to the (Ministry of Education, 2005, p. 19) This essential program aids students in their assignments and teachers in their lesson planning. With the use of the laptop, they can construct and create documents in meetings or anywhere convenient.Productivity tools better prepare students for the workplace and foster creativity and innovation to benefit society. According to the (Minister of Education, the Honorable Hazel Manning 2007), â€Å"Let us seize this opportunity to use ICT across the curriculum. Utilize it for your lessons planning, utilize it for the delivery of your lessons. †Simulations are software that enhances learning and allows students to experience real world systems. This makes learning safe and provides students the opportunity to experience the impossible. The Ministry of Education has received funding from the World Bank to support education, but that ICT are not funded. A 2006 IDB grant of US$67,000 was m atched by US$45,000 from the government to jumpstart development of the country’s IT sector by increasing capacity in software development. †(Gaible & Trucano 2009 p. 66). Courses at the University level use simulations and other software to enhance the lesson and learning. If students are equipped with laptops in the classroom, they can utilize this software while the lesson is being delivered.Understanding of content is increased when students have access to this software. It compresses time, is cost effective and allows repetition so students can maximize learning. â€Å"Educational simulations have a number of advantages over other instructional methodologies and media. Students often find active participation in simulations to be more interesting, intrinsically motivating and closer to real world experiences than other learning modalities. †(Alessi, & Trollip, as cited in Lunce, 2006). The internet is another technological tool that fosters learning and is a predominant tool in classrooms.Laptops are equipped with Wi-Fi capabilities, which is a wireless function to connect to the internet. The internet is accessible in all educational institutions and is used in the classroom. Access to a pool of resources, use of course management systems (Blackboard), and e-mail are all primary reasons for internet connections especially for university students. The curriculum has been upgraded and assignments can be submitted online. â€Å"Internet Access will provide for further content. It makes available the vast knowledge and materials on the World Wide Web.Where possible and necessary, the Ministry of Education shall provide high speed Internet access to all its institutions. †(Ministry of Education, 2005, p. 31) If students are engaged in activities that requires research, they can access the internet from their laptops. Another predominant factor is that a student’s personal computer enables them to have their work at hand ins tead of using the school’s computer. Hence, any extra work that is done at school or during classes can be used when necessary at home. New information is presented every day and further research can always be done to better our understanding.Tons of books and numerous handouts are usual tedious tasks for University students. Not only do you look studious, nerds are your best competition as you move around fully loaded. Luckily, the introduction of laptops has diminished this challenging capacity to store and manage information. According to Carter (2006 p. 10), â€Å"The technology is used to help students think and communicate effectively. The computer is a tool. †Moreover, the University of Trinidad and Tobago has created a mission to â€Å"Go Green†, thus saving paper. This allows students to use online books and resources attainable from the features of a laptop.Random access memory allows for this convenient ability for students to move around with everyt hing at hand. Information can be added, modified or updated and even deleted. As time goes by, this collection of information can become frustrating since files may not be usable as it gets old or even misplaced. However, the laptop enables its users to data or information by naming each document or file and selecting its storage space for quick, easy retrieval. Students can store their notes for each class and retrieve them quickly when the teacher requests or mentions it.According to Dr. Abshire (as cited in Lewin, 2009), At Cienega High School, students who own laptops can register for digital sections of several English, history and science classes. They don’t engage with textbooks that are finite, linear and rote. Teachers need digital resources to find those documents, those blogs, those wikis that get them beyond the plain vanilla curriculum in the textbooks. In conclusion, â€Å"As the Ministry of Education becomes more students centered and ICT driven, we know that greater use must be made of the global currency of information. (Minister of Education, Senator the Honorable Hazel Manning, 2007) Students develop higher cognitive skills and improve collaborative skills with the introduction of ICT in the curriculum. At the university level, students are being educated and prepared for the workplace. Thus, an effective and efficient technological tool is the laptop. If students are allowed to laptops in the classroom, school would be more interesting and motivating as lifelong learning and training cannot be confined to the traditional classroom. References Gaible, E. ,& Trucano, M. (Eds. ). 2009). Survey of ICT and education in the Caribbean Volume II:Country reports. Washington, DC. Lewin, T. (2009 August 8). In a digital future, textbooks are history. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2009/08/09/education/09textbook. html? _r=1&pagewanted=all Lunce, L. (2006). Simulations: Bringing the benefits of situated learning to the traditional classroom. Journal of Applied Educational Technology, 3(1), 38. Manning, S. (2007). Ministry of Education, Illuminant and Hewlett Packard: Increasing the use of ICT in education.Newsday,p. A. 25 Ministry of Education. (2005, September). Draft policy for Information and Communications Technology in Education. Retrieved from http://www. moe. gov. tt/general_pdfs/moe_ict_policy. pdf The People’s Partnership. (2010, April), Prosperity for all manifesto. Retrieved from http://www. coptnt. com/ver03/media/peoples-manifesto-2010. pdf Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society. (2010). Laptops in schools programme. Retrieved from http://www. ttcsweb. org/articles/Laptops_in_Schools_Programme. pdf
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Evolutional explanations Essays
Evolutional explanations Essays Evolutional explanations Essay Evolutional explanations Essay The evolutionary explanation, or instinct theory, states that aggression is an adaptive response. This response enables us to obtain resources, defend against attack, eliminate competition for mates and force sexual fidelity from mates. In 1966 Lorenz stated that there were four main drivers behind animal aggression; fear, reproduction, hunger and anger. He also stated that aggression could occur only within a species not across two different species. Lorenz discussed that aggression between two animals is often ritualised. Ritualised aggression itself is aggressive, but little harm actually comes to either animal.This theory is backed up by Morris in 1990, he found that animal disputes show a lot of restraint, this restraint is called an appeasement tactic e.g. dogs show their belly when they feel threatened to stop the opponent from taking the fight any further. The evolutionary approach to aggression states that there are four aims of aggression; to win or control territory, increasing solidarity between males and females, becoming and maintain a dominant role and natural selection through survival of the fittest. There are three main problems with the instinct theory. Firstly, it fails to take into account variations in aggression across individuals and cultures. Secondly, Lorenz compares man to animals and we are not like animals as we have culture to an extent animals do not. The final evaluation point of the instinct theory is that it can be argued that aggression can be learnt socially through social learning theory, not through genes.Infidelity and jealousy is another evolutionary explanation of aggression. Infidelity is having a sexual relationship with someone other than your partner. Jealousy is a state of fear caused by either a real or imagined threat to a person’s status an exclusive sexual partner. Cuckoldry is often the cause of sexual jealousy. Cuckoldry occurs when a woman deceives her male partner into investing into offspring conceived with another man.A main researcher in this area is Young. In 1978 Young asked students to describe how they would react to a jealousy inducing scenario. Men in general said they would become drunk, respond angrily and threaten their rival male. Women on the other hand pretend not to care, cry and try to increase their own attractiveness to get male attention. One major problem with Young’s study is that the participants may have answered differently on the questionnaire to how they would react normally due to social desirability.Another explanation of aggression as an adaptive response is murder. Buss and Duntley (2006) said that humans have evolved adaptations through natural selection to produce what we now call murder. They discussed how if murder is used is determined by four factors; the degree of relatedness between killer and victim, the relative status of killer and victim, the sex of killer and victim and the size and strength of the killer’s and victim’s alliances.In order to evolve as a strategy it must have been associated with greater reproductive success than conflicting strategies. Wilson and Daly in 1985 said that sexual jealousy, lack of resources and threats to male status are all reasons for murder to occur. Wilson and Daly support both their prior study and the study by Buss and Duntley by over viewing the Detroit murders of 1972. They found that the motive behind most of the killings, both killers and victims were unemployed, unmarried and young, low status without a mate. The problem with Buss, Duntley, Wilson and Daly’s research is that is says the act of murder is determined by our evolutionary past and freewill does not come into play, murder could not be committed due to a grudge or hatred is the act is determined.The final explanation of aggression as an adaptive response is group display. There are three levels of group aggression: a crowd, a mob and a riot. A crowd is a lot of people who have gathered into one group very closely, mobs are disorderly crowds and a riot is crowd or gathering which is protesting in a violent manor. Examples of group display fall into three categories; lynch mobs, sport aggression and religious displays. One theory which underpins the idea that group displays are an adaptive response to aggression is the power threat hypothesis. Blalock, in 1967 said that as a minority group grows, the majority group intensifies their efforts to remain dominant.Group displays of solidarity are discrimination against outsiders are more likely when the group feels at risk. Another way groups show aggression is by dehumanising the victim and reducing them into something non human. This makes it easier to carry out aggressive acts e.g. lynching. These aggressive deeds are sometimes made easier for an individual if they de-individuated. When someone is part of a crowd the loose their sense of individuality and therefore will do things they would not normally do. Convergence theory is another theory into group aggression; the group is made up of individuals who all have similar thought processes. Each individual is not influenced by the rest of the group, but all the members behave the same, due to their similar thoughts. Similarly, Contagion theory can also explain group aggression; people are influenced by the way a group acts.The individuals do not need to think similarly, they conform to the behaviour of one bad egg.’ Smelser (1963) argued that social life and its processes affect how individuals behave. This is weakness of the evolutionary theory; aggression is not only affected by our genes it is also affected by our social learning and environment. Smelser also argued that six things are necessary for a social movement to emerge. Structural conduct and if people realise their society has a problem, if society fails to meet expectation and deprives the people, growth and spread of an explanation, if one event triggers a reaction from a crowd, mobilisation for action where people distribute information about a cause and finally a lack of social control leads to a protesting crowd.In conclusion, the instinct theory can explain aggression; the only problem is it doesn’t take into account factors such as culture and it completely ignore the fact that we could learn to be aggressive through social learning. So overall a mixture of different explanations is needed to explain aggression.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Learning Chapters on Project Procurement Management Essays
Learning Chapters on Project Procurement Management Essays Learning Chapters on Project Procurement Management Paper Learning Chapters on Project Procurement Management Paper After reading this chapter, you will b understand the Importance of prop Increasing use of outsourcing for info Describe the work involved in planning determining the proper type of contract t management plan, statement of work, so buy analysis Discuss what is involved in conducting obtaining seller responses, selects Understand the process of admit meet relationships and monitor Describe the process of closing Discuss types of software avail management Marie McBride could not believe how much money her company was paying for outside consultants to help the company finish an important operating system conversion project. The consulting companys proposal said it would provide experienced professionals who had completed similar conversions, and that the Job would be finished in six months or less with four consultants working full time. Nine months later her company was still paying high consulting fees, and half of the original consultants on the project had been replaced with new people. One new consultant had graduated from college only two months before and had extremely poor communications skills. Marries internal staff complained that they were wasting time training some of these experienced professionals. Marie talked to her companys purchasing manager about the contract, fees, and special clauses that might be relevant to the problems they were experiencing. Marie was dismayed at how difficult it was to interpret the contract. It was very long and obviously written by someone with a legal background. When she asked what her company could do since the consulting firm was not following Its proposal, the purchasing manager stated that the proposal was not part of the official contract. Marries company was paying for time and materials, not specific deliverables. There was no clause stating the minimum experience level required for the consultants, nor were there penalty clauses for not completing the work on time. There was a termination clause, however, meaning the company could terminate the contract. Marble wondered why her company had signed such a poor contract. Was there a better way to deal with procuring services from outside the company? Although global outsourcing displaces some IT workers, total employment In the united States increases, according to IOTA, as the benefits ripple through the economy. I en Incremental economic actual TTY Tanat Tools outscore II outsourcing creates over 257,000 net new Jobs in 2005 and is expected to create over 337,000 net new Jobs by 462 P oliticians debate on whether offshore outsourcing helps their own country or not. Andy Boor, chief operating officer of a computer network support service provider, describes outsourcing as an essential part of a healthy business diet. He describes good vs.. Bad outsourcing as something like good vs.. Bad cholesterol. He says that most people view offshore outsourcing as being bad because it takes Jobs away from domestic workers. However, many companies are realizing that they can use offshore outsourcing and create more Jobs at home. For example, Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines created 1,000 call-center Jobs in India in 2003, saving $25 million, which enabled it to add 1,200 Job positions for reservations and sales agents in the United States. 2 Other companies, like Wall-Mart, successfully manage the majority of their information technology projects in-house with very little commercial software and no outsourcing at all. (See the Suggested Reading on the companion Web site on Wall- Marts Way. ) Deciding whether to outsource, what to outsource, and how to outsource are important topics for many organizations throughout the world. In a 2008 survey, 74 percent of 600 global procurement executives believed that procurement issues are a high priority for their companies. About half of respondents also said that their companies focus too much on cost reduction instead of value creation. They also believe they are missing opportunities by not focusing on using technology to improve procurement processes. For example, 72 percent of respondents have less than 10 percent of their spend channeled through procurement and sourcing applications. 3 Most organizations use some form of outsourcing to meet their information technology needs, spending most money within their own country. A 2008 report on IT outsourcing trends in the U. S. And Canada revealed the following: Application development is the most popular form of IT outsourcing and was used by 53 percent of organizations surveyed. Of the surveyed organizations, 44 percent outsourced application maintenance, 40 percent outsourced Web site or e-commerce systems, and 37 percent outsourced disaster recovery services. The IT function with the largest percentage of work outsourced is assister recovery services, accounting for 50 percent of total IT outsourcing. Mortifications see the benefit in having an outside party perform offset storage or maintenance of a recovery facility. Desktop support is the second most outsourced IT function (48 percent), followed closely by data center operations and help desk (47 percent each) and Web site or e-commerce systems (46 percent). IT security is at the bottom of the list, with only 29 percent of the work being outsourced. Even though application development and maintenance are frequently outsourced, they are a low percentage of the amount of total IT work outsourced. Application development and maintenance are often outsourced selectively since most organizations choose to do many projects in-house. 4 Procurement means acquiring goods and/or services from an outside source. The term procurement is Widely used in government; many private companies use the terms purchasing and outsourcing. Organizations or individuals who provide procurement services are referred to as suppliers, vendors, contractors, subcontractors, or sellers, with suppliers being the most widely used term. Many information technology projects involve the use of goods and services from outside he organization. As described in Chapter 2, outsourcing has become a hot topic for research and debate, especially the implication of outsourcing to other countries, referred to as offspring. The outsourcing statistics below are from an Information Technology Association of America (IOTA)-sponsored report: Spending for global sources of computer software and services is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of about 20 percent, increasing from about $1 5 billion in 2005 to $38 billion in 2010. Total savings from offshore resources diddling the same time period are estimated to grow from $8. Billion to $20. 4 billion. The cost savings and use of offshore resources lower inflation, increase productivity, and lower interest rates, which boosts business and consumer spending and increases economic activity. Chapter 12 Project Procurement Management Because outsourcing is a growing area, it is important for project managers to understand project procurement management. Many organizations are turning to outsourcing to: Reduce betrothed and recurrent costs. Outsourcing suppliers are often able to use economies of scale that may not be available to the client alone, especially for hardware and software. It can also be less expensive to outsource some labor costs to other organizations in the same country or offshore. Companies can also use outsourcing to reduce labor costs on projects by avoiding the costs of hiring, firing, and reassigning people to projects or paying their salaries when they are between projects. Allow the client organization to focus on its core business. Most organizations are not in business to provide information technology services, yet many have spent valuable time and resources on information technology functions when they should have focused on core competencies such as marketing, customer arrive, and new product design. By outsourcing many information technology functions, employees can focus on Jobs that are critical to the success of the organization. Access skills and technologies. Organizations can gain access to specific skills and technologies when they are required by using outside resources. For example, a project may require an expert in a particular field or require the use of expensive hardware or software for one particular month on a project. Planning for this procurement ensure that the needed skills or technology will be available for the project. Provide flexibility. Outsourcing to provide extra staff during periods of peak workloads can be much more economical than trying to staff entire projects with internal resources. Many companies cite quicker flexibility in staffing as a key reason for outsourcing. Increase accountability. A well-written contract-a mutually binding agreement that obligates the seller to provide the specified products or services and obligates the buyer to pay for them-can clarify responsibilities and sharpen focus on key deliverables of a project. Because contracts are legally binding, there is more accountability for delivering the work as stated in the contract. In December 2002, who organ Chase announced a sieving to MOM, both companies en- year, $5 billion deal too bragged that the contract w TTS med like a win-win situational would make money an gang Chase could push for innovation. The contract less than two years However, in September 200 egger fit with Comparing Chaises busting its existence because the pro news strategy. According to Austin rumination officer at Comparing Chi couture is best for the long-term gar We believe managing our own techno and success of our company as well a railroaders. However, IBM said he can contract was simply a result of Comparing Chaises merger earlier that year with Bank It tried to shrug off the loss of a large business deal. The combined firm found its an abundance of IT assets, IBM spokesperson James Icicles said. This decision w other business decisions related to the merger. 6 Outsourcing can also cause problems in other areas for companies and nations as a whole. For example, many people in Aus tralia are concerned about outsourcing software development. The Australian Computer Society says sending work offshore may lower ten under AT students entering II courses, deplete ten mummer AT Skilled IT professionals, and diminish the nations strategic technology capability. Another issue is security, which encompasses the protection of intellectual property, integrity of data, and the reliability of infrastructure in offshore locations. 7 The success of many information technology projects that use outside resources is often due to good project procurement management. Project procurement management includes the processes required to acquire goods and services for a project from outside the performing organization. Organizations can be either the buyer or the seller of products or services under a contract. There are four main processes in project procurement management: Organizations must also consider reasons they might not want to outsource. When an organization outsource work, it often does not have as much monitor over those aspects of projects that suppliers carry out. In addition, an organization could become too dependent on particular suppliers. If those suppliers went out of business or lost key personnel, it could cause great damage to a project. Organizations must also be careful to protect strategic information that could become vulnerable in the hands of suppliers. According to Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems, Inc. , What you want to handle in-house is the stuff that gives you an edge over your competition-your core competencies. I call it your secret sauce. If youre on Wall Street and you have your own program for tracking and analyzing the market, youll hang onto that. At Sun, we have a complex program for testing microprocessor designs, and well keep it. 5 Project teams must think carefully about procurement issues and make wise decisions based on the unique needs of their projects and organizations. They can also change their minds on outsourcing as business conditions change. . 3. Planning procurements involves determining what to procure, when, and how. In procurement planning, one must decide what to outsource, determine the type of contract, and describe the work for potential sellers. Sellers are contractors, suppliers, or providers who provide goods and services to other organizations. Outputs of this process include a procurement management plan, statements of work, make-or-buy decisions, procurement documents, source selection criteria, and change requests. Conducting procurements involves obtaining seller responses, selecting sellers, and awarding contracts. Outputs include selected sellers, procurement contract awards, resource calendars, change requests, and updates to the project management plan and other project documents. Administering procurements involves managing relationships with sellers, monitoring contract performance, and malting changes as needed. The main outputs of this process Include procurement documents talon, organizational 4. Process asset updates, change requests, and project management plan updates. Closing procurements involves completion and settlement of each contract, including resolution of any open items. Outputs include closed procurements and organizational process asset updates. Figure 12-1 summarizes these processes and outputs, showing when they occur in a typical project. Planning Process: Plan procurements Outputs: Procurement management plan, procurement statements of work, make-or-buy decisions, procurement documents, source selection criteria, and change requests 466 Executing Process: Conduct procurements Outputs: Selected sellers, procurement contract award, resource calendars, change requests, project management plan updates, project document updates Monitoring and Controlling Process: Administer procurements Outputs: Procurement communication, organizational process asset updates, change requests, project management plan updates Closing Process: Close procurements Outputs: Closed procurements, organizational process asset updates Project Start Project Finish FIGURE 121 Project procurement management summary The Boots Company PLY, a Nottingham, England, outsourced its information t Tiber 2002. The Boots Company signed a ten-year d expected to save $203. 9 million over that period com systems itself. IBM managed and developed The Boots Comma cou ture from the mainframes to the tills in our 1,400 stores, to the co , said spokesperson Francis Thomas. More than 400 Boots employees we Vims payroll but continued to work at Boots head office, with extra IBM s n as needed. Thomas added, The great thing about this is that if IBM has an expert in Singapore and [if} we need that expertise, we can tap Into It Tort tender months. It Keeps our costs on an even Keel. 8 is not uncommon moon for long contracts to be renegotiated, becoming either shorter or longer in length. May 2006, Boots and IBM began discussing amendments to their contract because m of Boots IT infrastructure renewal program (including a new pharmacy system and roll) was complete. A Boots spokesman said that the many achieved its goal much quicker than planned. In contrast, in 2005 Boots renegotiated its EYE million, seven-yea IT contract it initially signed in 2002 with Sans, extending it for another two years to 2011 in a EYE million deal. 9 It is also not uncommon to take advantage of competition the changing marketplace for major procurements. In 2008, Boots announced that I have up to six different suppliers competing to supply its IT products and services ova next year. The company is keeping its business system management team and service management in-house? including helpless and project management. 10 Properly planning purchases and acquisitions and writing good contracts can also save organizations millions of dollars. Many companies centralize purchasing for products, such as personal computers, software, and printers, to earn special pricing discounts. For example, in the mid-asses the U. S. Air Force awarded a five-year, multimillion-dollar contract to automate 15 Air Force Systems Command bases. The project manager and contracting officer decided to allow for a unit pricing strategy for some items required in the contract, such as the workstations and printers. By not requiring everything to be negotiated at a fixed cost, the winning supplier lowered its final bid y more than $40 million. II Planning procurements involves identifying which project needs can best be met by using products or services outside the organization. It involves deciding whether to procure, how to procure, what to procure, how much to procure, and when to procure. An important output of this process is the make-or-buy decision. A make-or- buy decision is one in which an organization decides if it is in its best interests to make certain products or perform certain services inside the organization, or if it is better to buy them from an outside organization. If there is no need to buy any reduces or services from outside the organization, then there is no need to perform any of the other procurement management processes. For many projects, properly outsourcing some information technology functions can be a great investment, as shown in the following examples of What Went Right. Inputs needed for planning procurements include the scope baseline, requirements documentation, teaming agreements, the risk register, risk-related contract decisions, activity resource requirements, the project schedule, activity cost estimates, the cost performance baseline, enterprise environmental factors, and organizational process assets. For example, a large clothing company might consider outsourcing the delivery of, maintenance of, and basic user training and support for laptops supplied to its international sales and marketing force. If there were suppliers who could provide this service well at a reasonable price, it would make sense to outsource, because this could reduce fixed and recurring costs for the clothing company and let them focus on their core business of selling clothes. It is important to understand why a company would want to procure goods or services Ana want Inputs are anemia to plan purchases and acquisitions. In the opening case, Marries company hired outside consultants to help complete an operating system conversion project because it needed people with specialized skills for a short period of time. This is a common occurrence in many information technology projects. It can be more effective to hire skilled consultants to perform specific tasks for a short period of time than to hire or keep employees on staff full time. However, it is also important to define clearly the scope of the project, the products, services, or results required, market conditions, and constraints and assumptions. In Marries case, the scope of the reject and services required were relatively clear, but her company may not have adequately discussed or documented the market conditions or constraints and assumptions involved in using the outside consultants. Were there many companies that provided consultants to do operating conversion projects similar to theirs? Did the project team investigate the background of the company that provided the consultants? Did they list important constraints and assumptions for using the consultants, such as limiting the time that the consultants had to complete the conversion project or the minimum years of experience for any consultant assigned o the project? It is very important to answer these types of questions before going into an outsourcing agreement. Dividing both sides by $400, you get: which means that the purchase cost equals the lease cost in 30 days. So, if you need the equipment for less than 30 days, it would be more economical to lease it. If you need the equipment for more than 30 days, you should purchase it. In general, leasing is often cheaper for meeting short-term needs, but more expensive for long- term needs. Expert Judgment Tools and Techniques for Planning Procurements There are several tools and techniques to help project managers and their teams in landing procurements, including make-or-buy analysis, expert Judgment, and contract types. Make-or-Buy Analysis Make-or-buy analysis is a general management technique used to determine whether an organization should make or perform a particular product or service inside the organization or buy from someone else. This form of analysis involves estimating the internal costs of providing a product or service and comparing that estimate to the cost of outsourcing. Consider a company that has 1,000 international salespeople with laptops. Using make-or-buy analysis, the company would compare en cost AT provoking tense services using Internal resources to ten cost AT Dulling those services from an outside source. If supplier quotes were less than its internal estimates, the company should definitely consider outsourcing the training and user support services. Another common make-or-buy decision, though more complex, is whether a company should develop an application itself or purchase software from an outside source and customize it to the companys needs. Many organizations also use make-or-buy analysis to decide if they should either purchase or lease items for a particular project. For example, suppose you need a piece of equipment for a project that has a purchase price of $12,000. Assume it also had a daily operational cost of $400. Suppose you could lease the same piece of equipment for $800 per day, including the operational costs. You can set up an equation in which the purchase cost equals the lease cost to determine when it makes sense financially to lease or buy the equipment. In this example, d = the number of days you need the piece of equipment. The equation would then be: Experts inside an organization and outside an organization could provide excellent advice in planning purchases and acquisitions. Project teams often need to consult experts within their organization as part of good business practice. Internal experts might suggest that the company in the above example could not provide quality training and user support for the 1,000 laptop users since the service involves so many people with different skill levels in so many different locations. Experts in the company might also know that most of their competitors outsource this type of work and know who the qualified outside suppliers are. It is also important to consult legal experts since contracts for outsourced work are legal agreements. Experts outside the company, including potential suppliers themselves, can also provide expert judgment. For example, suppliers might suggest an option for salespeople to purchase the laptops themselves at a reduced cost. This option would solve problems during employee turnover-exiting employees would own their laptops and new employees would purchase a laptop through the program. An internal expert might then suggest that employees receive a technology bonus to help offset what they might view as an added expense. Expert Judgment, both internal and external, is an asset in making many procurement decisions. Types of Contracts $80th = $12,000 + $40th Subtracting $40th from both sides, you get: $40th = $12,000 Contract type is an important consideration. Different types of contracts can be used in different situations. Three broad categories of contracts are fixed price or lump sum, cost reimbursable, and time and material. A single contract can actually include all three of these categories, if it makes sense for that particular procurement. For example, you could have a contract with a seller that includes purchasing specific hardware for a fixed price or lump sum, some services that are provided on a cost lampshades Dados, Ana-eaten services Tanat are approver on a tale Ana material basis. Project managers and their teams must understand and decide which approaches to use to meet their particular project needs. It is also important to understand when and how you can take advantage of unit pricing in contracts. Fixed- price or lump-sum contracts involve a fixed total price for a well-defined product or service. The buyer incurs little risk in this situation since the price is predetermined. The sellers often pad their estimate somewhat to reduce their risk, realizing their rice must still be competitive. For example, a company could award a fixed-price contract to purchase 100 laser printers with a certain print resolution and print speed to be delivered to one location within two months.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Different from, Different to, Different than
Different from, Different to, Different than Different from, Different to, Different than Different from, Different to, Different than By Maeve Maddox We all have our pet grammar peeves, usages that, when we hear them, affect us like the sound of a fingernail against a chalkboard. Ill bet Im not the only one who shudders to hear sentences like these: A boxer is different than a Doberman. This car is different to that one. Yet, are these usages really incorrect? According to the entry for different from, different to, different than at, These three have been usage items for many years. All are Standard and have long been so (different to is limited to British English, however), but only different from seems never to meet objections. Elements of Style weighs in against different than: Here logic supports established usage: one thing differs from another, hence, different from. Or, other than, unlike. From H.W. Fowler comes this pronouncement: That different can only be followed by from and not by to is a superstition. He points out that writers of all ages have used different to. He does not mention the use of different than. It would seem, then, that any of the three is acceptable. Nevertheless, the concluding advice at agrees with my own: for Formal and Oratorical levels: stick with different from. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 10150 Synonyms for â€Å"Idea†25 Idioms About Bread and Dessert
Saturday, October 19, 2019
CORPORATE FINANCE - REAL OPTIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
CORPORATE FINANCE - REAL OPTIONS - Essay Example The ral-options technique has been used in industries like extractors of natural resources, enrgy firms, and pharmaceuticals corporations, which have a gratr scale of uncrtainty in business investments i.e., as far as the oil-drilling industry is concrned, uncrtainties comprise issues such as what the cost of the lased/purchased land will be. How large the oil resrves would be What is the appropriate price for the lase on the resrve Questions similar to these have led to the use of the ral-options methodology as a systematic analytical tool to estimate these investments in business technology. Ral options tendr an additional valuable comparison with financial investing: "that holding a varied portfolio of stocks is lessr risky than owning only one stock". Applying this view of offsetting risk to asset/project evaluation allows for the incorporation of capital budgeting issues with physical assets on the one hand, and the integration of decision-tree analysis on the othr. Ral assets can be evaluated using available techniques developed for financial options, such as the Black and Scholes model. GENENTECH: Drug development at Genentech and othr similar companies is inhrently a "stage gate" process in which ach successive phase depends on the success of the previous phase. ach stage is similar to purchasing a call option and the entire process can be viewed as a sries of call options. At Genentech, ral options have been used in this mannr in the analysis of all drug development projects since 1995. One of the most important fatures of the ral options approach is its recognition that investment values vary ovr time and that management has the ability to trminate investments whose future value has fallen below zro. Traditional discounted cash flow methods genrally do not account for this contingent decision-making or active management and, as a result, will undrvalue flexible investments. The drug development process can be improved simply by incorporating this undrstanding into project valuation. Applied in this mannr, a ral option provides a consistent language and method to evaluate and compare all projects more effectively across the company. More recently, Genentech has begun to expand its use of ral options through development of a new entrprise-wide investment planning system. In this system, Monte Carlo simulation is used to develop the appropriate distributions for relevant costs and revenues, and the risk-neutral approach is being adopted to take advantage of financial data that alrady exist within the company. This more sophisticated approach will extend the gains that Genentech has alrady made in this ara. TEXACO: Texaco is one of a handful of major global enrgy companies. A grat part of the success of Texaco and similar firms is their ability to identify the right major capital investments, both intrnal and extrnal, and manage them appropriately. In the mid-1990s, Texaco began to recognize the critical importance of top-notch investment valuation and management. Texaco had strong analytical skills, using a variety of techniques such as DCF, Monte Carlo simu
Friday, October 18, 2019
Misuse of juveniles in detention centers Research Paper
Misuse of juveniles in detention centers - Research Paper Example These problems cause degradation of the child’s mental and physical health which is explained along each of the issue. At the end, some suggestions are given along with useful tips on how to bring reform and betterment to the system. The conclusion stresses the need to realize the plight of such children and do something about their situation. Keywords: juvenile, detention, sexual abuse INTRODUCTION Juvenile refers to a person who is not yet an adult. The law defines a juvenile to be a person who cannot be held responsible for a crime and cannot be subjected to the sentences reserved for adults. They have separate courts for trials called the Juvenile courts. All the countries have different age definitions for adulthood, but on average we can set the general threshold at 18 years of age. Detentions can be handed to juveniles in juvenile courts over a variety of offenses but these detention terms are different and more lenient as compared to the normal detentions handed out to adults for the same offenses (Krisberg, 2004). There are some laws that are exclusively for juveniles, for instance laws that relate to purchase of alcohol or pornography. The sentences vary in nature from community work to therapy and group discussion behaviors. Tough sentences are only carried out in cases where the crimes are of a significant nature. Though in some developing countries juveniles are send to same prisons as adults. Even in the developed countries, some people are of the view that teenagers should be send to same prisons as normal adults as their crimes have the same repercussions in society. HISTORY The world’s first Juvenile court opened in 1899 in Chicago (Glenn, 2010). Before the nineteenth century juvenile criminals were convicted under the same laws and were termed as young adults. After the advent of the first Juvenile court, the international community eventually realized the need for such courts and separate detention centers. The need arose becaus e when these gullible children were put into prisons where their inmates were mostly seasoned criminals, they came out of the prisons as ones themselves because of the negative influence of those criminals. Some developing nations still don’t possess such separate facilities though. Juvenile courts also take care of the welfare of the children who are abandoned, poor or neglected. Sometimes, crimes such as murders and shootings linked to juveniles are tried in adult criminal courts partly because of the nature and frequency of such crimes and partly because of the public outrage over such crimes (Anderson, 1998 May-June). MSTREATMENT OF JUVENILES Children are an extremely vulnerable class both mentally and physically and therefore, are at the risk of being exploited both outside and inside of detention centers. The main purpose of juvenile detention centers is the rehabilitation of the children. It means that they should be provided with an environment where there problems ca n be handled in a way that makes them give up the habit or act that forced them to end up in the detention center. For example, if the child was convicted for drug abuse, health care should be given to him along with therapy sessions group discussion sessions. But there have been increasing instances where the children have been handled in ways that comes under the
Lesbian and Gay Parenting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Lesbian and Gay Parenting - Essay Example But the lesbian and gay parents and their children face discrimination and marginalization in the society. So, the mainstream society needs to change because one’s sexual identity is personal can do nothing to the children. Personal experience: The personal experience/interaction section in this work is based upon my personal interaction with lesbian and gay parents and their children, and is divided into two sections: response to reading reflections and intervention with lesbian and gay parents and attempt to unearth the problems faced by them. A. Response to reading reflections From a different angle of view, parenting is not a difficult task for lesbian and gay people, but the process to have children of their own is extremely difficult for them. For instance, lesbian and gay parents cannot have their own children through biological process. So, they are forced to depend upon other methods like adopting a child from an orphanage, depending upon donors who are ready to co-op erate with insemination, and accepting the help of surrogate mothers. On the other side, the lesbian and gay parents are similar to other parents because they show keen interest in the growth and development of their children. ... One can see that the general opinion that the children who are from lesbian and gay families face a number of disadvantages is not true because researches based on the same reject this generalization. Ricketts (1991) makes clear that, â€Å"Studies on gay and lesbian parenting support the position that children are not disadvantaged and, in some cases, receive unique benefit from being reared by gay, lesbian individuals†(p.47). Besides, the lesbian and gay people do not consider their families as different from traditional families and they are ready to raise children. Mizrahi (2008) states that, â€Å"Recent government surveys demonstrate that many lesbians and gay men are already raising children, and more lesbians and gay people would like to have children at some point†(p.245). So, one can easily identify the fact that a child’s parents’ sexual identity or the interest in lesbianism/homosexuality does not harm his or her growth and development. B. In tervention with lesbian and gay parents and attempt to unearth the problems faced by them So as to unearth the problems faced by lesbian and gay parents, I interacted with a number of lesbian and gay parents and their children. Most of the lesbian and gay parents pointed out that they do not feel any difference from other parents. They further added that their sexual identity will not harm their children’s lives because it is personal. But Harding (2011) states that, â€Å"But in certain respects, lesbian and gay parenting remains on the periphery of legal protections for lesbians and gay men, and understandings of the relations of family life for lesbian and gay parents are much less entrenched than considerations of same-sex relationships†(p.5). On the other side, most of the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Message of Art Matters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Message of Art Matters - Essay Example The beauty of art is found everywhere. It is up to an individual how he perceives and appreciates it. While it is true that aesthetic beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder, visual representation brings the collaboration of art formed in many approaches: music,painting, stories, imagination and even science. The subject of an artwork is primarily and obviously taken notice. The artist has the liberty to choose the subject matter for his artwork. However, it is the content that will always reflect the artist (Nielsen). There are thousands of artists that paint the same subject. It is the artist’s own style that makes their works diverse and non-ephemeral. Every man is an artist. Every individual has a way to voice out what is going on inside of him and loose it out in ways that would make an impact to whoever perceives. Art as an expression reflects what is happening in a certain society and culture. If art is a work output, then it must come from inside of the artist. The freedom of every individual lets him explore the vastness of his creativity exploding into varied concepts of supreme work of art and achievements.
Recycling, Reducing and Reusing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Recycling, Reducing and Reusing - Essay Example Moreover, the examination of the recycling procedure with appropriate examples will also be discussed in the essay. The selected recycle journal template is comprised of diverse sorts of products that can be effortlessly recycled as well as reused. These products encompass newspapers, aluminum cans, milk jugs, glass bottles, magazines, water bottles and detergent containers among others. Moreover, the units of the aforesaid products can also be identified to be portrayed in the selected recycling journal template (Argosy University Online Programs, 2011). It can be affirmed in this similar concern that recycling is the method based on which a community can diminish wastes. Waste minimization is necessary to curtail the quantity of the waste materials to be recycled. It is worth mentioning that by recycling, reducing along with reusing the wastes, the selected community i.e. Fayetteville City will be able to decompose the waste products and also in generating greater awareness about the importance of recycle in the community. Specially mentioning, the quantity of waste products that are to be recycled is mainly determined by two important factors. These include the population of a particular community and the consumption patterns of the items. In coming years, it is projected that the population of Fayetteville City may increase. Thus, with the increase in the population, it is anticipated that there will be a subsequent increase in the volume of the waste products to be recycled. Based on the provided recycling journal template, the total unit including all the waste products that have to be recycled is 51 (Argosy University Online Programs, 2011). Therefore, it reflects that the total garbage, which could be recycled by the community i.e. Fayetteville City is 10424808 units. The calculation has been presented hereunder. It is vivid that a huge figure of total waste products can be recycled and reused. The thrash, which could be
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Message of Art Matters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Message of Art Matters - Essay Example The beauty of art is found everywhere. It is up to an individual how he perceives and appreciates it. While it is true that aesthetic beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder, visual representation brings the collaboration of art formed in many approaches: music,painting, stories, imagination and even science. The subject of an artwork is primarily and obviously taken notice. The artist has the liberty to choose the subject matter for his artwork. However, it is the content that will always reflect the artist (Nielsen). There are thousands of artists that paint the same subject. It is the artist’s own style that makes their works diverse and non-ephemeral. Every man is an artist. Every individual has a way to voice out what is going on inside of him and loose it out in ways that would make an impact to whoever perceives. Art as an expression reflects what is happening in a certain society and culture. If art is a work output, then it must come from inside of the artist. The freedom of every individual lets him explore the vastness of his creativity exploding into varied concepts of supreme work of art and achievements.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Is there global convergence in corporate governance and why Essay
Is there global convergence in corporate governance and why - Essay Example This research paper is focused on convergence corporate governance practices among business firms and tries to determine the primary reason behind it. Paul (2005) mentioned in his study that firms belonging to different cultural background follow different organizational practices. The cross cultural difference in organizational behaviour has been studies by Hofstede, Wedel and Steenkamp (2002), where he stated that people belonging to different cultural background possesses different psychological profile, which is the key determinant behind variance in governance structures in the organizations. However, Chan and Cheung (2012) contrasted that despite of the presence of cultural differences among the firms, there exists a uniformity among the corporate laws, which compels all the business firms to work under the same roof. Porta et al (1999) further added that the firms that operate in a multinational level deals with the financial standards and regulations of different countries. Therefore, it becomes a big hassle for them if different countries follow different standards. This as a result forced the multinational firms to agree upon a commonly used regulations and standards that eased the business activities of the firms. Coffee-Jr (1999) mentioned that the importance of protecting shareholder’s interests is also a vital determinant of the growing convergence of the corporate governance structures. This is mostly because the outside investors often face the risk of uncertainty in some countries where the expropriation of the minority shareholders by the controlling shareholders is extensive. Paul (2005) opined that the advent of globalization has created an open global business market where all the firms from different avenues perform their respective business activities. Therefore it is imperative that the firms
Monday, October 14, 2019
Legal Rights Essay Example for Free
Legal Rights Essay Criminals have legal rights during trial procedures. Without these rights there would be so much confusion and controversy in the court system today. There are four of them that I will give a brief summarization of and explain to you the consequences that could possibly happen if these legal rights were no longer upheld in the court system today. They are; the right to confront witnesses, the right to an impartial jury, the right to counsel at trial, and last but not least the right to be competent trial. The right to confront witnesses is legal right. The sixth amendment gives the defendant the right to be confronted by the witnesses against them (Larry J. Siegel, 2012, 2010). This basically gives the right for the defendant to have the witness me to court and give them the ability to look the witness right in the eye. This also gives the defendant’s lawyer the right to question the witness. If this right wasn’t upheld then there would probably be a lot of false statements or accusations in the trial. It would also be hard to confirm whether or not the witness it telling the truth, because anyone can pick up a piece of paper and write down what they want to, but when it comes to looking that person right in the eye it makes a whole lot of difference, because it gives the defense a chance to look at the body language of the witness and also, when it comes to the matching up of the statements, the witness could write down something, but then when it comes to testifying if they are lying then what they wrote down and what they are actually saying could be totally different and if this right was no longer upheld there could be innocent people going to jail or a lot of criminals getting away with the crime that they have committed. Also if the legal right wasn’t upheld how could the jury or the judge go off of a written statement that could have be written by anyone, if this right wasn’t upheld, then there would be so many written statements on both sides, because they wouldn’t have to testify during trial, it would be a whole lot easier for people to get off, because it would basically be he say, she say information, but the fact of having to actually go to court and testify under oath, puts you in a whole entire ball field so it helps in a lot of ways, because not only does it help the d defense but it helps the prosecutors also. The right to an impartial jury basically means that, the jurors who they select for the trial know absolutely no one who is on the trial, none of the attorneys, the judge, the defendant or the plaintiff. They also can’t know anything about the trial. No one on the jury can be biased. If this legal right wasn’t upheld then the ruling of the case, wouldn’t be fair and there would be a lot of people taking different sides just because of the person that they know. It wouldn’t be fair to the defendant or the plaintiff, because if the jury knew something about the case or knew of the person who committed the crime or of the person who the crime was committed upon then the jury would have mixed feelings and would probably never reach a decision which could cause a hung jury, which would probably let a criminal walk free. Also if anyone in the jury knew the judge, the prosecutor or the defense lawyer and they worked one of their cases or convicted them of a crime previously then they would probably just choose a side out of spite. Having an impartial jury is not only good for the defendant, but also for the prosecutor and plaintiff also, because if there was someone on the jury that had something against the plaintiff or prosecutor then they would probably just choose in favor of the defense just because of the grudge that they had against that party. The right to counsel means that the defendant has the right to have the assistance to counsel in the defendants defense and if they can’t afford one then one would be appointed to them by the court. If this right wasn’t upheld then there would be a lot of cases that would probably be ruled in favor of the plaintiff just because of the lack of knowledge of the defendant. Also there would probably be a lot of criminals behind bars, because then they wouldn’t have a lawyer to speak on there be half and try to work out a lighter sentence on their behalf. There probably would not be as many probation officers, because with the defendant’s being locked up then the options of them having probation or community service would be cut out of the picture. With a lawyer they help out the defendant’s a lot in trials, because the lawyer can work with the prosecutor and come up with many other options other than jail time. They can also help the defendant and show them ways and other things to do before trial to help them get a lesser or lighter sentence. Without the criminals having the right to counsel then there would be a lot of wrongful accusations on the defendant’s side also it would be easier for the jury to side with the prosecutor because with the lack of knowledge the defendant probably wouldn’t be able to get the information that they need for trial together. The right to be competent at trial means that in order to stand trial a criminal defendant must be in there right state of mind and understand the nature and extent of the legal proceedings. Also if the defendant is considered mentally unstable then the trial must be postponed until treatment renders him capable of participating in his own defense (Larry J. Siegel, 2012, 2010). If this right was no longer upheld then every trial would be unfair and a lot of mentally unstable people would be in jail instead of getting proper treatment in the right facility. Also if it wasn’t upheld then the defendant wouldn’t be able to render the treatment that he/she needs to be able to stand trial. Also the criminal would probably try to act as his own counsel which, because they aren’t in there right state of mind and say or do things that he/she wouldn’t understand, because they aren’t in there right state of mind and would they would get a harsher sentence for the crime. There are so many things that could go wrong if these legal rights weren’t in place. There are many cases that has happened and that’s why we have these legal rights to day. In my opinion I feel that these rights are in effect for good reasons, because regardless of the person everyone should have rights. Without these legal rights there would be so much corruption and wrong doing in the courts today.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Culture of Conflict in the Philippines
Culture of Conflict in the Philippines The markers of globalisation such as the imperatives of economic liberalisation, fiscal reform, and migratory flows, which is one of tidal waves of global information, have restructured social relations existing all over the world. Even though the globalisation has been called as an integrating force, cultural conflicts have presently become the most rampant and widespread form of international violence as globalisation has accelerated (Crawford, n.d.). Undoubtedly, it is said that members of any kind of culture can hold varying degrees of commitments towards the predominant values of such culture, however being in opposition to such cultural values can set the stage for cultural conflicts. A situation similar to above can clearly be seen by examining the continuing cultural conflict that the government of Philippines have with armed communist as well as Islamic insurgent groups, which has been developed through the international interventions (Peleo, 2007). Philippines has a long history of cultural conflict, with armed groups that mainly consist of Muslim separatists, clan militias, and communists, and criminal all of which are active in the country (BBC 2012). The Muslim separatists comprises the MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front), the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) and the Abu Sayyaf. The Abu Sayyaf and The MILF are breakaway groups of the MNLF (BBC 2012). On the other hand, the communist insurgency is propagated by the CPP (Communist Party of the Philippines) military wing, the NPA (New Peoples Army). Since the beginning of the communist insurgency in 1960s, the government of Philippines has persistently fought with the benefit of its superior equipments, training, as well as communications. However, the government failed to resolve the conflicts mainly owing to its failure of addressing the root causes of the communist insurgency such as the social injustice, imperfect democratic process, inequitable distribution of wealth, and inconsistent delivery of services etc (Peleo, 2007). The Muslim insurgency can similarly be regarded in an ambiguous way. In contrast to the communist insurgency, this movement had not determined to replace the national government through a revolution. Accordingly, the insurgency of the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) took a secessionist form with the intention of establishing a Muslim state in the areas of southern Philippine island of Mindanao. The ongoing struggle between the Philippine government and the communist as well as Muslim guerrillas has the emergence of limited internal conflicts (Brown, 1996) that may be solved yet through negotiations and stricter law enforcements. However, the formal peace talks amongst and the insurgent representatives and the government began in the 1970s and keep on until today have yet to present a final ending to the armed cultural conflict. This conflict spreads through all aspects of Philippine governance Political and security (Peleo, 2007) and both the insurgents and the government have denounced each other since the cause of the slow development of the country. Furthermore, since the 1970s, the insurgents and the government have sought to boost international involvements in a domestic’ political conflict. Nevertheless, it can be note that the international support, recognition, as well as financial and material aid gained by the government as well as by the Muslim and communi st insurgencies have not significantly diminished the hostility amongst the insurgents and Philippines government. Rather, the promise of such international aids for domestics’ cultural conflicts appears to both parties as a means of gaining military advantage sand coercive political leverage. The evidences as to the international influences on cultural conflicts in many countries existing in the world demonstrate that such international influences have not completely been effective in successfully avoiding or mitigating such cultural conflicts. In particular, Philippine insurgents have mainly been persuaded by the supposition that the foreign governments continue to and directly influence the Philippines governance (Peleo, 2007). In other words, the decisions of beginning, intensifying, reducing, or ceasing armed resistance have been encouraged by insurgents’ perceptions towards international supports for efforts of the national government for the anti-insurgent. Throughout history, the Philippines governments have all the time deferred to foreign states’ decisions on a wide range of social, political, and economic issues. Especially, much of political culture of Philippines is able to be attributed to a variety of foreign influences. For instance, the Phili ppines country was a colony of Spain during the 16th century to the late 19th century and was redeveloped subsequently as a commonwealth by the US until 1935. It was also occupied by Japan during the period of 2nd World War, and after its liberation, the country was aligned with the US till the end of the Cold War. Filipino insurgent groups were active throughout these periods, and opposed not only foreign occupations but also the Filipinos who were said to be perceived as having gained the government office through foreign endorsements. The European Union and the United State have alleged that the local insurgent groups in Philippines have expanded their capabilities and are regarded as the foreign terrorist organizations. These allegations, which were made from the perspective of the global war on terror, indicate that Philippine insurgents constitute a security threat not only for the government of Philippine but also for the US, the EU, and other foreign governments around the world. Accordingly, this renewed international interest in the insurgent conflict in the Philippine and provides evidences to the insurgents’ durability and the continuing appeal as to the idea of resistance towards a collaborationist government (Peleo, 2007). According to Reuters (2014) Muslim rebels in Philippines, on 27th May 2014 has signed a final peace negotiation, to end the conflict together with the international supports from countries including the United State. However, as far as above facts pertaining to the continuity of cultural conflicts in Philippines are concerned, this peace deal does not seems to work in long run since potential threats as to lasting peace will remain, ranging from a small breakaway of MILF faction to criminal groups, Islamist militants connected to al Qaeda as well as feuding clans (Reuters 2014). Moreover, the sustainability of peace talks between the Philippines government and insurgents may vary with the current government reactions and political stability of the country. In view of the above, it can be identified that a proper mechanism that goes beyond the peace talks is required for Philippines to cope with its cultural conflicts with various insurgents. Otherwise, it will be difficult to reduce the implications of such cultural conflicts that were exercising by people such as cultural and religion division, barriers in building care and trust for people, the continuity of culture of violence, and exposure to an environment of armed conflict together with a violent family feuds, poor access to health, education and social services (Sumndad-Usman, 2014), all of which eventually lead people to suffer and turn into rebels or bandits. Hence, it is prudent for the Philippines government to specifically admit to the systemic weaknesses within its governing regime which can motivate insurgents to resist. The government may need to sacrifice its privileged position as the victim of the insurgents’ security threats so that it can concede the legitimacy of grievance of insurgents. Although, this course of action may carries political risk to a certain extent, in particular for the government of a small state depending on a big-power state for the security, such confidence-building measure can ultimately convince both the insurgents as well as the government and that their interests are served by eliminating armed conflicts from political interactions, and by ruling out foreign influences on national governance and security issues. References Peleo, A. (2007), Living with a Culture of Conflict: Insurgency and the Philippines, Retrieved from:, (Accessed on 30th September 2014) Crawford, B. (n.d.), Globalization and Cultural Conflict: An Institutional Approach, Retrieved from:, (Accessed on 1st October 2014) BBC (8 October 2012), Guide to the Philippines conflict, Retrieved from:, (Accessed on 2nd October 2014) Sumndad-Usman, B. R.(25 July 2014), Building a Culture of Peace in the Philippines and Beyond,, (Accessed on 2nd October 2014) Reuters (27 March 2014), Philippines, Muslim rebels sign final peace deal to end conflict, Retrieved from:, (Accessed on 2nd October 2014)
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Eating Disorders Essay -- essays research papers fc
Eating Disorders      One of the most prevalent disorders amongst the youth of this era is eating disorders. While some overlook it and don’t think it is a problem eating disorders should be given serious consideration. This is because the psychological ramification of eating disorders tends to have lasting effects over the course of the adolescents’ life.      An eating disorder is any of various psychological disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia, which involves insufficient or excessive food intake. They are a silent epidemic and a exceedingly negative response to a misinterpretation of one’s role in the world. Adolescents with eating disorders are usually convinced they’re ugly, worthless, and untalented. While some overlook it and don’t think it is a problem it should be given serious consideration because the psychological ramifications of such a disorder has lasting effects over the course of the adolescents life. While eating disorders are a serious problem there are two distinct forms of eating disorders. One is anorexia and the other is bulimia.      Anorexia nervosa is characterized by self-starvation to avoid obesity. This is also known as the "starvation sickness" or the "dieter’s disease". Statistics show that 95% of all anorexics are women found primarily in upper-middle class homes ranging from ages 12 to 18. (Maloney, 81). A person dealing with this sort of disorder is usually, striving for perfection has low self-esteem, and sometimes feels they don’t deserve to eat.      Anorexia usually starts when they or someone else feels that the anorexic needs to lose some weight. They feel good when they start losing the weight because they feel they have reached and made progress on their goal. Unfortunately, this causes physical damage and sometimes-even death. Statistics have estimated about 10% will eventually die. (Patterson, 31). Although as an adolescent most go on a diet and give it up in about a week or two, anorexics don’t. If one is suffering from this they have signs and symptoms such as: noticeable weight loss, excessive exercising, odd eating habits, feeling cold, dressing in baggy clothes, irregular menstruation, a frequent feeling of insecurity, loneliness, inadequacy, and helplessness.      There is no one single reason for anorexia, or how it goes unnoticed, but there are some explanations. One is that the perso... ...e without proper treatment and acknowledgement. People need to be educated about the disease and that the so-called 'glamour' looks aren’t so pretty after all in fact looks unhealthy. What happened to the healthy curvatious Marilyn Monroe look? Now there is the unsightly look of bones sticking out of skin. Young teens want to be like the famous ones. People that are looked at as role models are pressured but if they were to all rebel against this and think about what they stand for perhaps things would change to the way they used to be, or even better. This is a serious matter that people need to be educated about. The disease will prevail and many young women will suffer a great deal of their lives if it is left ignored. Works Cited Abraham, Suzanne, and Derek Llewellyn-Jones Eating      Disorders: the facts. Oxford New      York: Oxford      University Press, 1997. Claude-Pierre, Peggy The Secret Language of Eating      Disorders. New York: Times      Books 1997. Maloney, Michael, and Rachel Kranz Straight talk about      eating disorders. New York:      Facts on File, 1991. Patterson, Charles Eating Disorders. Austin tex: Raintree      Steck-Vaughn, 1995.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Prostitution: Brothel and Strong Religion Essay
Social effects that usually happens to individuals is that individuals will continue to be involved with symptoms of brothels. Future individuals will be destroyed by evil issues. Among them are regarded by society despised around. Usually prostitutes will be isolated when not whore himself due to age, health and others. In the family, the prostitutes will be sorted from the lives of family members with normal. This is because family members can not receive part of the family of prostitutes and it can be embarrassing if erudition by family contacts and the general public. This contempt because prostitutes regarded by the community east of specific communities that have a strong religion. This has been proven when a child in a family in Kuala Lumpur recently been removed because at the time the young mother, her mother has been in the brothels. This is shown family members wanted the family name clean from prostitution. In society, the prostitutes are considered as a polluting pariah image of a place. For example, around Jalan Haji Taib is known for prostitution since the first again. In addition, the number of cases to remove children is increasing. Some people do not give the family past by the road and they approach the area although other aims. Name the country will also be contaminated and will be the focus of the public. National social problems will continue to increase with many activities because prostitution happens this will lead to symptoms such as rape, murder and so forth. This can worsen the situation. In the economic system, the effects of prostitution can bring good and bad. for example, in Malaysia adverse effects arising from prostitution area is known for prostitution will not be visited by the family customers. This is because parents do not want their children near the area of prostitution. In addition, the area will be filled with prostitute- prostitute and the customer waiting area into the cause of black people who have a strong religion. Malaysia in the area if possible will always be a concern for the authorities and led to fewer young customers do business there. government also had to spend some money to treat the diseases caused by HIV prostitution directly or indirectly. This case, causing the government provision of education, welfare and others reduced. If countries in Asia other, prostitution is a major source of income. For example, Thailand has made the activity of prostitution as a pull tourists from within and outside the country. This will lead to the establishment of Thailand is famous for its house of prostitution are controlled by the government. People overseas who wish to obtain services to prostitutes to visit Thailand. It also introduces various side effects with other tourism products. Beside that also, prostitution affects the lifestyle of poor communities. For example, prostitution can cause disease outbreaks or epidemics of HIV among comumitty. Spread of the disease can spread if individuals who do not follow how to avoid sexual diseases such HIV. A person who has been infected with HIV have to produce more spending to treat this disease. Fitness level of people who are infected this will result in decreased productivity and produced no worthwhile and less quality. For example, individuals who are infected with HIV do not work with the spirit and focus on something jobs will be lost.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Web Server
Web Server: A webserver is a Hardware device used to host an eCommerce website. The server supports the entire content of the website such as HTML files, Data bases and Image Files. Web Servers will run on operating systems such as Windows or Linux and will use web server software to manage access requests to the website. Webservers are similar to PC’s however they have faster processors and more memory making it much more powerful.Firewall: A firewall is a software or hardware-based network security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic by analysing the data packets and determining whether they should be allowed through or not, based on a rule set. A firewall establishes a barrier between a trusted, secure internal network and another network (e. g. , the Internet) that is not assumed to be secure and trusted. Software Browsers: When you design an eCommerce solution it is important to consider how the site is seen on the web.When customers access an o nline shop they will need to use a web browser to load the website. A browser is a software application on a machine that allows someone to access the internet. When a website is loaded in a browser the html code, css, image and information that is stored in a database connected to the website are rendered together to make the site appear in the browser window. When developing an eCommerce site it is important to test that the site appears correctly in all of the main browsers that people use to access the internet such as, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari.Operating Systems: An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. The operating system is an essential component of the system software in a computer system. Application programs usually require an operating system to function. Web Authoring Tools: web authoring tools are used to develop the front end of a n eCommerce website. A range of software packages can be used .HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) files can be created in a web authoring package such as Dreamweaver.The html files created by this software will include CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) files that are used to enhance the visual appearance of the site. Other web authoring tools are graphic design packages such as Adobe Photoshop that can be used to design a skin for the user interface design. This skin can then be exported into a html and css combination that is used as the basis for the developing site. Server Software: Web servers need to run software that manages access attempts to a website.When a user tries to access a website the web server software processes the access request and serves up the correct files that have been requested from the client’s machine. Examples include Windows IIS (internet information services) which runs on windows based web servers and Apache which runs on Linux based web servers. Ser ver Software runs in the background and works over a network to allow a browser stored on a client machine to access the files that make up an eCommerce site. Database System: A database system is an important part of an eCommerce website.The database is used to store information about the products for sale on the site. The database will hold information such as store pricing, descriptions, images and other details. In addition to this the customers details are also stored such as what they ordered, payment details, shipping details, phone numbers, emails and lots more. Staff who are responsible for the delivery of items will use the database that is connected to the eCommerce site to ensure all the correct products are sent to the correct customer.It is important to connect securely to the database to ensure that all orders are processed correctly and the business runs smoothly. Technologies such as a PHP (A programming script) and MySQL are used to communicate between the website and the database management system (DBMS). Network TCP/IP: TCP/IP is a protocol used to transfer data and information over a network such as the internet. TCP (Transfer Control Protocol) is a wired connection between different machines on the internet. A protocol is a rule of how connections are set up between two devices. Anyone using the internet to access an eCommerce website will use TCP/IP.IP stands for Internet Protocol and each device on a network has a fully unique IP address. When a shopper tries to access an eCommerce store they do not need to know the IP address of the web server that the store is hosted on but can type a URL such as www. shop. com into a browser window instead. TCP/IP is a complex technology and normally and eCommerce site developer does not have to have in depth knowledge of the protocols but should understand that they exist. Ports: Ports on different devices allow them to connect to other devices stored on the internet.Ports allow a device with one IP address to access another device with a different unique IP address. A device will normally have more than one port, for example when one user wants to send an email to another they will allow access through port 25 as this is normally reserved for email. When a shopper on a client machine wants to access an eCommerce website they will connect IP addresses from their machine to the web server that stores the eCommerce site over port 80. Other Protocols: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is the set of rules used to communicate information between two devices running on a TCP/IP based network.If the customer online was to request a receipt this would be sent to them using FTP. Domain Names: When starting an eCommerce site it is important to register a recognisable domain name that links to your company and brand. Successful eCommerce companies on the web have recognisable names such as Amazon, eBay, Nike and Argos that make them stand out from the crowd. These are short one word names tha t are easy to remember and suit the company brand. Programming Requirements: When designing an eCommerce site it is important that everything is programmed correctly.Examples of programming that you might need would be embedding JavaScript in your website to increase functionality. PHP might be used to connect the website to the back end database. Complex search queries to find information about your products would need to run on the back end database based on what the shopper is looking for on your site. Security: There are other programming requirements to consider such as embedding security in your site so that customers' credit and debit card information is secure when they purchase from your store.Download speeds: when running an online business it is important to constantly monitor download speeds of your customers using analytic tools such as Google Analytics. You also need to tailor your website so images are as compressed as possible without compromising the quality of the site. All coding and mark-up must run as efficiently as possible so that the site loads as quickly as possible. Internet connection: Internet access connects individual computer terminals, computers, mobile devices, and computer networks to the Internet, enabling users to access Internet services (for example, email and the World Wide Web).Internet service providers (ISP's) offer Internet access to the public through various technologies that offer a wide range of data signalling rates (speeds). Web Hosting Service: A web hosting service is a type of internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations such as eCommerce companies to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server owned or leased for use by clients as well as providing Internet connectivity.
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